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Debian unstable would be my dream distribution if it received the same effort for security updates that stable does.

This is why it's important to only use self-hostable FOSS tools for anything important. Anything else can be taken away on a whim leaving you with no recourse.

There's nothing wrong with such a service in principle, but it should never be implemented in a way that a brief Internet outage keeps you from being able to print to a local USB-connected printer.

I love a lot of what FUTO does; I just wish they weren't such big fans of fauxpen source licenses.

While I don't disagree, what's the solution in today's world? Seems they're doing the best with the existing legal framework we have here, for better or worse. But immich was kept agpl and no cla which is a good thing.

> But immich was kept agpl and no cla which is a good thing.

That's exactly the right thing to do and is what they should do for everything.

To be fair, they don't claim they do free software. In fact they are explicitly against the FOSS movement as they say it supports the "oligopoly".

They use the term "open source" because the sources are available, but because of their disagreement with the OSI, they prefer "source first".

Their license is a proprietary, source-available, "donation-ware" type licence.

It is not my thing, but it is their work, they get to set the rules.

What were you hoping to do with the code that the license prevents you from doing? Their license lets you do anything you want except rip them off.

How about putting it in something that you want to get packaged in Debian or Fedora?

what FUTO and others (eg bruce perens) are trying to figure out is how to make sure that profits made from the software go back to the original developers.

in the past linux distributions were needed because distributing software was difficult an the distributions helped get the software to the end users.

today distributing software is easy, and if i want my application usable on debian all i need is to create a debian package that i can distribute myself. which means i can use a more restrictive license and prevent big companies from taking advantage of my work for free.

it is not clear yet what the right approach here is, but getting my application into debian proper is unlikely to help me make any money, so why bother?

i therefore appreciate FUTO experimenting with the licensing model to see if there is a way to get software to the world without allowing profitable companies to freeload on our work.

If people are curious to learn more about this 'experimental' license we are trying on a few of our projects check out: https://sourcefirst.com

Or, for example, F-Droid (more relevant for mobile apps).

We are about to package a few of our pieces of software across several repositories. Not sure what issue you think might come up with that? If we are not allowed because of some restriction you can just manually add our repos to your /etc/apt/sources.list which is perfectly normal.

Fedora license requirements [1]:

> A license is allowed if Fedora determines that the license is a free software / open source license. At a high level, the inquiry involves determining whether the license provides software freedom, and (equivalently) making sure that the license does not place burdens on users' exercise of its permissions that are inconsistent with evolving community norms and traditions around what is acceptable in a free software / open source license.

The BUSL is on their list of not allowed licenses[2], so I find it highly unlikely your similar "non-commercial use only" license will be permitted.

[1]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-approval [2]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/not-allowed-licen...

Debian and Fedora both only allow FOSS in their repositories.

Sounds like a Fedora and Debian problem.

Having standards for what software they allow into their package ecosystem is not a problem at all. It's a solution, actually.

Right but Fedora or Debian's policies prevent this, not FUTO

The point is that since they keep broadening what they do want 30% of, we expect the next thing they'll do is removing the exception for physical goods.

It's always been 30% for virtual goods; definition hasn't broadened.

> assigning the same flight number to more than one flight a day (although that means they need for it to be flights that would never both be in the air at the same time, such as where the same plane is used and can’t reasonably be substituted)

I thought this was already common on a lot of airlines. For example, tomorrow, Southwest flight 1861 goes from MDW to DAL from 1:55pm to 4:10pm, then from DAL to SNA from 4:50pm to 5:55pm, then from SNA to PHX from 6:30pm to 7:50pm. I was on two legs of a similar flight a few years ago, and I didn't even have to get off the plane at Love Field.

One should note, this is why SW completely falls apart when mass weather delays or computer systems crashes occur. They have any number of 'serialized' components in their system that are efficient in optimal situations but degrade poorly.

> (although, to be fair, he’s usually right.)

This is worth emphasizing. I actually can't think of any articles of his other than this one that miss the mark.

The "debunking NIST's calculation" one was, if I'm remembering this right, refuted by Chris Peikert on the PQC mailing list immediately after it was posted.

I’m not sure this one is wrong, especially if you’ve been bitten by underdocumented compiler or framework changes that modify behavior of previously working code.

For example, I have a small utility app built against SwiftUI for macOS 13. Compiling on macOS 14 while still linking against frameworks for 13 results in broken UI interaction in a particular critical use case. This was a deliberate change made to migrate devs away from a particular API, but it fails silently at compile time and runtime. Moving the code back to a macOS 13 machine would produce the correct result.

As a dev, I can no longer trust that linking against specific library version will produce the same result and now need to think of some tuple of compile host and library version

At one point should working code be considered correct and complete when compiler writers change code generation that doesn’t depend on UB? I’m sure it’s worse for JITed languages where constant time operations work in test and for the first few hundred iterations and then are “optimized” into variable time branching instructions on a production host somewhere.

No, he’s wrong. What you’re talking about is completely different than what you are: your code doesn’t work because Apple changes the behavior of their frameworks, which has nothing to do with what compiler you’re using. There’s a different contract there than what a C compiler gives you.

It’s not quite that simple in Swift-land. There is a significant overlap between what’s compiler and what’s runtime. I’m supposedly linking against the same libraries, but changing the host platform changes the output binaries. Same code, same linked libraries, different host platform, different codegen.

Mine isn’t security critical, but the result is similarly unexpected.

It’s really not the same thing. Your complaint is about Apple’s complex framework API management, not about the compiler optimization/undefined behavior.

Swift frameworks sometimes blur the line the way I think you mean by being able to be back-deployed to earlier OS releases through embedding in your binary. Apple’s documentation is poor (and has been since the NeXT takeover in 1997), but, again, that’s not a compiler issue as such.

Wouldn't that effort be better spent on improving Firefox?

> compiler writers refuse to take responsibility for the bugs they introduced, even though the compiled code worked fine before the "optimizations". The excuse for not taking responsibility is that there are "language standards" saying that these bugs should be blamed on millions of programmers writing code that bumps into "undefined behavior"

But that's not an excuse for having a bug; it's the exact evidence that it's not a bug at all. Calling the compiler buggy for not doing what you want when you commit Undefined Behavior is like calling dd buggy for destroying your data when you call it with the wrong arguments.

I think this is actually a mistake by the author since the rant is mostly focused on implementation defined behavior, not undefined.

The examples they give are all perfectly valid code. The specific bugs they're talking about seem to be compiler optimizations that replace bit twiddling arithmetic into branches, which isn't a safe optimization if the bit twiddling happens in a cryptographic context because it opens the door for timing attacks.

I don't think it's correct to call either the source code or compiler buggy, it's the C standard that is under specified to the author's liking and it creates security bugs on some targets.

Ultimately though I can agree with the C standard authors that they cannot define the behavior of hardware, they can only define the semantics for the language itself. Crypto guys will have to suffer because the blame is on the hardware for these bugs, not the software.

The blog post does, at the very end, mention the thing you should actually do.

You need a language where you can express what you actually meant, which in this case is "Perform this constant time operation". Having expressed what you meant, now everybody between you and the hardware can co-operate to potentially deliver that.

So long as you write C (or C++) you're ruined, you cannot express what you meant, you are second guessing the compiler authors instead.

I think a language related to WUFFS would be good for this in the crypto world. Crypto people know maths already, so the scariest bits of such a language (e.g. writing out why you believe it's obvious that 0 <= offset + k + n < array_length so that the machine can see that you're correct or explain why you're wrong) wouldn't be intimidating for them. WUFFS doesn't care about constant time, but a similar language could focus on that.

> what you actually meant, which in this case is "Perform this constant time operation".

This notion is not expressible in most (or almost all) high-level programming languages. Or, to put it another way: If you wrote C or C++ you never mean to say "perform this guaranteed-constant-time CPU operation" (ignoring asm instructions and hardware-aware builtins).

not only does it mention that, the author also implemented that language, jasmin, with some collaborators. he does mention that, but he doesn't mention that he'd already done it previously, the unreleased qhasm

> You need a language where you can express what you actually meant, which in this case is "Perform this constant time operation". Having expressed what you meant, now everybody between you and the hardware can co-operate to potentially deliver that.

Yeah, even with assembly, your timing guarantees are limited on modern architectures. But if you REALLY need something specific from the machine, that's where you go.

Most architectures have a subset of their instructions that can be called in constant time (constant time meaning data-independent time). Things like non-constant pointer loads and branches are obviously out, and so are div/mod in almost all chips, but other arithmetic and conditional moves are in that set.

CPUs are actually much better at making those guarantees than compilers are.

That's no longer true: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/t... x86 hardware does not guarantee anything unless you enable "Data Operand Independent Timing Mode", which is disabled by default and AFAIK can only be enabled by kernel-level code. So unless operating systems grow new syscalls to enable this mode, you're just out of luck on modern hardware.

In the most purely theoretical sense, you are correct, but everything Intel and AMD has said indicates they will still offer strong guarantees on the DOIT instructions:


In other words, they have announced the possibility of breaking that guarantee years before touching it, which is something the clang developers would never do.

If you tell the compiler, it can generate code with only those instructions.

