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The word “literacy” also derives from familiarity with letters, but from latin instead of greek.

I live in the south of Brazil, it's pretty safe, but it depends on the city.

You can go pretty far with 1k USD here. Also pretty well served in terms of free healthcare, but I don't know how it works for foreigners.

You can get a tourism healthcare plan. I have one that I use while I'm outside of Europe, I pay less than 10 euros/year and can spend up to 90 days abroad of EU.

Related--with great timing, as it was just released--, Super Mario World Widescreen https://twitter.com/HackerVilela/status/1405972177225191427

Seriously talk about timing, from an hour ago!

EDIT: Moving rest of my comment to the new dedicated thread for Super Mario World Widescreen:


Hahah the coin x-ray thing was great

The ifixit folks are really good at getting people invested in understanding what’s going on inside our gadgets. A little bit of humour like this is especially fun.

In Brazil it has been exacerbated by the legacy of the military dictatorship, openly defended by the current president, and lately by the high number of deaths caused by COVID and the reactions (or lack thereof) to that.

That's revisionism, the political rift was already there at least from the second Dilma government.

Well I did say "exacerbated", not caused by it hahah

It is also my favourite. It's just narrow enough for using with multiple columns, but not too narrow that it affects legibility for me, and it's event customizable, for my nitpicky preferences.

It _is_ really weird, that didn't use to happen either. Started happening after some update of either Chrome or macOS, I'm not certain which.

In fact I think this is one of the most frustrating things of working with WebGL (or any of those slightly less common browser APIs, really), lots of small weird compatibility issues and instabilities.

Hi, I'm the author of the rain effect (not of the website itself though).

You can see the original effect here[1], along with an explanation here[2].

If you like it, you can see a few more effects and experiments on my portfolio here[3], although it's been a couple of years now since I've done anything of the sort (that I can post publicly, that is).

[1] https://tympanus.net/Development/RainEffect/

[2] https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/11/04/rain-water-effect-ex...

[3] http://lbebber.github.io/

Is the submission actually adding anything of substance to your work then? It seems basically the same but with a background image, and parameterisation sliders (that I can't get to work anyway).

The sliders are for sound, not visual parameters.

This site just combines the visual effect with some sound recordings. See the bottom of https://hipstersound.com/premium.html

Well it has sound it seems, which might actually be more important depending on what you're looking for.

It’s taking a really impressive tech toy and making it a product. You’d be surprised how much work the second 80% is.

This website itself seems more like a tech toy than a product though?

That story map is beautiful!

I have a somewhat unrelated question. Do you ever see the world moving to rendering content completely on a WebGL canvas, for better control and with the ability to circumvent ad blockers?

Hmmm I'm not sure if it could be properly used to circumvent ad blocking, after all the ads will still probably come from a separate request which one could block.

However I do see it being used for web apps that prioritise performance--in terms of providing a smooth experience, rather than load times. I think Figma already does that (through emscripten or wasm, I'm not sure); for it to be more widespread, only the tooling has to catch up (e.g. React Native).

I agree, that map is amazing. I particularly like the way you can see exactly where the photos were taken.

Also thanks, I'm particularly proud of that map hahah

I ported this effect to Android in a live wallpaper called Rainpaper[1].

[1] https://rainpaper.com

I had been looking for this for years when I had an Android phone!

I am totally blown away by this - I just had WebGL pegged as 'draw shapes on canvas, sometimes with colour'.

Thank you :-)

You should check https://www.shadertoy.com/, you will be amazed :)

Cool work, very nice!

It seems that not all your projects, that are download-able, are on Github. Why is that?

There's no good reason, to my shame. But now that you mention, I think I'll get around to it and do it this week. Might be a good opportunity to round down a few rough edges here and there as well.

That's really cool! Thanks for sharing it!

yo i love everything on codrops especially these. thank you for sharing with the world :)


I wish this was what I was doing!

It has already been posted by jeffschofield, but the original is here[1], along with a brief article breaking down the effect[2].

The one you posted is in many ways nicer though due to it all being a single shader, however it has the downside of the drops not interacting with each other.

[1] https://tympanus.net/Development/RainEffect/

[2] https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/11/04/rain-water-effect-ex...

I remember that I have seen that before, but I don't remember when. Seems to be from 2015 while "The Drive Home" is from 2017.

There was an attempt of making the drops merge more naturally, but it was affecting the refraction effect, which I deemed was more important.

It should be solvable though, I just couldn't get the values right at the time.

(Also thanks!)

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