The removal of the C+= (C Plus Equality) repo and FSF* from GitHub is still fresh in my mind. Oh sure, some have brought the repo back, but the removal of the repo essentially killed the nascent feminist programming language, which could have encouraged more womyn in STEM. Some have found the language as ideal for firmware programming in automated dishwashers, but they never went past the prototype stage before the death of the project.
does anyone actually believe in this 'sound attack'? why didn't any of the Cubans working in the US embassy in Cuba suffer from the supposed ill effects. Is there something different about American biology that makes them susceptible to these attacks?
The removal of the C+= (C Plus Equality) repo and FSF* from GitHub is still fresh in my mind. Oh sure, some have brought the repo back, but the removal of the repo essentially killed the nascent feminist programming language, which could have encouraged more womyn in STEM. Some have found the language as ideal for firmware programming in automated dishwashers, but they never went past the prototype stage before the death of the project.
*FSF - Feminist Software Foundation