And besides, Assembly should not be a scary thing.

Even most managed languages provide a way to get down into Assembly dumps from their AOT and JIT compiler toolchains.

Maybe we need some TikTok videos showing how to do such workflows.

There's nothing terribly difficult to writing specific routines in asm. It's kinda fun, actually. Assembly _in the large_ is hard, just because you need to be next-level organized to keep things from being a mess.

I find it rather easy as long as you don’t have to interact with the OS. That’s where it becomes messy, with inflexible data structures and convoluted arguments in ABIs designed to be used from higher level languages.

If you are doing really low level stuff, sometimes it’s worth rolling out your own little RTOS with just the bits and pieces you need.

Not that long ago, I realised most 8-bit (and MS-DOS) computer games had their own RTOS woven into the game code, with multi-tasking, hardware management, IO, and so on.

Yeah...Old 8-bit computers didn't exactly have any OS services. :)

Some very minimal things such as reading or writing to disk or files, reading the keyboard, or other very simple activities

> it's the C standard that is under specified to the author's liking

Isn't this unreasonable? Here we are, 52, years down the road with C et al. and suddenly it's expected that compiler developers must consider any change in the light of timing attacks? At what point do such new expectations grind compiler development to a halt? What standard would a compiler developer refer to to stay between the lines? My instincts tell me that this would be a forever narrowing and forever moving target.

Does timing sensitivity ever end? Asked differently: is there any code that deals in sensitive information that can't, somehow, be compromised by timing analysis? Never mind cryptographic algorithms. Just measuring the time needed to compute the length of strings will leak something of use, given enough stimuli and data collection.

Is there some reason a cryptographic algorithm developer must track the latest release of a compiler? Separate compilation and linking is still a thing, as far as I know. Such work could be isolated to "validated" compilers, leaving the insensitive code (if that concept is even real...) to whatever compiler prevails.

Also, it's not just compilers that can "optimize" code. Processing elements do this as well. Logically, therefore, must we not also expect CPU designers to also forego changes that could alter timing behavior? Forever?

I've written a lot of question marks above. That's because this isn't my field. However, invoking my instincts again: what, short of regressing to in-order, non-speculative cores and freezing all compiler development, could possibly satisfy the expectation that no changes are permitted to reveal timing differences where it previously hadn't?

This all looks like an engineering purity spiral.

> Isn't this unreasonable? Here we are, 52, years down the road with C et al. and suddenly it's expected that compiler developers must consider any change in the light of timing attacks?

We already went through a similar case to this: when the C++11 multithreaded memory model was introduced, compiler authors were henceforth forced to consider all future optimizations in light of multithreading. Which actually forced them to go back and suppress some optimizations that otherwise appeared reasonable.

This isn't to say the idea is good (or bad), but just that "compiler development will grind to a halt" is not a convincing against it.

It is completely unreasonable though to assume that a compiler should now preserve some assumed (!) timing of source operations.

It would be reasonable to implement (and later standardize) a pragma or something that specifies timings constraint for a subset of the language. But somebody would need to do the work.

An attribute for functions that says "no optimisations may be applied to the body that would change timings" seems like a reasonable level of granularity here, and if you were conservative about which optimisations it allowed in version zero it'd probably not be a vast amount of work.

I'm sort of reminded of the software people vs. hardware people stuff in embedded work, where ideally you'd have people around who'd crossed over from one to another but (comparing to crypto authors and compiler authors) there's enough of a cultural disconnect between the two groups that it doesn't happen as often as one might prefer.

Why not just specify "all branches of this code must execute in the same amount of time", and let the compiler figure it out for the architecture being compiled for?

Instruction duration isn't constant even within the same arch. You cannot have branches in constant-time code.

I do wonder though how often cpu instructions have data-dependent execution times....

(Correction: You cannot have data-dependent branches. You can of course have branches to make a fixed-iterations for loop, for example)

The difference is that threads have enormously wider applicability than timing preservation does.

That is orthogonal to whether compiler development would grind to a halt though, was my point.

The author is somewhat known for his over-the-top rants. When you read his writing in the context of a 90's flamewar, you'll find them to be quite moderate and reasonable. But it comes from a good place; he's a perfectionist, and he merely expects perfection from the rest of us as well.

> he's a perfectionist, and he merely expects perfection from the rest of us as well.

Nicely put, but at the end perfectionism is a flaw.

Not when computer security is concerned.

In all things, moderation. Security must be evaluated as a collection of tradeoffs -- privacy, usability, efficiency, etc. must be considered.

For example, you might suspect that the NSA has a better sieve than the public, and conclude that your RSA key needs to be a full terabyte*. We know that this isn't perfect, of course, but going much beyond that key length will prevent your recipient from decrypting the message in their lifetime.

* runtime estimates were not performed to arrive at this large and largely irrelevant number

Security is a tradeoff. Perfect security is not using a computer.

Security is a constant tradeoff, and trading off time for perfectionism is not a good one to take.

We had ~30 years of "undefined behaviour" practically meaning "do whatever the CPU does". It is not new that people want predictable behaviour, it simply wasn't a talking point as we already had it.

When were those decades? Any decent optimizing compiler built in the last couple of decades exploits undefined behavior.

You pretty much answered your own question. ~20 years ago and back. But I think it is also worth pointing out that it has gotten worse, those 20 years has been a steady trickle of new foot guns.

It's not even that. Yes, in case of signed intger overflow, usually yoj get whatever the CPU gives as answer for the sum. But you also have the famous case of an if branch checking for a null pointer being optimized away. And even in the case of integer overflow, the way to correctly check for it isn't intuitive at first, because you need to check for integer overflow without the check itsef falling under UB.

EDIT: just to make my point clear: the problem with UB isn't just that it exists, it is also that compiler optimizations make it hard to check for it.

When do NULL checks get optimised away, apart from the case where the pointer has already been accessed/is known at compile time to be invalid?

I couldn't find again the example I saw many years ago, I could only find a GCC bug that has been fixed now. So you're likely right and I just didn't remember correctly. But we still can have the zeroing out of memory before deallocation that can get silently optimized away. Maybe also naive attempts at checking for signed integer overflow could be silently optimized away. My general point is that, if the compiler determines that the code has dead instructions/unneded checks, it is very likely that the programmer's mental model of the code is wrong. So, just like the case of using an integer as a pointer or vice versa, we should have a warning telling the programmers that some code is going to not be compiled. Also in the case of the null pointer check: this would make the programmer realize that the check is happening too late and should instead be performed earlier

We have ill defined behaviour, implementation defined behaviour, erroneous behaviour, unspecified behaviour, undefined behaviour.

Undefined behaviour isn't exactly what most people think it is.

> Is there some reason a cryptographic algorithm developer must track the latest release of a compiler?

Tracking the latest release is important because:

1. Distributions build (most? all?) libraries from source, using compilers and flags the algorithm authors can't control

2. Today's latest release is the base of tomorrow's LTS.

If the people who know most about these algorithms aren't tracking the latest compiler releases, then who else would be qualified to detect these issues before a compiler version bearing a problematic optimization is used for the next release of Debian or RHEL?

> Logically, therefore, must we not also expect CPU designers to also forego changes that could alter timing behavior?

Maybe? [1]

> freezing all compiler development

There are many, many interesting areas of compiler development beyond incremental application of increasingly niche optimizations.

For instance, greater ability to demarcate code that is intended to be constant time. Or test suites that can detect when optimizations pose a threat to certain algorithms or implementations. Or optimizing the performance of the compiler itself.

Overall I agree with you somewhat. All engineers must constantly rail against entropy, and we are doomed to fail. But DJB is probably correct that a well-reasoned rant aimed at the community that both most desires and most produces the problematic optimizations has a better chance at changing the tide of opinion and shifting the rate at which all must diminish than yelling at chipmakers or the laws of thermodynamics.


> This all looks like an engineering purity spiral.

To get philosophical for a second, all of engineering is analyzing problems and synthesizing solutions. When faced with impossible problems or infinite solution space, we must constrain the problem domain and search space to find solutions that are physically and economically realizable.

That's why the answer to every one of your questions is, "it depends."

But at the top, yes, it's unreasonable. The C standard specifies the observable behavior of software in C. It does not (and cannot) specify the observable behavior of the hardware that evaluates that software. Since these behavior are architecture and application specific, it falls to other tools for the engineer to find solutions.

Simply put, it isn't the job of the C standard to solve these problems. C is not a specification of how a digital circuit evaluates object code. It is a specification of how a higher level language translates into that object code.

> short of regressing to in-order, non-speculative cores

I guess you are referring to a GPU cores here.

It is a joke but can hint that in-order non-speculative cores are powerful computers nonetheless.

They are a totally different kind of powerful computer though, you can't compare them for sequential workloads.

You make a fine point. If you follow this regression to its limit you're going to end up doing your cryptography on a MCU core with a separate, controlled tool chain. TPM hardware has been a thing for a while as well. Also, HSMs.

This seems a lot more sane than trying to retrofit these concerns onto the entire stack of general purpose hardware and software.

