It is Apache version of TimescaleDB there (right?), which stays the same. While, those, who are using TimescaleDB under Timescale license, e.g., on premise, have now right to repair, for example.
This issue is related to slightly confusing _warnings_ that the software prints out, it doesn't effect the _correctness_ of the backups.
The warnings are produced by COPY TO, which is used by pg_dump, since COPY TO doesn't copy chunks. It is not an issue for pg_dump, since it also do COPY TO on each chunk table.
Timescale engineer here - was part of discussion about this warning. We need to do another round and see how to remove this confusion.
A TimescaleDB engineer here. Current implementation of database distribution in TimescaleDB is centralised where all traffics go through an access node, which distributes the load into data nodes. The implementation uses 2PC. Abilities of PostgreSQL to generate distributed query plans are utilised together with TimescaleDB optimisations. So PostgreSQL is used not just a dumb storage :)
I noticed that Zabbix supports PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB as back-ends and just checked the list, which contains also Oracle and SQLite (DB2 support is experimental).
You can use Prometheus on top of TimescaleDB. Timescale builds connector and entire workflow to run Prometheus on top of TimescaleDB and support Grafana in flexible way. Sorry for the promo :) check for details in
TimescaleDB provides such community features as compression, which allows to save space a lot, and continuous aggregates, which gives performance and save space if used together with retentions.
I believe TileDB had some customers when it was framed as the product. According to its website: "TileDB, Inc. is a data management company spun out of Intel Labs and MIT"