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Depends on the genre, but the music sucks today because of the many distractions.

Back then as a kid, there was not much going on but listened to cassette tapes or the FM radio, and hung out with friends. Or just listen to music over and over, just staring at nothing, no internet and smartphone in hand.

Or you know, learn an instrument, get together with friends to form a band.

Also an iOS developer, upgraded last week from iPhone 12 to 15 Pro Max. I also preferred running my apps on the 12, to make sure app is very performative.

Just upgraded to iPhone 15 Pro Max, I’m glad this phone is durable based on your experience.

Obviously anecdotal but yeah, this is by far the most durable phone I’ve owned. My 11 was the first I went caseless with, and it got pretty beat up in the first year. My 13 Pro was better, but still worse for wear after a year. The 15 Pro is probably in similar shape compared to the 11 after 3-4 months, and I have not been careful at all with this phone whereas with the 11 I most certainly was.

Our app has ~20K MAU and download size is around 3.5 MB, it was 3.2 MB before though.

Great work! Pass on my thanks to your team. I feel the effort.

Anyone here tired of social media? I’m almost 40. Just curious of my age group.

More angry than tired. To clarify: angry at Social Media rather than on it.

FB was great in about 2010, but is now ridiculous and basically unusable. My wife is addicted to IG, and spends multiple hours each day scrolling the feed. My social life revolves around WA groups. I tried moving people to Signal but got few takers.

I'm enjoying Mastodon at the moment.

I'm scared that if I install TikTok I'll get addicted. I've seen it happen to friends.

I would like to return to email, circa 2000, that was fun.

I have been addicted to ig. Still can be if I let myself. Reddit can also get me hard. Whatsapp groups I actually love because there's nothing to scroll. Just people lmk about an event and I can interact with them like a human, and I can go to the event. I get to know about things and I don't have to interact with meaningless content alongside it. I love it. What exactly is wrong with Whatsapp groups other than that it's owned by Meta? I also have some Telegram groups.

I uninstalled Reddit. The noise:signal ratio was getting too small to make the effort worth it. This one I don't actually blame on the social media company, though Reddit are busy enshittifying it. Though I don't really understand why or how HN promotes good conversations and Reddit promotes trolling and ignorance. It can't just be Dang ;)

Yeah I uninstall it and then I reinstall it every now and then for a bit. HN is infinitely better though limited in scope

zulip seems like a nice sweet spot between email and instant messaging apps, and maybe forums. ive havnt actually used it yet but its on my self hosting todo list

We may be choosier than most about social media, but here we are typing our thoughts into a web page expecting nothing in return except the possibility of hearing other peoples' thoughts.

We all know people who are truly tired of social media, we're not going to hear from them here.

I don't know how to interpret statements like this. In my mind there has to be a clear separation between problems individual platforms have (ie an algorithmic feed where you may or may not see what your friends actually post despite explicitly following them) and... the rest of the discussion. "Social media" (a very broad term) as a medium people dislike, well, that's individual. It means no matter how a platform does some people will always be against it. I don't understand that. I think the more important discussions to have are how we can improve specific sites

Almost 40 as well, also tired of social media but I do miss social networks. This seems to hew more closely to the social network concept than being a media outlet which is lovely to see coming back.

Definitely am. I’m 35. Thankfully I found a great place to be in the blogging world. I write posts, I read posts from others, we connect via email. It’s great.

I'm 26 and I'm tired of social media. I was addicted to insta for a bit and I've teared myself away. Now when I go back, I can still feel the addictive quality but for the most part I look at people's posts and wonder how they aren't embarassed. Like why do I care to see this photo of you? Did you really just set your camera up in this complicated way to take a photo in your room? Isn't that sad? Do people actually get anything from these reels that are so vapid? The fact that one of my favourite songs is being used as background music to the most inane "comedy" makes me angry because it's ruining my experience of the art itself! All these things go through my head. I couldn't take myself seriously posting any more unless it was strictly for business.

No, I moved abroad and when sm was good it let me preserve my friend networks. Now it’s a wasteland. I miss it.

They would have to put the condition inside shared library .so and use Android JNI. Make it complicated and hide the string tablet model throughout the code, just enough time to frustrate whoever is decompiling the so file.

If they want to really do it wrong (or right, from their PoV), they require the communication with the base station to be signed with a certificate signed by their root CA, and put the private key of that certificate in the TPM.

I genuinely get the sense nobody there is capable of coming up with this on their own and are likely looking at this thread for ideas

Our Jetpack Compose app is almost done, while our iOS app written in SwiftUI was released earlier this year. I would love to try this but I'm afraid it is too late in the development cycle.

I would just like to ask, what Material version are you using?

It looks like 3.0 from the screenshots? But I'm not sure.

Material 3

Thanks for making Skip! I will try to contribute to your repo. I lead the mobile team so definitely will evaluate this.

I was one of the first testers of Staging Ground back in late 2022, if I remember they stopped it mid-2023. Now, I'm surprised they revived SG. Let's just say I'm not a fan of the idea or implementation.

SO has no clue what it’s doing for example it’s newly launched Staging Ground is a dud. Or if you read most of their meta posts it’s just sadly weird.


I hope they go all in with Compose because I really liked developing in Compose.

same, it is quite endearing coming from anything else

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