Where suffer means "not be lazy, implement the assembly for your primitives in a lib, optimize it as best as you can without compromising security, do not let the compiler 'improve' it"

But then you're not writing C, except maybe as some wrappers. Wanting to use C isn't laziness. Making it nearly unfeasible to use C is the most suffering a C compiler can inflict.

There's no reason that C should be suitable for every purpose under the sun.

Fiddling some bits cross-platform is supposed to be one of them.

As was pointed out elsewhere, fiddling bits with constant time guarantees isn't part of the C specification. You need a dedicated implementation that offers those guarantees, which isn't clang (or C, to be pedantic).

It's not in the spec right now but it still feels solidly in C's wheelhouse to me.

Fortunately you don't have to go 100% one way or the other. Write your code in C, compile and check it's correct and constant time, then commit that assembly output to the repo. You can also clean it up yourself or add extra changes on top.

You don't need to rely on C to guarantee some behaviour forever.

I agree that an extension (e.g. a pragma or some high-level operations similar to ckd_{add,sub,mul}) that allows writing code with fixed timing would be very useful.

But we have generally the problem that there are far more people complaining that actually contributing usefully to the ecosystem. For example, I have not seen anybody propose or work on such an extension for GCC.

The problem doesn't stop there, if you want to ensure constant time behaviour you must also be able to precisely control memory loads/stores, otherwise cache timings can subvert even linear assembly code. If you have to verify the assembly, might as well write it in assembly.

The cryptographic constant time requirement only concerns operations that are influenced by secret data. You can't learn the contents of say a secret key by how long it took to load from memory. But say we use some secret data to determine what part of the key to load, then the timing might reveal some of that data.

Not when the precise timing of operations matters.

The optimizations are valid because the C standard and the semantics of its abstract machine don't have a concept of timing.

The problem is that c and c++ have a ridiculous amount of undefined behavior, and it is extremely difficult to avoid all of it.

One of the advantages of rust is it confines any potential UB to unsafe blocks. But even in rust, which has defined behavior in a lot of places that are UB in c, if you venture into unsafe code, it is remarkable easy to accidentally run into subtle UB issues.

It’s true that UB is not intuitive at first, but “ridiculous amount” and “difficult to avoid” is overstating it. You have to have a proof-writing mindset when coding, but you do get sensitized to the pitfalls once you read up on what the language constructs actually guarantee (and don’t guarantee), and it’s not that much more difficult than, say, avoiding panics in Rust.

In my experience it is very easy to accidentally introduce iterator invalidation: it starts with calling a callback while iterating, add some layers of indirection, and eventually somebody will add some innocent looking code deep down the call stack which ends up mutating the collection while it's being iterated.

I can tell you that this happens in Java as well, which doesn’t have undefined behavior. That’s just the nature of mutable state in combination with algorithms that only work while the state remains unmodified.

Okay, but that’s the point. This is UB in C/C++, but not in Java, illustrating the fact that C and C++ have an unusually large amount of UB compared to other languages.

That is not UB. That is simply mutable data. The solution here is static analysis (Rust) or immutable persistent collections.

Depending on your collection iterator invalidation _is_ UB. Pushing to a vector while iterating with an iterator will eventually lead to dereferencing freed memory as any push may cause the vector to grow and move the allocation. The standard iterator for std::vector is a pointer to somewhere in the vector's allocation when the iterator is created, which will be left dangling after the vector reallocates.

In the context of C++ and STL it is UB.

They are in the process of rewording such cases as erroneous instead of UB, but it will take time.

…what’s the difference?

If it is UB, the compiler is allowed to optimize based on the assumption that it can't happen. For example, if you have an if in which one branch leads to UB and the other doesn't, the compiler can assume that the branch that led to UB will never happen and remove it from the program, and even remove other branches based on "knowing" that the branch condition didn't happen.

If it's simply erroneous, then it behaves like in every other language outside C and C++: it leaves memory in a bad state if it happens at runtime, but it doesn't have any effect at compile time.

What exactly does "a bad state" mean?

A state in which memory is not expected to be based on the theoretical semantics of the program.

For example, if you do an out of bounds write in C, you can set some part of an object to a value it never should have according to the text of the program, simply because that object happened to be placed in memory next to the array that you wrote past the end of.

According to the semantics of the C abstract machine, the value of a non-volatile object can only change when it is written to. But in a real program, writes to arbitrary memory (which are not valid programs in C's formal semantics) can also modify C objects, which would be called a "bad state".

For example, take this program, and assume it is compiled exactly as written, with no optimizations at all:

  void foo() {
    int x = 10;
    char y[3];
    y[4] = 1;
    printf("x = %d", x);
In principle, this program should print "10". But, the OOB write to y[4] might overwrite one byte of x with the value 1, leading to the program possibly printing 1, or printing 266 (0x010A), or 16777226 (0x0100000A), depending on how many bytes an int has and how they are laid out in memory. Even worse, the OOB write may replace a byte from the return address instead, causing the program to jump to a random address in memory when hitting the end of the function. Either way, your program's memory is in a bad state after that instruction runs.

This is just UB.

Yes, this is an example of UB leaving memory in a bad state.

If you want an example of something that is not UB leaving memory in a bad state, here is some Go code:

  global := 7;
  func main () {
    go func() {
      global = 1000000;
    go func() {
      global = 10
    fmt.Printf("gloabl is now %d")
The two concurrent writes may partially overlap, and global may have a value that is neither 7 nor 10 nor 1000000. The program's memory is in a bad state, but none of this is UB in the C or C++ sense. In particular, the Go compiler is not free to compile this program into something entirely different.

Edit: I should also note that a similar C program using pthreads or win32 threading for concurrent access is also an example of a program which will go into a bad state, but that is not UB per the C standard (since the C standard has no notion of multithreading).

The C standard definitely has opinions on races

Please share a link.

I mean like C11 has a whole atomics addition and memory model to go with it

I'm familiar with that very sort of bug, but I don't see how it's a failure of the language. To be convinced of that I think I'd at least need to be shown what a good solution to that problem would look like (at the level of the language and/or standard library).

Rust statically enforces that you have exclusive access to a collection to mutate it. This prevents also having an active iterator.

You also have languages using immutable or persistent data structures in their std lib to side-step the problem.

So surely you know by hear the circa 200 use cases documented in ISO C, and the even greater list documented in ISO C++ standard documents.

Because, me despite knowing both since the 1990's, I rather leave that to static analysis tools.

I've spent hours debugging a memory alignment issues. Its not fun. The problem is that you don't know (at first) the full space of UB. So you spend the first 10 years of programming suffering through all kinds of weird UBs and then at the end of the pipeline claims "pftt, just git gud at it. C is perfect!".

Maybe I got lucky, because on my first C job I got told to make sure to stick to ISO C (by which they probably mostly meant not to use compiler-specific extensions), so I got down the rabbit hole of reading up on the ISO specification and on what it does and doesn’t guarantee.

Making sure you have no UB certainly slows you down considerably, and I strongly prefer languages that can catch all non-defined behavior statically for sure, but I don’t find C to be unmanageable.

Memory alignment issues only happen when you cast pointers from the middle of raw memory to/from other types, which, yes, is dangerous territory, and you have to know what you are doing there.

It isn't so much that it is unintuitive, for the most part[1], but rather that there are a lot of things to keep track of, and a seemingly innocous change in one part of the program can potentially result in UB in somewhere far away. And usually such bugs are not code that is blatantly undefined behavior, but rather code that is well defined most of the time, but in some edge case can trigger undefined behavior.

It would help if there was better tooling for finding places that could result in UB.

[1]: although some of them can be a little surprising, like the fact that overflow is defined for unsigned types but not signed types

I think the reason that signed integer overflow is undefined is that it wasn't uncommon at the time to have architectures that didn't represent signed integers with 2's complement.

Even today you may find issues with signed integers. The ESP32 vector extensions seem to saturate signed integer overflow [1].

[1]: https://bitbanksoftware.blogspot.com/2024/01/surprise-esp32-...

I agree. I do not find UB very problematic in practice. It is still certainly a challenge when writing security sensitive code to fully make sure there is no issue left. (also of course, model checker, or run-time verified code such as eBPF etc. exist).

But the amount of actual problems I have with UB in typical projects is very low by just some common sense and good use of tools: continuous integration with sanitizers, using pointers to arrays instead of raw pointers (where a sanitizer then does bounds checks), avoiding open coded string and buffer operations, also abstracting away other complicated data structures behind safe interfaces, and following a clear policy about memory ownership.

Would you mind sharing how you became sensitized to UB code? Did you just read the C spec, carefully digest it, and then read/write lots of C? Or do you have other recommendations for someone else interested in intuiting UB as well?

I hung out in comp.std.c, read the C FAQ (https://c-faq.com/), and yes, read the actual language spec.

For every C operation you type, ask yourself what is its "contract", that is, what are the preconditions that the language or the library function expects the programmer to ensure in order for their behavior to be well-defined, and do you ensure them at the particular usage point? Also, what are the failure modes within the defined behavior (which result in values or states that may lead to precondition violations in subsequent operations)? This contractual thinking is key to correctness in programs in general, not just in C. The consequences of incorrect code are just less predictable in C.

