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TileDB, Inc. | Full-Time | REMOTE | Cambridge, USA | Athens, Greece | https://tiledb.io

TileDB is a technology for storing and managing enormous volumes of structured data on the cloud. TileDB efficiently stores data generated from variety of domains (genomics, finance, imaging, geospatial, etc) in a novel unified format as sparse or dense multidimensional arrays. Users can efficiently access this data via a growing number of language APIs, interfaces and our upcoming hosted service. TileDB, Inc. has raised $4M in seed funding over the past 18 months.

We are looking for frontend and backend developers to help develop a scalable service to make data storage, management, and computations easier for practicing data and domain scientists. A few features on the roadmap include designing a web admin console for data management, monitoring resources in real time, integration with JupyterLab and handling user profiles, billing, encryption and key management, and scaling / management of serverless compute resources.

We are primarily seeking:

- UI / UX Engineer (Javascript / Vue.js / Golang / K8s)

- Backend engineer (Go, CGo, K8’s)

* TileDB GitHub organization: https://github.com/TileDB-Inc

* TileDB has been featured on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15547749.

* TileDB blog post: http://bit.ly/2SjkeYR

* TileDB talk at PyData 2018: http://bit.ly/2BfbyJ3

Our headquarters are located in Cambridge, MA. The candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents located in the US, or Greek citizens to be located at our subsidiary in Athens, Greece.

Apply today at https://tiledb.workable.com !

My Father works as an engineer for the VA, the hidden costs of this transition is the need to rewire almost the entire VA hospital system to comply with cerner networking requirements at the cost of $100's of millions per hospital before the software can begin to be deployed.

The other hidden cost is that these ancient software systems are extremely efficient in terms of cpu / memory utilization compared to modern equivalents so the hardware requirements go up considerably which impacts power / energy efficiency and direct deployment costs for replacement systems. Not saying modernization is not a win in the long term but there are direct and indirect costs with these big transitions.

TileDB, Inc. | Full-Time | REMOTE | Cambridge, USA | Athens, Greece | https://tiledb.io

TileDB is a technology for storing and managing enormous volumes of structured data on the cloud. TileDB efficiently stores data generated from variety of domains (genomics, finance, imaging, geospatial, etc) in a novel unified format as sparse or dense multidimensional arrays. Users can efficiently access this data via a growing number of language APIs, interfaces and our upcoming hosted service. TileDB, Inc. has raised $4M in seed funding over the past 18 months.

We are looking for frontend and backend developers to help develop a scalable service to make data storage, management, and computations easier for practicing data and domain scientists. A few features on the roadmap include designing a web admin console for data management, monitoring resources in real time, integration with JupyterLab and handling user profiles, billing, encryption and key management, and scaling / management of serverless compute resources.

We are primarily seeking:

- UI / UX Engineer (Javascript / Vue.js / Golang / K8s)

- Backend engineer (Go, CGo, K8’s)

TileDB GitHub organization: https://github.com/TileDB-Inc

TileDB has been featured on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15547749.

TileDB recent blog post: http://bit.ly/2SjkeYR

TileDB talk at PyData 2018: http://bit.ly/2BfbyJ3

Our headquarters are located in Cambridge, MA. The candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents located in the US, or Greek citizens to be located at our subsidiary in Athens, Greece.

Apply today at https://tiledb.workable.com!

TileDB, Inc. | Full-Time | REMOTE | Cambridge, USA | Athens, Greece | https://tiledb.io

TileDB is a disruptive technology for storing and managing enormous volumes of structured data, adopting the best ideas from columnar and spatial database research to support fast updates, compression, and interoperability with scalable cloud object storage backends. TileDB efficiently stores data generated from variety of domains (genomics, finance, imaging, geospatial, etc) in a novel unified format as sparse or dense multidimensional arrays. Users can efficiently access this data via a growing number of language APIs and interfaces (C/C++, Python, R and SQL data engines).

TileDB, Inc. has raised $4M in seed funding over the past 18 months. We are looking for frontend / fullstack developers to help us with designing and implementing a scalable service to make data storage, management, and computations easier for practicing data scientists both on-prem and on the cloud.

We are primarily seeking:

- Frontend / fullstack engineers (UI / UX with Vue.js, Go, K8s)

* TileDB GitHub organization: https://github.com/TileDB-Inc

* TileDB has been featured on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15547749.

* TileDB recent blog post: http://bit.ly/2SjkeYR

* TileDB talk at PyData 2018: http://bit.ly/2BfbyJ3

Our headquarters are located in Cambridge, MA. The candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents located in the US, or Greek citizens to be located at our subsidiary in Athens, Greece.

Apply today at https://tiledb.workable.com !

Even after such infrastructure is built, a > 0 multiplier assumes the economic impact of the project would be greater than the lifetime costs of upkeep and maintenance of the infrastructure (and current and future taxes to support such infrastructure + interest on debt payments used in its initial construction). And excludes the opportunity cost of allocating that future capital to other projects. Ex. NY still throws money into the canal project, even though the canal has long since been economically unviable (but politically it is still viable and so it remains...).

