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Yeah, Pandas would provide a pretty big improvement, but I wonder how much of an improvement one could get even by just replacing the c-style loop:

> for qs in combinations(all_qs, K):

> > ...

> > corrs.append({'qs': qs, 'r': r})


> corrs.sort_values(...)

with a python style list comprehension:

> def build_q(combination):

> > ...

> > return {'qs': qs, 'r': r}


> max(build_q(c) for c in combinations(all_qs, K), key = lambda v: v['r'])

> I prefer "endemic", because it is baked into the operators of the system...

There was a pandemic of racism that we fought a war over, now we have to pretend it doesn't exist anymore to keep the economy going and 'live our lives'?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. We certainly didn't fight a war over racism, but instead over chattel slavery and a states right to have that. I do not believe the north was less racist simply because they did not have slaves by the time the civil war broke out.

I also don't understand your "doesn't exist" comment. Racism exists (and we're also seeing the trial of "combat racism by more racism")

So much of my potential productivity would be lost if Dyson Sphere Program or Captain of Industry ran on macs.

DSP... Hours and hours... The satisfaction when it was finished... This was great. Played it on GeForce Now

Without wanting to underscore the seriousness of those problems, a day or two in the woods without access to email or a constant stream of news (Discord and SMS seems fine for me in that situation) really dampens a lot of mental health issues I have, even after going back to civilization.

Oh boy, I can't wait for insurance to start telling people that being able to smell or taste isn't medically necessary.

I would guess that it would be interesting if:

1. It's a sign that the tech layoffs are part of a more general wave of layoffs

2. Most of the layoffs were on their eCommerce platform

3. If there was a blame towards Amazon. Just as an anecdote, I recently bought a whole set of camping gear on Amazon for about a third of the price as REI (and actually for cheaper than their rental rates.) Quality might not be the same, but I don't really need anything heavy duty.

> people who are likely 25%+ and even sometimes 30%+ body fat that think they're in a healthy BMI range a

Something I've observed is that people don't perceive weight on an absolute scale, but relative to other people. Really skews things depending on their local obesity rates.

Not GP, but an ongoing concern I have with covid is that the "severity of current variants" is something that you can really only know after the fact and mild cases can still cause long term effects. I also think that, even if there is a really dangerous strain that evolves, there's no way that in-office companies will go back to WFH, so it might make sense to plan for that possibility.

It could also be the case that they're fine with the risk of covid when it comes to actually living life (travel, hanging out with friends and family), but doesn't want to take that risk just to make zoom calls in an office instead of at home.

Yes, but with traffic (or reliance on public transit, and the Bay Area's n different transit orgs), a 10 mile commute could easily be more than an hour each way.

> who is building a product that is profitable?

Just my experience from being on the job market, but a lot of places I've interviewed at have traditional ML models (network security, ecommerce, image tagging) that are now rebranding as AI, without much of an actual change.

Logistic regression rebranded as ML now rebranded as AI :)

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