What helped me was to instrument older game engine version build with Clang's UB sanitizer and attempt to run it for few weeks. Granted I had to approve the research with management to have that much time but I have learned some things I have never seen in twentyish years of using C++.

I'm sorry but OP seems to be vastly overestimating their abilities. Every study about bugs related to UB show that even the best programmers will make mistakes, and often mistakes that are nearly impossible to have prevented without static tools because of the action-at-a-distance nature of the harder ones (unless you had the whole code base in your head, and you paid enormous attention to the consequences of every single instruction you wrote, you just couldn't have prevented UB).

> Every study about bugs related to UB

Are about C++. There's an order of magnitude difference in the cognitive level to visually spot UB in C code vs visually spotting UB in C++ code.

You mean studies from Google, which explicitly has a culture of dumbing down software development, and heavily focuses on theoretical algorithmic skills rather than technical ones?

Google hires the best developers in the world. They pay well beyond anyone else except the other big SV tech giants, who compete for the best. I don't work for them but if money was my main motivator and they had jobs not too far from me I would totally want to. My point is: don't pretend you're superior to them. You're very likely not, and even if you are really good, they're still about the same level as you. If you think they're doing "dumb" development, I can only think you're suffering from a very bad case of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect , without meaning disrespect.

Ignoring the fact this isn't even true, you're completely misunderstanding my point.

As I said, Google does not prioritize for technical expertise, primarily because that's quite individual-centric. They're a large organization and their goal is to make sure people are formatted and replaceable.

They hire generally smart people and mold them to solve problems with the frameworks that they've previously built, with guidelines that are set such that anyone can come and pick it up and contribute to it, in order to facilitate maintenance in case of turnover or changing teams.

They also hire a lot of people straight out of university, with many people spending large portions of their career there without seeing much of the outside world.

As a result, their workforce is not particularly adept about using third-party tools in a variety of situations; they're optimized to know how things work at Google, which is its own sub- (or arguably mono-)culture.

Being an expert requires using a tool in many diverse codebases for widely different applications and domains. A large organization like this is not a particularly good data point to assess whether people can become good experts knowledgeable about the gotchas of a programming language.

> their goal is to make sure people are formatted and replaceable.

Why else would corporations be the exclusive authors of "middle-level" languages like Java, C#, and Go? ;p JS and Python are too slow, but we can't find enough C, C++, or Rust developers! Let's invent these abominations instead with which we can churn out more good-enough mediocrity per quarter than ever before!

You say this, and yet every single major project written in C has undefined behavior issues. The Linux kernel even demanded and uses a special flag in GCC to define some of this UB (especially the most brain dead one, signed integer overflow).

The linux kernel nowadays uses the fact that signed overflow is UB to detect problems using sanitizers. It turns out the defined unsigned wraparound is now the hard problem.

> but “ridiculous amount” and “difficult to avoid” is overstating it

Maybe you can argue that C doesn't have a “ridiculous amount” of UB (even though the number is large), but C++ is so much worse I don't think saying it's “ridiculous” is off the mark.

And not only the amount is already ridiculous but every new feature introduced in modern versions of C++ adds its own brand new UB!

If you count the number of UB in the standard, then yes, 200 cases is high. There is some ongoing effort to eliminate many of them. But it should also be noted, that almost all of those cases are not really problematic in practice. The problematic ones are signed overflow, out-of-bounds, use-after-free, and aliasing issues. Signed overflow is IMHO not a problem anymore because of sanitizers. In fact, I believe that unsigned wraparound is much more problematic. Out-of-bounds and use-after-free can be dealt with by having good coding strategies and for out-of-bounds issues I expect that we will have full bounds safety options in compilers soon. Aliasing issues can also mostly be avoided by not playing games with types. User-after-free is more problematic (and where the main innovation of Rust is). But having a good ownership model and good abstractions also avoids most problems here in my experience. I rarely have actual problems in my projects related to this.

> Signed overflow is IMHO not a problem anymore because of sanitizers

IIRC the overflow in SHA3's reference implementation was hard to catch also for ststic analisys tools, and had the practical impact of making it easy to generate collisions.

A sanitizer could have transformed this into a run-time trap.

> Out-of-bounds and use-after-free can be dealt with by having good coding strategies

You're basically saying that every project in the wild has bad “coding strategy”…

> I expect that we will have full bounds safety options in compilers soon

Which will be disabled in most places because of the overhead it incurs.

> But having a good ownership model and good abstractions also avoids most problems here in my experience. I rarely have actual problems in my projects related to this.

It's easier said than done when you have no way of enforcing the ownership, and practically intractable when not working alone on a codebase.

No, I am not saying that every project in the wild has a bad "coding strategy". Some of the most reliable software I use everyday is written in C. Some of this I use for decades without every encountering a crash or similar bug. So the meme that "all C code crashes all the time because of UB" is clearly wrong. It is not intractable, in my experience you just have to document some rules and occasionally make sure they are followed. But I agree that a formal system to enforce ownership is desirable.

> So the meme that "all C code crashes all the time because of UB" is clearly wrong.

It's not about crash at all, but “all software has security vulnerabilities because of UB” is unfortunately true.

> It is not intractable, in my experience you just have to document some rules and occasionally make sure they are followed.

If even DJB couldn't get that part perfectly I'm pretty certain you cannot either.

Not all software is security relevant. I run a lot of large simulations. I do not care at all if that software would crash on specially prepared inputs. I do care that it's as fast as possible.

> Not all software is security relevant

You're right, only software that has actual users cares about security.

> I run a lot of large simulations. I do not care at all if that software would crash on specially prepared inputs.

But it's not the 50s anymore and digital simulation is a tiny fraction of the code ever written nowadays so it's not a very good argument.

> I do care that it's as fast as possible.

You don't realize it but it ruins your entire argument. If speed is all that matters for your use-case then:

- there's no way you can use runtime bound-checks, and you unconditionally need the compiler to optimize as much as possible around UB, even if it breaks your program every once in a while.

- you likely can't afford dynamic memory allocation, which makes the UAF/double free kind of bugs irrelevant. Not out of “good coding strategy” but because you never free in the first place…

These are hypothesis that don't apply to software industry at large.

Right and there are other ways to achieve strong security guarantees than memory safety, e.g. at the OS level by sandboxing critical operations.

1. It's much more expensive that using a memory-safe language in the first place (maybe cheaper it if you have a big codebase already, but still very expensive and not worth it at all for new code)

2. Sandbox escapes are commonplace, and not everything can even be sandboxed at all.

if anything, I think the wording “ridiculous amount” of UB in the context of C is understating things.

This is about asking the compiler for a constexpr and receiving a runtime evaluation, not ownership semantics.

I think the biggest problem is people conflating "undefined" with "unknowable". They act like because C doesn't define the behavior you can't expect certain compilers to behave a certain way. GCC handles signed overflows consistently, even though the concept is undefined at a language level; as goes many other UBs. And the big compilers are all pretty consistent with each other.

Is it annoying if you want to make sure your code compiles the same in different compiler sets? Sure, but that's part of the the issue with the standards body and the compiler developers existing independent of each other. Especially considering plenty of times C/C++ have tried to enforce certain niche behaviors and GCC/ICC/Clang/etc have decided to go their own ways.

This is dead wrong, and a very dangerous mindset.

All modern C and C++ compilers use the potential of UB as a signal in their optimization options. It is 100% unpredictable how a given piece of code where UB happens will actually be compiled, unless you are intimately familiar with every detail of the optimizer and the signals it uses. And even if you are, seemingly unrelated changes can change the logic of the optimizer just enough to entirely change the compilation of your UB segment (e.g. because a function is now too long to be inlined, so a certain piece of code can no longer be guaranteed to have some property, so [...]).

Your example of signed integer overflow is particularly glaring, as this has actually triggered real bugs in the Linux kernel (before they started using a compilation flag to force signed integer overflow to be considered defined behavior). Sure, the compiler compiles all signed integer operations to processor instructions that result in two's complement operations, and thus overflow on addition. But, since signed integer overflow is UB, the compiler also assumes it never happens, and optimizes your program accordingly.

For example, the following program will never print "overflow" regardless of what value x has:

  int foo(int num) {
    int x = num + 100;
    if (x < num) {
      printf("overflow occured");
    return x;
In fact, you won't even find the string "overflow" in the compiled binary, as the whole `if` is optimized away [0], since per the standard signed integer overflow can't occur, so x + 100 is always greater than x for any (valid) value of x.

[0] https://godbolt.org/z/zzdr4q1Gx

> This is dead wrong, and a very dangerous mindset.

It's "dead wrong" that compilers independently choose to define undefined behavior?

Oh, ok; I guess I must just be a stellar programmer to never have received the dreaded "this is undefined" error (or it's equivalent) that would inevitably be emitted in these cases then.

I've explained and showed an example of how compilers behave in relation to UB. They don't typically "choose to define it", they choose to assume that it never happens.

They don't throw errors when UB happens, they compile your program under the assumption that any path that would definitely lead to UB can't happen at runtime.

I believe you think that because signed integer addition gets compiled to the `add` instruction that overflows gracefully at runtime, this means that compilers have "defined signed int overflow". I showed you exactly why this is not true. You can't write a C or C++ program that relies on this behavior, it will have optimizer-induced bugs sooner or later.

