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Very cool story. Not what I expected to find on HN but glad it was linked! I was born and raised in Massachusetts and know the Zildjian brand, but had absolutely no idea they were based there.

I mean the patch notes for this issue literally do this, so they seem to be off to a good start.

No, all the patch notes say is “I learned from my mistake and ripped out all the logging code”.

That’s not actually a postmortem of a list of process changes. Nothing about how WIP changes made it through into a code release nor in how such mistakes will be prevented in the future. There’s a much richer discussion of options in this thread of things people do to prevent things like this. For example, reading environment variables from a file that’s gitignored so that you never accidentally commit something and you don’t need to mutate code to do a config change.

He may indeed have learned from his mistakes, but I’m pointing out the flaw of assuming every mistake was treated as a learning opportunity, especially when no real evidence exists to suggest that.

Yeah I think this is a good point. Around ~8th grade I got pretty far into making a Final Fantasy 6-inspired JRPG in QBASIC with some friends. Obviously it was not remotely professional quality. But the delta between it and a "real" game wasn't THAT insane. There's only so much you can pack into little 8 or 16 bit sprites. It's very easy to write a 2D tile based engine, there was a lot of info on the Internet about it even then back in the late 90s. I didn't need to know college level math to do basic 2D rendering and effects. If making a somewhat presentable game in the 90s interested you, it was all pretty attainable with study and work.

Nowadays, for my own kids, the equivalent would be trying to write... Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom from scratch? Which is like asking them to solve cold fusion based on a middle school understanding of science. It's laughable. Making "old grandpa games" doesn't motivate them. Which is a bummer, because hacking on that crappy QBASIC RPG definitely set me on the path to a lifelong interest and career in tech. (Unfortunately it was never finished, because my HDD died, and the backup I periodically dumped to a floppy was unreadable, so several years of effort were lost. Great early lesson about backups not meaning shit unless you regularly test that you can restore them...).

I've definitely committed debug messages before. Probably everyone who writes code has at some point. Thankfully it's never been anything TOO embarrassing. These days I try to always do a git diff and search for "print" (or whatever the language equivalent is) before I commit and push as a final sanity check.

In high school, my friend had a habit of titling draft papers something inappropriate. Which was funny when we were peer editing each other. But inevitably, one time he forgot to change it back. We sat down in English class and as the teacher was walking around collecting papers, he glanced down at his and suddenly UH I GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM. He sprinted out the door straight to the computer lab and printed off a copy that didn't have a bunch of profanity in 24 point font at the top. I about died laughing.

Instead of git diff, you can also use git add -p, which asks you for each change.

It cuts both ways, though :) My son is obsessed with the Switch Zelda games, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. You can save at almost any time, plus the game autosaves constantly. He always tries to pull BUT DAD I GOTTA SAVE GIMME A FEW MORE MINUTES. Sorry bud, I saw the autosave icon pop up 10 seconds ago, you're good.

US 287 between Fort Collins, CO and Laramie, WY is notoriously dangerous and your map certainly bears it out. Click on any random stretch and it is absolutely full of pins :( Crazy because it is a wide open rural highway for the most part where you can see for miles. But it's only one lane on either side which leads people to try to pass recklessly. Plus there are some sudden turns and changes in elevation. Connecting two college towns probably doesn't help, either.

Thanks for sharing (and good luck keeping the site up). It's the definition of morbidly interesting.

I feel like this would be more plausible if the bug hadn't been introduced more than 3 years ago.

I've never personally used paid Vault but what you said, that they "asked way too much" is the constant refrain I've heard about it. Much like Splunk, it seems like there's an extra zero on the quote for smaller use cases.

Employees gotta eat, I don't begrudge them trying to sell the software. But it seems like they went for the Lamborghini business model when maybe what the market was looking for was Honda.

Clicking "parent" on this post a couple times yields some more context. Seems like the claim the throwaway account is making is that IBM pulling Vault into their IBM Cloud offering was the catalyst for relicensing everything. Terraform and other Hashi projects just got caught up in a blanket policy change.

Had not heard the IBM angle before and spent a few minutes digging.

Apart from the actual book content, I enjoy your appropriately retro and minimalist web design. It's giving me a huge nostalgia hit. Fond memories of hand crafting my own sites with a 6 inch thick book titled something like "HTML 3.2 UNLEASHED!!!!" on my desk :)

Good times!

It is all fun until you want to apply global changes to some 1500 static pages. :) So far the pain is not sufficiently intense to make me write a CMS, though. And even then the design would stay the same!

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