TileDB, Inc. | Software Engineers | Cambridge, MA or REMOTE (US) | https://tiledb.io

TileDB, Inc. is looking for new team members to help develop the future of big data storage. For emerging and growing fields such as genomics, earth science, imaging, and financial analysis, the volume of data is increasing and TileDB is meeting the challenge head on. Data in these areas is well represented as multidimensional dense / sparse arrays, and the open-source TileDB data management software is a novel, cutting edge solution for array storage.

TileDB, Inc. is backed by Nexus Venture Partners and Intel Capital.

Our team combines software engineering expertise with scientific domain knowledge to develop the open-source TileDB array data management software, and we are looking for talented and motivated engineers for the following positions:

- Full Stack Web Developer: Production experience with Kubernetes, payment gateways, and React or Vue.js for frontend work.

- JVM / Spark Engineer: Deep experience with Spark, Scala, Java, native JVM extensions / JNI, Maven packaging and the SBT build system.

- Bioinformatics Software Engineer: Strong C++ skills, experience with R or Python. Genomics data engineering / analysis with FastQ, VCF, BAM formats, bcftools, htslib, GATK, Hail.

Additionally interested candidates with strong C++ skills and experience developing database / data management solutions are welcome to apply.

TileDB GitHub organization: https://github.com/TileDB-Inc

TileDB has been featured on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15547749.

Our headquarters are located in Cambridge, MA. To cope efficiently with the different time zones and hiring processes, priority will be given to candidates that are located in the US, and are US citizens or permanent residents.

Apply at https://tiledb.workable.com or contact us directly: careers@tiledb.io

Subsidized rates are ~5-7%. I know some of my sisters private loans are higher than 7% (I think somewhere around 10%). My parents gave her absolutely terrible advice about taking on the loans that she did, the millennial generation needs to be told the truth about the real life implications in servicing that much debt.


And the debt is nondischargeable in bankruptcy. It's a societal failing that we're letting people take on this debt.

Anyone who takes on debt like that is increasing the risk to their lives. Sure, if everything follows the mean - good job, good health, good relationships - people on average come out ahead after an expensive education. But the downside risk is amplified. Get sick, and there's nowhere to turn and you're stuck servicing that debt for the rest of your life.

It's a problem that crosses party lines. Both finance firms and universities have played a role in setting this system up. But millenials have to vote in numbers and advocate for making student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy -- this is the whole social point of bankruptcy law dating back centuries, to reduce crazy downside risk to individuals.

If student loans were dischargable in bankruptcy, why wouldn't everyone go through bankrupcy proceedings after graduation? If you finance education with debt, you're virtually guaranteed to graduate with a negative net worth, and no real tangible assets worth seizing.

Income-based repayment plans already exist, limiting your payments to 10% of discretionary income, with full forgiveness after 20-25 years if any balance remains. "Servicing that debt for the rest of your life" is not a thing.

You could always have them bankrutable and have strong anti-fraud rules. But i think overall it is a bad idea. It is better to just have percentage income repayment rather than bankruptcy.

No doubt about it if student loans were bankruptable then it would be ripe with fraud.

Student loans discharged through bankruptcy should also include repossession of your degree -- that is, make it criminal fraud to represent your degree to any employer upon bankruptcy.

I think we can start by cutting federal loan programs. If the programs have less money then it means less loans will be made and less debt.

> And the debt is nondischargeable in bankruptcy. It's a societal failing that we're letting people take on this debt.

Houses, cars, businesses, etc. can all be surrendered. Knowledge cannot. A degree cannot. Why should it be dischargeable if the recipient cannot discharge the benefits?

Risk of borrowers defaulting is the entire ethical justification for lending with interest. Collateralization reduces the risk of the loan, but doesn't eliminate it; after all, cars lose value over time, and businesses may or may not be able to sell assets for enough to cover their liabilities. Indeed, the closest you get to eliminating the risk of a loan is having the federal government guarantee it, so...

> Risk of borrowers defaulting is the entire ethical justification for lending with interest.

Ethics has little to do with it. The lender has money you want, and you pay them for the privilege of using that money for a while. Supply and demand.

One can't collateralize a mind aside from claiming a fraction of the attached body's output.

Completely agree. I avoided going to an expensive college. Went to a cal state instead and still ended up getting a 50k/year job. Some of my co workers have 60-80k in loans still. It is soul crushing because they want to buy homes but cant because their debt is too much.

Not necessarily, if you don't want to take the time to submit a full CV, feel free to send us a message outlining your background / experience / interests.

The company is HQ'd in Cambridge, but (all) the rest of the team is remote.

Jake from TileDB, Inc. Performance wise I would look at the referenced paper in this thread which provides benchmarks for various workloads. As to what advantages TileDB may offer you that is problem dependent, esp. compared to dense simulation output data which is the use case HDF5 was designed for. If you have specific suggestions for ways to improve HDF5 for your use case we would love to hear about them.

Haha, fully agree! It's good to separate MUMPS the language from MUMPS the storage layer / database which was innovative and pioneering in many ways. I don't think we need to re-hash MUMPS the language :)

Agreed! :)

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