No, I said it had consistent behavior to the compiler.

You seem to think I'm saying "undefined behavior means nothing, ignore it"; when what I'm actually saying is "undefined behavior doesn't mean the compiler hasn't defined a behavior and doesn't necessarily = 'bad'". There's dozens of "UB" that C (and C++) developers rely on frequently, because the compilers have defined some behavior they follow; to the point critical portions of the Linux Kernel rely on it (particularly in the form of pointer manipulations).

TL;DR - Is UB unsafe to rely on generally? Yes. Should you ignore UB warnings? Definitely not. Does UB mean that the compiler has no idea what to do or is lacking some consistent behavior? Also, no.

Know your compiler, and only write code that you know what it does; especially if it's in a murky area like "UB".

Isn't this a terrible failure of the compiler though? Why is it not just telling you that the `if` is a noop?? Damn, using IntelliJ and getting feedback on really difficult logic when a branch becomes unreachable and can be removed makes this sort of thing look like amateur hour.

    if(DEBUG) {
Should the compiler emit a warning for such code? Compilers don't behave like a human brain, maybe a specific diagnostic could be added by pattern matching the AST but it will never catch every case.

There's a world of difference between code that's dead because of a static define, and code that's dead because of an inference the compiler made.

A dead code report would be a useful thing, though, especially if it could give the reason for removal. (Something like the list of removed registers in the Quartus analysis report when building for FPGAs.)

> There's a world of difference between code that's dead because of a static define, and code that's dead because of an inference the compiler made.

Not really, that’s the problem. After many passes of transforming the code through optimization it is hard for the compiler to tell why a given piece of code is dead. Compiler writers aren’t just malicious as a lot of people seem to think when discussions like this come up.

Yeah, I know the compiler writers aren't being deliberately malicious. But I can understand why people perceive the end result - the compiler itself - as having become "lawful evil" - an adversary rather than an ally.

  #define DEBUG i<num+100
The example is silly, but you should get the point. DEBUG can be anything.

Fair point, however your example is a runtime check, so shouldn't result in dead code.

(And if DEBUG is a static define then it still won't result in dead code since the preprocessor will remove it, and the compiler will never actually see it.)

EDIT: and now I realise I misread the first example all along - I read "#if (DEBUG)" rather than "if (DEBUG)".

I am guessing there would be a LOT of false negatives of compilers removing dead code for good reason. For example, if you only use a portion of a library's enum then it seems reasonable to me that the compilers optimizes away all the if-else that uses those enums that will never manifest.

I don't think it is unreasonable to have an option for "warn me about places that might be UB" that would tell you if it removes something it thinks is dead because it assumed UB doesn't happen?

That's the core of the complaints about how modern C and C++ compilers use UB.

The focus was certainly much more on optimization instead of having good warnings (although any commercial products focus on that). I would not blame compiler vendors exclusively, certainly paying customer also prioritized this.

This is shifting though, e.g. GCC now has -fanalyzer. I does not detect this specific coding error though, but for example issues such as dereferencing a pointer before checking for null.

Yes it is. Don't let those who worship the standard gaslight you into thinking any differently.

There are only two models of UB that are useful to compiler users:

1) This is a bad idea and refuse to compile.

2) Do something sensible and stable.

Silently fail and generate impossible to predict code is a third model that is only of use to compiler writers. Hiding behind the spec benefits no actual user.

I think this is a point of view that seems sensible, but probably hasn't really thought through how this works. For example

What should the compiler emit here? Should it emit a bounds check? In the event the bounds check fails, what should it do? It is only through the practice of undefined behavior that the compiler can consistently generate code that avoids the bounds check. (We don't need it, because if `i` is out-of-bounds then it's undefined behavior and illegal).

If you think this is bad, then you're arguing against memory unsafe languages in general. A sane position is the one the Rust takes, which is by default, yes indeed you should always generate the bounds check (unless you can prove it always succeeds). But there will likely always be hot inner loops where we need to discharge the bounds checks statically. Ideally that would be done with some kind of formal reasoning support, but the industry is far that atm.

For a more in depth read: https://blog.regehr.org/archives/213

> What should the compiler emit here?

It should emit an instruction to access memory location some_array + i.

That's all most people that complain about optimizations on undefined behavior want. Sometimes there are questions that are hard to answer, but in a situation like this, the answer is "Try it and hope it doesn't corrupt memory." The behavior that's not wanted is for the compiler to wildly change behavior on purpose when something is undefined. For example, the compiler could optimize

  if(foo) {
      return puppies;
  } else {


I think the "do the normal" thing is very easy to say and very hard to do in general. Should every case of `a / b` inject a `(b != 0) && ((a != INT_MAX && b != -1))`? If that evaluates to `true` then what should the program do? Or: should the compiler assume this can't happen. Languages with rich runtimes get around this by having an agreed upon way to signal errors, at the expense of runtime checking. An example directly stolen from the linked blog post:

  int stupid (int a) {
    return (a+1) > a;
What should the compiler emit for this? Should it check for overflow, or should it emit the asm equivalent of `return 1`? If your answer is check for overflow: then should the compiler be forced to check for overflow every time it increments an integer in a for loop? If your answer is don't check: then how do you explain this function behaving completely weird in the overflow case? The point I'm trying to get at is that "do the obvious thing" is completely dependent on context.

The compiler should emit the code to add one to a, and then code to check if the result is greater than a. This is completely evident, and is what all C and C++ compilers did for the first few decades of their existence. Maybe a particularly smart compiler could issue a `jo` instead of a `cmp ax, bx; jz `.

The for loop example is silly. There is no reason whatsoever to add an overflow check in a for loop. The code of a standard for loop, `for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)` doesn't say to do any overflow check, so why would the compiler insert one? Not inserting overflow checks is completely different than omitting overflow checks explicitly added in the code. Not to mention, for this type of loop, the compiler doesn't need any UB-based logic to prove that the loop terminates - for any possible value of n, including INT_MAX, this loop will terminate, assuming `i` is not modified elsewhere.

I'd also note that the "most correct" type to use for the iteration variable in a loop used to access an array, per the standard, would be `size_t`, which is an unsigned type, which does allow overflow to happen. The standard for loop should be `for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)`, which doesn't allow the compiler to omit any overflow checks, even if any were present.

The interesting case is what should the code do if inlined on a code path where a is deduced to be INT_MAX.

A compiler will just avoid inlining any code here, since it's not valid, and thus by definition that branch cannot be taken, removing cruft that would impact the instruction cache.

The original code is not invalid, even by the standard. It's not even undefined behavior. It is perfectly well defined as equivalent to `return true` according to the standard, or it can be implemented in the more straightforward way (add one to a, compare the result with a, return the result of the comparison). Both are perfectly valid compilations of this code according to the standard. Both allow inlining the function as well.

Note that also `return 1 < 0` is also perfectly valid code.

The problem related to UB appears if the function is inlined in a situation where a is INT_MAX. That causes the whole branch of code to be UB, and the compiler is allowed to compile the whole context with the assumption that this didn't happen.

For example, the following function can well be compiled to print "not zero":

  int foo(int x) {
    if (x == 0) {
      return stupid(INT_MAX);
    } else {
      printf("not zero");
      return -1;

  foo(0); //prints "not zero"
This is a valid compilation, because stupid(INT_MAX) would be UB, so it can't happen in a valid program. The only way for the program to be valid is for x to never be 0, so the `if` is superfluous and `foo` can be compiled to only have the code where UB can't happen.

Eidt: Now, neither clang nor gcc seem to do this optimization. But if we replace stupid(INT_MAX) with a "worse" kind of UB, say `*(int*)NULL = 1`, then they do indeed compile the function to simply call printf [0].

[0] https://godbolt.org/z/McWddjevc

I don't know what you're ranting on about.

Functions have parameters. In the case of the previous function, it is not defined if its parameter is INT_MAX, but is defined for all other values of int.

Having functions that are only valid on a subset of the domain defined by the types of their parameters is a commonplace thing, even outside of C.

Yes, a compiler can deduce that a particular code path can be completely elided because the resulting behaviour wasn't defined. There is nothing surprising about this.

The point is that a compiler can notice that one branch of your code leads to UB and elide the whole branch, even eliding code before the UB appears. The way this cascades is very hard to track and understand - in this case, the fact that stupid() is UB when called with INT_MAX makes foo() be UB when called with 0, which can cascade even more.

And no, this doesn't happen in any other commonly-used language. No other commonly-used language has this notion of UB, and certainly not this type of optimization based on deductions made from UB. A Java function that is not well defined over its entire input set will trigger an exception, not cause code calling it with the parameters it doesn't accept to be elided from the executable.

Finally, I should mention that the compiler is not even consistent in its application of this. The signed int overflow UB is not actually used to ellide this code path. But other types of UB, such as null pointer dereference, are.

It is perfectly possible to write a function in pure Java that would never terminate when called with parameter values outside of the domain for which it is defined. It is also possible for it to yield an incorrect value.

Your statement that such a function would throw an exception is false.

