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when you already have a large percentage of the online user base you are going to have to 1) wait for that underlying user base to grow 2) offer something new to capture people you dont have with your current product

They have reached the point where its a lot easier to lose someone then gain someone. I dont think its societal impact ... its people getting older and dropping off while at the same time its really hard to replenish that use base when already have so many of the young people already on your site.

So maybe they need to understand user rentention vs aging , I think that would be a place to look, societal impact ... no one uses or drops a product becuase of societal impact.

How many diamonds and how many electronics or clothes do we use that have a dubious labor practices. Its the product quality that speaks loudest.

I disagree. I am not responsible for others feelings. There should be clear rules of conduct at any job and a clear process of enforcement. This make the situation fair and certain.

One easy rule is that if someone says "Only talk to me about work." then the other person has to respect it. No forcing of social acceptance , no shaming the other to believe what you believe, just focus on what you were hired for. This is a standard taught to many managers to keep the company out of harassment issues , its very robotic unemotional but its clear and will allow different groups to work together as long as this rule is enforced.

Basically we should not have to worry about a toxic culture because you should not be forced into one when you work. You should just be able to work and separate yourself from your task in any emotional way.

[California dev, 8 years, have held manager position]

As a manager, you're absolutely responsible for your team member's feelings. Both morally and practically because if they feel bad at work, they'll leave.


This comment breaks the site guidelines in lots of ways: name-calling, snark, using uppercase for emphasis. You can't comment like that anywhere on HN, and certainly not in this thread which was bound to teeter on the abyss from the beginning.

Please read https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and do a better job of following them.

Can I ask what you did in your role as a manager?

Where I work, even though there are some titles that have the word "manager" in, the organization refers to anyone that have people report to them as "people leaders".

They are responsible for the well being of the those that report to them. If you take away the part where you are responsible for your people, what is left?

Even if you take the most clinical and robotic view of the role, you still have to effectively allocate your resources. This means balancing strengths and weaknesses, allocating team members to places they are more interested in to improve performance. All this boils down to getting to know your people and making sure they are happy...

> You should just be able to work and separate yourself from your task in any emotional way.

This is also a crazy statement coming from someone who has people report to them. People don't turn off their emotions just because they are getting paid to perform a task !??!

>People don't turn off their emotions just because they are getting paid to perform a task !??!

Isn't that what we expect professionals to do? I mean yeah professionals still have feelings and emotions but they learn to detach them from their job. Like how we expect police officers to conduct themselves... Like trained professionals.

We expect professionals to manage their emotions; huge difference. As the other poster says, it's a literal impossibility for a human being to not experience emotions.

And police offers have to deal with stuff like PTSD and emotional trauma from their job, because of how intense it is. To a lesser degree than that, our (less intense) jobs have an unavoidable emotional impact on us.

Fair point about managing versus not having emotions.

For me the following hits home for me recently

>One easy rule is that if someone says "Only talk to me about work." then the other person has to respect it. No forcing of social acceptance , no shaming the other to believe what you believe, just focus on what you were hired for.

I don't think of my company or coworkers as family. I have my life outside of the office and prefer to keep it personal and private for the most part. Likewise, I not that interested in talking about what happened in everyone's 16 hours out of the office. I am interested in discussing the problems we are facing at work and getting work done, which ironically can involve this very topic and conversation we are having right now. I want to put 8 honest hours in, not 6 honest and 2 talking about outside matters, not 8 honest and 2 talking about outside matters. What sucks is culturally I seem to be a misfit because others apparently think I am anti social. But I don't believe I am. I don't come in in the morning and say hello because I don't believe my arrival is so important that I should interrupt people that I assume are hard at work focusing and concentrating. If you're at your desk, YOU need to say hello to me as I walk in so I know I'm not interrupting you. But also not get mad if I all I say is hi and blow off any small talk. On my commute in I am thinking about what I want to accomplish within the first hour of work so I'm already focusing on doing that. Want to chit chat? Catch me at lunch.

There's a difference between acting professional and ignoring abuse because "I shouldn't be emotional at my job".

So what, you're going to punish someone who mentions they saw the shape of water last night and it was really good?

That seems rather ridiculous.

Or how about, I'm trying to learn rust and it's pretty neat but also pretty hard. I don't use rust at work. Is that work related enough since it's tech?

