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I don't understand using a browser that is developed by a for-profit company which happens to be their only product. Because of current owners, I would never use Opera.

Firefox is pretty good guys. You should check it out. And also donate.

disclaimer: no association with Mozilla/Firefox in any way.

Chrome is the other outlier here. Apple and Microsoft have no real reason to spy on you when you use Safari or Edge and Firefox is operated by a not-for-profit entity. Google and Opera's entire business model depend on surveilling their users.

Vivaldi claims that it is entirely employee-owned.

* https://vivaldi.com/company/

While I use mainly Firefox. It also is the main product of a for profit company.

Can you elaborate? Firefox is product of Mozilla which is a non-profit organization. That's why they need donations.

Firefox is a product of Mozilla Corporation that has yearly revenue (mainly from built in search) of about 400/500 million usd

Opera is incredibly smooth, works on every device I own, it's fast.

The new ownership situation isn't optimal but the quality hasn't gone to shit yet imo.

I remember when opera used to have an IMAP client built in and you could open up an IRC chat tab, it had so much cool stuff!

Mozilla is terrible. Way too left, low quality everything. Mozilla is the single most toxic thing in software culture in the past fifteen years, imo.

Your remark is sorta like "I don't trust Frigidaire, they only have one product!"

Which of course places you in perfect position to shill for Mozilla.

> the quality hasn't gone to shit yet imo.

> I remember when opera used to have an IMAP client built in and you could open up an IRC chat tab, it had so much cool stuff!

Don't really understand those two comments. You're saying it hasn't gone to shit yet but then you're describing the features from Opera 12, before Opera switched to the new Chrome-based browser they ship now without any of those features.

I was a long time Opera user back when it had all those cool features, and dropped it when it dropped them. Many of its long term users did the same and many of their internal devs left too. I'd say Opera very much went to shit in 2013.

> Mozilla is the single most toxic thing in software culture in the past fifteen years, imo.

Curious about this view; I've been a bit lost since the Opera exodus, looking for a decent alternative. Mozilla's got some problems, but they're the best I've found sofar. What's toxic about them?

This should go higher in the thread. I personally didn't know this behavior.

George R.R. Martin's behavior just made a lot more sense to me now.

It has been a week since I've got my Pixel 2 XL and I can't agree with you more. Both mine and wife's phone flicker when screen is locked and it is getting really annoying. Considering the price of the phone, this is not acceptable.

For some reason Firefox Containers with Cookie AutoDelete messes up with Twitter and I cannot login to Twitter. After entering user/pass I expect 2FA screen but I'm redirected to `https://twitter.com/login/error?username_or_email=...` url where I have to enter my credentials again. I'm not sure if I'm the only one.

I don't use 2FA with Twitter, but I have no issues logging in with Containers and Cookie AutoDelete. Just a data point that something else may be amiss on your end. Disabling other extensions and trying it could possibly help narrow down on the cause.

How do you automate its updates?

Cron and git would be my idea.

Pro tip, always use paper towel to open door when leaving restroom.

One should draw a line in sand. Of course any millisecond might be your resolution. But we are humans, not machines. Motivation derives from importance. Anything you value is good enough.

Did not know !g trick it is pretty awesome. Whenever I hit some unrelated results, I used to open a new tab and query the same thing in Google. My life just got easier.

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