Ensuring a function is only called for the domain it is defined on is entirely at the programmer's discretion regardless of language. Some choose to ensure all functions are defined for all possible values, but that's obviously impractical due to combinatorial explosions. Types that encapsulate invariants are typically seen as the solution for this.

I didn't claim that all functions are either correct or throw an exception in Java. I said that UB doesn't exist in Java, in the sense of a Java program that compiles, but for which no semantics are assigned and the programmer is not allowed to write it. All situations that are UB in C or C++ are either well-defined in Java (signed integer overflow, non-terminating loops that don't do IO/touch volatile variables), many others throw exceptions (out of bounds access, divide by 0), and a few are simply not possible (use after free). Another few are what the C++ standard would call "unspecified behavior", such as unsynchronized concurrent access.

And yes, it's the programmer's job to make sure functions are called in their domain of apllication. But it doesn't help at all when the compiler prunes your code-as-written to remove flows that would have reached an error situation, making debugging much harder when you accidentally do call them with illegal values.

If you want the compiler to output exactly the code as written (or as close as possible to it for the target architecture), then most compilers support that. It's called turning off optimizations. You can do that if that's what you want.

Optimizing compilers on the other hand are all about outputting something that is equivalent to your code UNDER THE RULES OF THE LANGUAGE while hopefully being faster. This condition isn't there to fuck you over its there because it is required for the compiler to do more than very very basic optimizations.

> Optimizing compilers on the other hand are all about outputting something that is equivalent to your code UNDER THE RULES OF THE LANGUAGE while hopefully being faster.

The problem here is how far you stretch this "equivalent under the rules of the language" concept. I think many agree that C and C++ compilers have chosen to play language lawyer games to little performance in real world code, but introducing very real bugs.

As it stands today, C and C++ are the only mainstream languages that have non-timing-related bugs in optimized builds that aren't there in debug builds - putting a massive burden on programmers to find and fix these bugs. The performance gain from this is extremely debatable. But what is clear is that you can create very performant code without relying on this type of UB logic.

Ah, but what if it writes so far off the array that it messes with the contents of another variable on the stack that is currently cached in a register? Should the compiler reload that register because the out of bounds write might have updated it? Probably not, let's just assume they didn't mean to do that and use the in-register version. That's taking advantage of undefined behavior to optimize a program.

> Ah, but what if it writes so far off the array that it messes with the contents of another variable on the stack that is currently cached in a register? Should the compiler reload that register because the out of bounds write might have updated it? Probably not, let's just assume they didn't mean to do that and use the in-register version.

Yes, go ahead and assume it won't alias outside the rules of C and hope it works out.

> That's taking advantage of undefined behavior to optimize a program.

I don't know if I really agree with that, but even taking that as true, that's fine. The objection isn't to doing any optimizations. Assuming memory didn't get stomped is fine. Optimizations that significantly change program flow in the face of misbehavior and greatly amplify it are painful. And lots of things are in the middle.

> That's all most people that complain about optimizations on undefined behavior want

If this was true most of them could just adopt Rust where of course this isn't a problem.

But in fact they're often vehemently against Rust. They like C and C++ where they can write total nonsense which has no meaning but it compiles and then they can blame the compiler for not reading their mind and doing whatever it is they thought it "obviously" should do.

I could be wrong here since I don't develop compilers, but from my understanding many of the undefined behaviours in C are the product of not knowing what the outcome will be for edge cases or due to variations in processor architecture. In these cases, undefined behaviour was intended as a red flag for application developers. Many application developers ended up treating the undefined behaviours as deterministic provided that certain conditions were met. On the other hand, compiler developers took undefined behaviour to mean they could do what they wanted, generating different results in different circumstance, thus violating the expectations of application developers.

I think the problem is that some behaviours are undefined where developers expect them to be implementation-defined (especially in C's largest remaining stronghold, the embedded world) - i.e. do what makes sense on this particular CPU.

Signed overflow is the classic example - making that undefined rather than implementation-defined is a decision that makes less to those of us living in today's exclusively two's-complement world than it would have done when it was taken.

It's become more of an issue in recent years as compilers started doing more advanced optimisations, which some people perceived as the compiler being "lawful evil".

What it reminds me of is that episode of Red Dwarf with Kryten (with his behavioural chip disabled) explaining why he thought it was OK to serve roast human to the crew: "If you eat chicken then obviously you'd eat your own species too, otherwise you'd just be picking on the chickens"!

Why not just turn off (or down) optimizations? I mean, optimization is not even activated by default

Unfortunately it's not necessarily specified what counts as "an optimisation". For example, the (DSP-related) compiler I worked on back in the day had an instruction selection pass, and much of the performance of optimised code came from it being a very good instruction selector. "Turning off optimisations" meant not running compiler passes that weren't required in order to generate code, we didn't have a second sub-optimal instruction selector.

And undefined behaviour is still undefined behaviour without all the optimisation passes turned on.

> It should emit an instruction to access memory location some_array + i.

That's definitely what compilers emit. The UB comes from the fact that the compiler cannot guarantee how the actual memory will respond to that. Will the OS kill you? Will your bare metal MCU silently return garbage? Will you corrupt your program state and jump into branches that should never be reached? Who knows. You're advocating for wild behavior but you don't even realize it.

As for your example. No, the compiler couldn't optimize like that. You seem to have some misconceptions about UB. If foo is false in your code, then the behavior is completely defined.

> If foo is false in your code, then the behavior is completely defined.

That's the point. If foo is false, both versions do the same thing. If foo is true, then it's undefined and it doesn't matter. Therefore, assume foo is false. Remove the branch.

Yes! This is exactly the point. It is undefined, so given that, it could do what the other branch does, so you can safely remove that branch.

you get it, but a lot of other people don't understand just how undefined, undefined code is.

We do. We just wish undefined was defined to be a bit less undefined, and are willing to sacrifice a bit of performance for higher debuggability an. ability to reason.

Why not use -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow ?

It could do what the other branch does, in theory.

But let me put it this way. If you only had the misbehaving_code(); line by itself, the compiler would rightly be called crazy and malicious if it compiled that to delete_data();

So maybe it's not reasonable to treat both branches as having the same behavior, even if you can.

> Silently fail and generate impossible to predict code is a third model that is only of use to compiler writers. Hiding behind the spec benefits no actual user.

A significant issue is that compiler "optimizations" aren't gaining a lot of general benefit anymore, and yet they are imposing a very significant cost on many people.

Lots of people still are working on C/C++ compiler optimizations, but nobody is asking if that is worthwhile to end users anymore.

Data suggests that it is not.

What data?

TFA? Quoting:

    Compiler writers measure an "optimization" as successful if they can find any example where the "optimization" saves time. Does this matter for the overall user experience? The typical debate runs as follows:

    In 2000, Todd A. Proebsting introduced "Proebsting's Law: Compiler Advances Double Computing Power Every 18 Years" (emphasis in original) and concluded that "compiler optimization work makes only marginal contributions". Proebsting commented later that "The law probably would have gone unnoticed had it not been for the protests by those receiving funds to do compiler optimization research."

    Arseny Kapoulkine ran various benchmarks in 2022 and concluded that the gains were even smaller: "LLVM 11 tends to take 2x longer to compile code with optimizations, and as a result produces code that runs 10-20% faster (with occasional outliers in either direction), compared to LLVM 2.7 which is more than 10 years old."

    Compiler writers typically respond with arguments like this: "10-20% is gazillions of dollars of computer time saved! What a triumph from a decade of work!"
We are spinning the compilers much harder and imposing changes on end programmers for roughly 10-20% over a decade. That's not a lot of gain in return for the pain being caused.

I suspect most programmers would happily give up 10% performance on their final program if they could halve their compile times.

> We are spinning the compilers much harder and imposing changes on end programmers for roughly 10-20% over a decade. That's not a lot of gain in return for the pain being caused.

> I suspect most programmers would happily give up 10% performance on their final program if they could halve their compile times.

10% at FAANG scale is around a billion dollars per year. There's a reason why FAANG continues to be the largest contributor by far to LLVM and GCC, and it's not because they're full of compiler engineers implementing optimizations for the fun of it.

> There's a reason why FAANG continues to be the largest contributor by far to LLVM and GCC, and it's not because they're full of compiler engineers implementing optimizations for the fun of it.

And, yet, Google uses Go which is glop for performance (Google even withdrew a bunch of people from the C/C++ working groups). Apple funded Clang so they could get around the GPL with GCC and mostly care about LLVM rather than Clang. Amazon doesn't care much as their customers pay for CPU.

So, yeah, Facebook cares about performance and ... that's about it. Dunno about Netflix who are probably more concerned about bandwidth.

Half of what? I'm not overly concerned about how long a prod build & deploy takes if it's automated. 10 minute build instead of 5 for 10% perf gain is probably worth it. Probably more and more worth it as you scale up because you only need to build it once then you can copy the binary to many machines where they all benefit.

Can't you give it a different -O level?

-O0 gives you what you are after.

You would be very wrong on that last point.

Fun fact you and GP both right. Goals of 'local' build a programmer does to check what he wrote are at odds with goals of 'build farm' build meant for end user. Former should be optimized to reduce build time and latter optimized to reduce run-time. In gamedev we separate them as different build configurations.

