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I have never heard of User Acceptance Training. I have heard of User Acceptance Testing (UAT), which is about users testing the software, not training users on the software. The goal of UAT is to work with the user to verify that the software's functionality and usability are "acceptable". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance_testing#User_accept...

Training/Testing => potato/potahto

It's always agrressive against the users. The users are the poor saps that have to accept whatever the devs have droped on them. The users have no say other than suggest it doesn't work, doesn't promote efficient workflows, whatever. It's then up to the devs to fix, but they feel like they've delivered according to specs so tough. The User will Accept Whatever from the all powerful dev team. How about User Acceptability Testing. At least it then makes it sound like the devs are going to give a damn about the users feedback.

By default, AT&T also throttles video playback to 480p, but it is an option that can be disabled: https://www.att.com/offers/streamsaver.html (instructions listed in the middle/FAQ).

This is the first I had heard of Limn, and it looks like a really interesting magazine. What other great non-mainstream tech/design magazines are out there?

I thought so as well, I hope to see more answers to this post.

I don't know if it is mainstream or not, but idn magazine is a great design mage; see here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://....

If I have already installed a bunch of packages, how do I move everything to something like ~/.homebrew? (1) Change the HOMEBREW_PREFIX (2) move the existing aliases from /usr/local/bin (3) add the directory to my path (4) ???

Bessemer Alliance - Pittsburgh, PA (onsite) - full-time

  About the company
We are a small strategy, design & software startup based in Pittsburgh, PA. Our client base is diverse, ranging from small startups to global Fortune 100 companies. In our first 3 years we have experienced fantastic growth and foresee greater opportunities in the near future. Our client engagements typically involve research, strategy, and design. In addition to client work, we are working on a top-secret, internally-developed product that is slated for limited release in Q1 2015 (it is going to be great). We believe the future is bright and that we possess the ability to make it so. Learn more at http://www.bessemeralliance.com/

  Open positions
Visual Designer - create detailed UI designs for web and mobile applications and contribute to the overall UX vision. All our designers participate in research, facilitation, and synthesis activities, but your focus will be on visual/UI design.

To apply or hear more about the position, just send an email to spencer@bessemeralliance.com

Do you know if the design position is remote as well?

The [2] link is for a Front-End Platform Engineer. Should it link to https://jobs.lever.co/nilas/04ea91e1-6d77-4077-8253-4f8b7937... ?

Yes, you're right.

There is a lot more to good design than big click targets. Even infinitely large targets are useless if the user does not know where they are.

> Even infinitely large targets are useless if the user does not know where they are.

That I can completely agree with. The tutorial that they introduced helps, but I think something (not sure what) would have helped.

A trade implies choice. What are the phones with amazing battery life? There are some DROID phones (MAXX, etc.), but is that it?

The newest Blackberry phones (Passport, Z30) have excellent battery life as well, far surpassing a full day's use, under heavy usage.

Passport display is 4.5" w/ 453 PPI

Old Blackberry phones are renowned for their battery life. If that's truly your chief concern then I would look into buying one.

From reading reviews of the BB Passport it sounds like new Blackberries are too - just be sure to avoid the middle ground, the last few years they haven't been good at all.

But, 2 gifs is 100% of the gifs in the article...

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