At the end, it will cost you a lot of money if you decide to build your own Performance Management System or any kind of SaaS application which is not the core of your business.
I assumed that the text is not important. I am showing only the pictures. I wanted to have something like Instagram for Facebook Pages. Do you think the text is important?
I will think about it. All the Facebook pages that I have seen post only pictures, not any text (definitely not important text). Can you let me know what type of pages(or which pages) post text?
Timothy here, one of the co-founders. A gift idea generator/recommender is definitely in the works. We would use the users upvotes and lists to feed into a collaborative filtering algorithm. Thanks for the pointer!
Thanks for the feedback! We're working on integrating with Twitter at the moment; and Facebook will probably follow shortly after (given that its newsfeed algorithm does take into account post timing).
Reddit and forums like HN is something that could be a really interesting use of Prime - I'll keep you posted on our progress with that :)
Abhi3 nothing fishy? You are criticising your own idea. Your project (WiseGuy) solves the same problem. You should rather think to cooperate then to criticise other solutions.
@freeatnet Elfinite utilise not only internal but also external communities (for example facebook users). We value links based on number of shares on facebook.