Right and if anything, compilers are conservative when it comes the optimizations parameters they enable for release builds (i.e. with -O2/-O3). For most kinds of software even a 10x further increase in compile times could make sense if it meant a couple of percent faster software.

The result of a binary search is undefined if the input is not sorted.

How do you expect the compiler to statically guarantee that this property holds in all the cases you want to do a binary search?

If something is good for compiler developers, it is good for compiler users, in the sense that it makes it easier for the compiler developers to make the compilers we need.

Russ Cox has a nice article about it: C and C++ Prioritize Performance over Correctness (https://research.swtch.com/ub)

I think you're replying to a strawman. Here's the full quote:

> The excuse for not taking responsibility is that there are "language standards" saying that these bugs should be blamed on millions of programmers writing code that bumps into "undefined behavior", rather than being blamed on the much smaller group of compiler writers subsequently changing how this code behaves. These "language standards" are written by the compiler writers.

> Evidently the compiler writers find it more important to continue developing "optimizations" than to have computer systems functioning as expected. Developing "optimizations" seems to be a very large part of what compiler writers are paid to do.

The argument is that the compiler writers are themselves the ones deciding what is and isn't undefined, and they are defining those standards in such a way as to allow themselves latitude for further optimizations. Those optimizations then break previously working code.

The compiler writers could instead choose to prioritize backwards compatibility, but they don't. Further, these optimizations don't meaningfully improve the performance of real world code, so the trade-off of breaking code isn't even worth it.

That's the argument you need to rebut.

Perhaps the solution is also to reign in the language standard to support stricter use cases. For example, what if there was a constant-time { ... }; block in the same way you have extern "C" { ... }; . Not only would it allow you to have optimizations outside of the block, it would also force the compiler to ensure that a given block of code is always constant-time (as a security check done by the compiler).

> Perhaps the solution is also to reign in the language standard to support stricter use cases.

Here's a nine-year-old comment from the author asking for exactly that:


That thread already spawned a GCC-wiki page https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/boringcc, with a quote in bold:

>The only thing stopping gcc from becoming the desired boringcc is to find the people willing to do the work.

And frankly, nine years is enough time to build a C compiler from scratch.

We can debate whether it's reasonable or not to optimize code based on undefined behavior. But we should at least have the compiler emit a warning when this happens. Just like we have the notorious "x makes an integer from a pointer without a cast", we could have warnings for when the compiler decides to not emit the code for an if branch checking for a null pointer or an instruction zeroing some memory right before deallocation (I think this is not UB, but still a source of security issues due to extreme optimizations).

I would say that allowing undefined behavior is a bug in itself. It was an understandable mistake for 1970, especially for such a hacker language as C. But now if a compiler can detect UD, it should warn you about it (and mostly it does by default), and you should treat that warning as an error.

So, well, yes, if the bug is due to triggering UD, some blame should fall on the developer, too.

Plenty of undefined behavior is actually perfectly good code the compiler has no business screwing up in any way whatsoever. This is C, we do evil things like cast pointers to other types and overlay structures onto byte buffers. We don't really want to hear about "undefined" nonsense, we want the compiler to accept the input and generate the code we expect it to. If it's undefined, then define it.

This attitude turns bugs into security vulnerabilities. There's a reason the Linux kernel is compiled with -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks and probably many more sanity restoring flags. Those flags should actually be the default for every C project.

Calling the compiler buggy for not doing what you want when you commit Undefined Behavior is like calling dd buggy for destroying your data when you call it with the wrong arguments.

No, it's like calling dd buggy for deliberately zeroing all your drives when you call it with no arguments.

How did we let pedantic brainless "but muh holy standards!!!1" religious brigading triumph over common sense?

The standards left things undefined in the hopes that the language would be more widely applicable and implementers would give those areas thought themselves and decide the right thing. Not so that compiler writers can become adversarial smartasses. It even suggests that "behaving in a manner characteristic of the environment" is a possible outcome of UB, which is what "the spirit of C" is all about.

In my observations this gross exploitation of UB started with the FOSS compilers, GCC and Clang being the notable examples. MSVC or ICC didn't need to be so crazy, and yet they were very competitive, so I don't believe claims that UB is necessary for optimisation.

The good thing about FOSS is that those in power can easily be changed. Perhaps it's time to fork, fix, and fight back.

> The standards left things undefined in the hopes that the language would be more widely applicable and implementers would give those areas thought themselves and decide the right thing.

That sounds like implementation-defined behavior, not undefined behavior.

Same difference. You still have to think about what's right.

They are different by definition.

> The good thing about FOSS is that those in power can easily be changed. Perhaps it's time to fork, fix, and fight back.

Huzzah! Lead on, then.

I do not think there is a reason to fork. Just contribute. I found GCC community very welcoming. But maybe not come in with an "I need to take back the compiler from evil compiler writers" attitude.

From personal experience, they couldn't care less if they can argue it's "undefined". All they do is worship The Holy Standard. They follow the rules blindly without ever thinking whether it makes sense.

But maybe not come in with an "I need to take back the compiler from evil compiler writers" attitude.

They're the ones who started this hostility in the first place.

If even someone like Linus Torvalds can't get them to change their ways, what chances are there for anyone else?

Okay, so you're not up to making a boringcc compiler from the nine-years old proposal of TFA's author, and you don't believe that it's possible to persuade the C implementers to adopt different semantics, so... what do you propose then? It can be only three things, really: either "stop writing crypto algorithms altogether", or "write them in some different, sane language", or "just business as usual: keep writing them in C while complaining about those horrible implementers of C compilers". But perhaps you have a fourth option?

P.S. "All they do is worship The Holy Standard. They follow the rules blindly without ever thinking whether it makes sense" — well, no. Who do you think writes The Holy Standard? Those compiler folks actually comprise quite a number of the members of JTC1/SC22/WG14, and they are also the ones who actually get to implement that standard. So to quote JeanHeyd Meneide of thephd.dev, "As much as I would not like this to be the case, users – me, you and every other person not hashing out the bits ‘n’ bytes of your Frequently Used Compiler — get exactly one label in this situation: bottom bitch".

This was a very good example for the nonconstructive attitude I was talking about.

> They're the ones who started this hostility in the first place.

"How dare these free software developers not do exactly what I want."

Talk about being entitled. If you can't manage to communicate you ideas in a way that will convince others to do the work you want to see done then you need to either pay (and find someone willing to do the work for payment) or do the work yourself.

I don’t really think there is either, but I figured it was a funny way to present the “there never was anything to prevent you from forking in the first place” argument.

Optimizing compilers that don't allow disabling all optimizations makes it impossible to write secure code with them. Must do it with assembly.

Disabling all optimizations isn't even enough- fundamentally what you need is a much narrower specification for how the source language maps to its output. Even -O0 doesn't give you that, and in fact will often be counterproductive (e.g. you'll get branches in places that the optimizer would have removed them).

The problem with this is that no general purpose compiler wants to tie its own hands behind its back in this way, for the benefit of one narrow use case. It's not just that it would cost performance for everyone else, but also that it requires a totally different approach to specification and backwards compatibility, not to mention deep changes to compiler architecture.

You almost may as well just design a new language, at that point.

> You almost may as well just design a new language, at that point.

Forget “almost”.

Go compile this C code:

    void foo(int *ptr)
        *ptr = 42;
This is UB. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with optimizations — any sensible translation to machine code is a use-after-free, and an attacker can probably find a way to exploit that machine code to run arbitrary code and format your disk.

If you don’t like this, use a language without UB.

But djb wants something different, I think: a way to tell the compiler not to introduce timing dependencies on certain values. This is a nice idea, but it needs hardware support! Your CPU may well implement ALU instructions with data-dependent timing. Intel, for example, reserves the right to do this unless you set an MSR to tell it not to. And you cannot set that MSR from user code, so what exactly is a compiler supposed to do?


It isn't just UB to dereference `ptr` after `free(ptr)` – it is UB to do anything with its value whatsoever. For example, this is UB:

    void foo(int *ptr)
        assert(ptr != NULL);
        assert(ptr != NULL);
Why is that? Well, I think because the C standard authors wanted to support the language being used on platforms with "fat pointers", in which a pointer is not just a memory address, but some kind of complex structure incorporating flags and capabilities (e.g. IBM System/38 and AS/400; Burroughs Large Systems; Intel iAPX 432, BiiN and i960 extended architecture; CHERI and ARM Morello). And, on such a system, they wanted to permit implementors to make `free()` a "pass-by-reference" function, so it would actually modify the value of its argument. (C natively doesn't have pass-by-reference, unlike C++, but there is nothing stopping a compiler adding it as an extension, then using it to implement `free()`.)

See this discussion of the topic from 8 years back: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11235385

> And you cannot set that MSR from user code, so what exactly is a compiler supposed to do?

Set a flag in the executable which requires that MSR to be enabled. Then the OS will set the MSR when it loads the executable, or refuse to load it if it won't.

Another option would be for the OS to expose a user space API to read that MSR. And then the compiler emits a check at the start of security-sensitive code to call that API and abort if the MSR doesn't have the required value. Or maybe even, the OS could let you turn the MSR on/off on a per-thread basis, and just set it during security-sensitive processing.

