I have one too. The drawing/writing is pretty great, though once it's transferred back to a PC, the resolution seems kind of poor. Not too bad, but I'd like it to be smoother.
The only other major issue is software stability especially when reading. I've had it hardlock while reading something, then have to wait for the battery to drain because it won't respond to any input, then once I have it back up it forgot where I left off so I lost progress. So for the time being it sits, though once a software update or 2 come out I'll try again.
> Even as a moderately experienced Emacs user I found the defaults overwhelming.
I agree. There is a lot of "magic" going on, and it doesn't help that Spacemacs is a lot slower and less stable than my less-intensive personal customization.
Of course, that's the problem with any significant starter kit. As a new user, now you don't just have to learn emacs, you have to learn emacs + whatever heavy modifications they've done to emacs.
In principle, I liked Spacemacs, but stability is a big problem. Often certain org functionality stops working, etc. I now have a reasonably stable snapshot and I just don't update ELPA/MELPA packages anymore, because the risk is simply too big that things break (yes, I know that you can rollback).
Another problem that I have been running into is that Mitsuharu Yamamoto's emacs-mac, which is IMO by far the nicest Mac version regularly seems to trigger a bug where WindowServer starts using 100% CPU. I haven't really nailed it down (I only notice it later when the fans start getting loud), except that it only occurs sometimes when I run emacs-mac.
> people aren't going to fiddle too much with the small device on their wrist when they can pull a phone out of their pocket
Definitely. The jump from dumbphone to smartphone was pretty huge. I can do a lot more on the go now than I could before. The jump from smartphone to smartphone + smartwatch is smaller, and possibly just lateral rather than forward. It doesn't enable many more things than just a smartphone, but it offers you a slightly more convenient way of doing some things, at the cost of another device to charge and keep track of.
AHK has been working great for me over the years. My addresses, snippets of emails, expansions are all stored in an ahk file. I use various email addresses for different sites; so a@a would become aj(at)ajonit(dot)com or a@l would become admin(at)learnqtp(dot)com. The possibilities are endless.
Few year's back I created a video for my blog readers and published an AHK template. You may download it here http://www.learnqtp.com/get-productive-with-automation-autoh...