If a site ranks high in a SR, isn't it because it must have good backlinks?
Shouldn't that be more important than whether it has original content or not?
Maybe an aggregator displays the content in a more useful way than the originator so it gets linked to more than the originator.
If the content creator doesn't like his content copied he can take it up with the copier. It's not Googles job to get involved in that.
Google's job is to give the searcher a list of the sites that matches his keywords in an unbiased way. They should do that mostly on what the internet thinks is the best site, not what Google thinks is the best site.
Disgusting. Just another stimulus coruptis jobs program and further take over of the internet. The private sector can handle it's own cyber security better faster and cheaper than the government ever could. Where do people get the idea that communism (government) can do anything better than capitalism? Call your congressman and senator and tell him or her to stop all the wars. That will do more for our security than a thousand government cyber centers. Also ask him to cut the federal government by 2/3, that will fix the economy more than all the stimuli and bailouts combined.
I'm all for being skeptical of the government getting control of the internet, but you quickly lost me with your communism vs. capitalism rant. We don't need hyperbole here.