If I walk up to a coworker and say "You idiot, this damn bug is ridiculous" am I not responsible for them getting upset at that?

Would you please stop posting unsubstantive comments in this thread? and not post them to HN in general?

Would you please stop accusing me of that?

I can't make a fucking comment without you up my fucking ass about it. I was illustrating the point that I think the standard proposed is not a good hard rule.

The moderation here has become truly ridiculous.

If you abuse the site and get banned, you can't just create a new account to keep doing the same things. Shouldn't that be obvious?

why not just deploy .... the only thing a CI system does is run a bunch of scripts ... build a bash script and deploy by hand.

Theres an 80/20 rule here, you can get 80% of CI features in 20% of the script you create

Also if you turn down your deployment cycle (once a day, twice a week , etc) you will lessen the problem of lack of a tool , until you find one

CI for me has always been about deployment organization and automation. Its ok to have a bug be fixed by end of day, it doesnt have to be deployed in 15 mins.

leave please

We've banned this account for repeatedly violating the site guidelines. If you don't want to be banned on HN, you're welcome to email hn@ycombinator.com and give us reason to believe that you'll follow the rules in the future.


faster than native applications .... the borwser on the phone is a native application. The browser engine doesnt render faster then any other browser engine.

This is such bs snake oil.

what a advertisement. Get their interest by describing what you do then make them fill in how.

You are about 5 years late. Please add more to your link page. Its not like you are talking to an uninformed commuinty

Or you can just account for not collecting waste of people that take drugs from a list ... you could have people that are part of the program and get some kind of crypto token for truning in their grade-A poo.

Well call them the Elite Shitters

Well I don't think you'd collect waste at the individual level, that seems absurdly arduous. Most developed nations already have an excellent pipeline (literally) for collecting and centralizing human waste. It would probably make more sense to collect it somewhere along the line at sewage treatment facilities. There would still be many other challenges with that.

my account too , but it works great, thx coinbase

why did you give them so much money that you are "really worried" dont be irresponsible, its a new venture , dont put in your life savings ... just a couple of dollars , try it out if it doesnt work then at least its not something to be "really worried" about

I gave them money , they gave me coin , everything worked ... maybe you made them angry and tried to do something illegal on their site so they shut your user down.

I hear they prioritize "good" users in their system.

There is a section where there is the type of account you add, if you add a bank account you get special treatment

"maybe you made them angry and tried to do something illegal on their site so they shut your user down."

Ahh, crypto-punk-decentralized-liberatrians never seize to amaze with the level of double-think they can achieve. How someone can hold both "the government is evil and might take your money" and "maybe you made this website angry so they didn't give you your money" at the same time is truly impressice.

> crypto-punk-decentralized-liberatrians

Woah, nice strawman

> just a couple of dollars , try it out if it doesnt work then at least its not something to be "really worried" about

Could you imagine living in a world where you had to start every business relationship by only making extremely small "beta test" transactions, be it a trip to Target to opening an account at your local credit union. Like, on your first trip to Costco, you only bought a box of gum because you couldn't ever be sure they wouldn't somehow completely fuck you over and if they did fuck you over the societal response would always be "LOL too bad, so sad.... shouldn't have trusted them!!!"

I dunno about anybody else, but that really isn't the world I would want to live in.

There is value, substantial value, to trust others and when that trust fails, having a solid legal system to back you up. If you cannot trust anybody but yourself, every transaction you make becomes significantly more expensive.

I have a linked bank account. Can you elaborate please, how could I have possibly made them "angry" at me for buying Litecoins?

what article? all i see are comments ... nice juicy comments

I'll often just read the comments, or read a portion of them and possibly even comment (if it's not entirely related to the submission, as discussion drifts), prior to reading the article. If what I'm commenting about is related to the article and I haven't read it (such as noting related info), I generally do a quick scan and search of the article to make sure I'm not repeating what it said.

I don't think there's anything wrong with reading comments first, and in some select cases commenting yourself. Comments are why I'm here. That said, it's worth keeping in mind whether you've read the article though and how that affects your interpretation of what you're reading, and what you want to say. Be signal, not noise (I think that's a perfect motto for HN and summarizes the rules fairly well).

I upvoted you. Sometimes we need a laugh.

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