Obviously, all these approaches require cooperation with the OS vendor, but often the OS vendor and compiler vendor is the same vendor (e.g. Microsoft)–and even when that isn't true, compiler and kernel teams often work closely together.

> Set a flag in the executable which requires that MSR to be enabled. Then the OS will set the MSR when it loads the executable, or refuse to load it if it won't.

gcc did approximately this for decades with -ffast-math. It was an unmitigated disaster. No thanks. (For flavor, consider what -lssl would do. Or dlopen.)

> Another option would be for the OS to expose a user space API to read that MSR. And then the compiler emits a check at the start of security-sensitive code to call that API and abort if the MSR doesn't have the required value.

How does the compiler know where the sensitive code starts and ends? Maybe it knows that certain basic blocks are sensitive, but it’s a whole extra control flow analysis to find beginning and ends.

And making this OS dependent means that compilers need to be more OS dependent for a feature that’s part of the ISA, not the OS. Ick.

Or maybe even, the OS could let you turn the MSR on/off on a per-thread basis, and just set it during security-sensitive processing.

> How does the compiler know where the sensitive code starts and ends?

Put an attribute on the function. In C23, something like `[[no_data_dependent_timing]]` (or `__attribute__((no_data_dependent_timing))` using pre-C23 GNU extension)

> And making this OS dependent means that compilers need to be more OS dependent for a feature that’s part of the ISA, not the OS. Ick.

There are lots of unused bits in RFLAGS, I don't know why Intel didn't use one of those, instead of an MSR. (The whole upper 32 bits of RFLAGS is unused – if Intel and AMD split it evenly between them, that would be 16 bits each.) Assuming the OS saves/restores the whole of RFLAGS on context switch, it wouldn't even need any change to the OS. CPUID could tell you whether this additional RFLAGS bit was supported or not. Maybe have an MSR which controls whether the feature is enabled or not, so the OS can turn it off if necessary. Maybe even default to having it off, so it isn't visible in CPUID until it is enabled by the OS via MSR – to cover the risk that maybe the OS context switching code can't handle a previously undefined bit in RFLAGS being non-zero.

I am not talking about UB at all. I am talking about the same constant-time stuff that djb's post is talking about.

Execution time is not considered Observable Behavior in the C standard. It's entirely outside the semantics of the language. It is Undefined Behavior, though not UB that necessarily invalidates the program's other semantics the way a use-after-free would.

This is pretty persnickety and I imagine you're aware of this, but free is a weak symbol on Linux, so user code can replace it at whim. Your foo cannot be statically determined to be UB.

Hmm, not sure, I think it would be possible to mark a function with a pragma as "constant time", and the compiler could make sure that it indeed is that. I think it wouldn't be impossible to actually teach it to convert branched code into unbranched code automatically for many cases as well. Essentially, the compiler pass must try to eliminate all branches, and the code generation must make sure to only use data-constant-time ops. It could warn/fail when it cannot guarantee it.


"Optimizing compilers that don't allow disabling __all__ optimizations"

It’s not well-defined what counts as an optimization. For example, should every single source-level read access of a memory location go through all cache levels down to main memory, instead of, for example, caching values in registers? That would be awfully slow. But that question is one reason for UB.

Or writing code that relies on inlining and/or tail call optimization to successfully run at all without running out of stack... We've got some code that doesn't run if compiled O0 due to that.

do these exist? who's using them?

If your "secure" code is not secure because of a compiler optimization it is fundamentally incorrect and broken.

There is a fundamental difference of priorities between the two worlds. For most general application code any optimization is fine as long as the output is correct. In security critical code information leakage from execution time and resource usage on the chip matters but that essentially means you need to get away from data-dependent memory access patterns and flow control.

Then such code needs to be written in a language that actually makes the relevant timing guarantees. That language may be C with appropriate extensions but it certainly is not C with whining that compilers don't apply my special requirements to all code.

That argument would make more sense if such a language was widely available but today in practice it isn't so we live in the universe of less ideal solutions. Actually it doesn't really respond to DJB's point anyway, his case here is that the downstream labor cost of compiler churn exceeds the actual return in performance gains from new features and that a change in policy could give security-related code a more predictable target without requiring a whole new language or toolchain. For what it's worth I think the better solution will end up being something like constant-time function annotations (not stopping new compiler features) but I don't discount his view that absent human nature maybe we would be better of focusing compiler dev on correctness and stability.

> his case here is that the downstream labor cost of compiler churn exceeds the actual return in performance gains from new features

Yes but his examples are about churn in code that makes assumptions that neither the language nor the compiler guarantees. It's not at all surprising that if your code depends on coincidental properties of your compiler that compiler upgrades might break it. You can't build your code on assumptions and then blame others when those assumptions turn out to be false. But then again, it's perhaps not too surprising that cryptographers would do this since their entire field depends on unproven assumptions.

A general policy change here makes no sense because most language users do not care about constant runtime and would rather have their programs always run as fast as possible.

I think this attitude is what is driving his complaints. Most engineering work exists in the context of towering teetering piles of legacy decisions, organizational cultures, partially specified problems, and uncertainty about the future. Put another way "the implementation is the spec" and "everything is a remodel" are better mental models than spec-lawyering. I agree that relying on say stability of the common set of compiler optimizations circa 2015 is a terrible solution but I'm not convinced it's the wrong one in the short term. Are we really getting enough perf out of the work to justify the complexity? I don't know. It's also completely infeasible given the incentives at play, complexity and bugs are mostly externalities that with some delay burden users and customers.

Personally I'm grateful the cryptographers do what they do, computers would be a lot less useful without their work.

The problem is that preventing timing attacks often means you have to implement something in constant time. And most language specifications and implementations don't give you any guarantees that any operations hapen in constant time and can't be optimized.

So the only possible way to ensure things like string comparison don't have data-dependent timing is often to implement it in assembly, which is not great.

What we really need is intrinsics that are guaranteed to have the desired timing properties , and/or a way to disable optimization, or at least certain kinds of optimization for an area of code.

Intrinsics which do the right thing seems like so obviously the correct answer to me that I've always been confused about why the discussion is always about disabling optimizations. Even in the absence of compiler optimizations (which is not even an entirely meaningful concept), writing C code which you hope the compiler will decide to translate into the exact assembly you had in mind is just a very brittle way to write software. If you need the program to have very specific behavior which the language doesn't give you the tools to express, you should be asking for those tools to be added to the language, not complaining about how your attempts at tricking the compiler into the thing you want keep breaking.

The article explains why this is not as simple as that, especially in the case of timing attacks. Here it's not just the end-result that matters, but how it's done that matters. If any code can be change to anything else that gives the same results, then this becomes quite hard.

Absolutist statements such as this may give you a glowing sense of superiority and cleverness, but they contribute nothing and are not as clever as you think.

The article describes why you can’t write code which is resistant to timing attacks in portable C, but then concludes that actually the code he wrote is correct and it’s the compiler’s fault it didn’t work. It’s inconvenient that anything which cares about timing attacks cannot be securely written in C, but that doesn’t make the code not fundamentally incorrect and broken.

It's secure code we use.

I'm sure you know who DJB is.

Why is knowing who the author is relevant? Either what he posts is correct or it is not, who the person is is irrelevant.

If you have ub then you have a bug and there is some system that will show it. It isn't hard to write code without ub.

It is, in fact, pretty hard as evidenced by how often programmers fail at it. The macho attitude of "it's not hard, just write good code" is divorced from observable reality.

Staying under the speed limit is, in fact, pretty hard as evidenced by how often drivers fail at it.

It's more complex than that for the example of car speed limits. Depending on where you live, the law also says that driving too slow is illegal because it creates an unsafe environment by forcing other drivers on i.e. the freeway to pass you.

But yeah, seeing how virtually everyone on every road is constantly speeding, that doesn't give me a lot of faith in my fellow programmers' ability to avoid UB...

Some jurisdictions also set the speed limit at, e.g., the 85th percentile of drivers' speed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_limit#Method) so some drivers are always going to be speeding.

(I'm one of those speeders, too; I drive with a mentality of safety > following the strict letter of the law; I'll prefer speed of traffic if that's safer than strict adherence to the limit. That said, I know not all of my peers have the same priorities on the road, too.)

And to be specific, some kinds of UB are painfully easy to avoid. A good example of that is strict aliasing. Simply don't do any type punning. Yet people still complain about it being the compiler's fault when their wanton casting leads to problems.

People write buffer overflows because and memory leaks they are not coreful. The rest of ub are things I have never seen despite running sanitizers and a large codebase.

Perhaps you’re not looking all that hard.

Sanitizers are very good at finding ub.

Sure. That's just a function of how much UB there is, rather than them catching it all.

Only if developers act as grown ups and use all static analysers they can get hold of, instead of acting as they know better.

The tone of my answer is a reflection of what most surveys state, related to the actual use of such tooling.

Do you know what UBSAN is? Have you used it?

yes, my ci system runs it with a comprehensive test suite.

Are you sure? It doesn't look like it has to me.

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