Unfortunately Mozilla seems having problems with managing larger products or changes. I was following recent (last year iirc) transition of Thunderbird from xul based extensions to webextensions - no updated roadmap, the new extension model was pushed to production while being only part ready. Examples provided by Mozilla team were outdated and some used features that were no longer available. Other features were not implemented, some worked for pop3 and not for imap accounts. This thing was and probably still is a mess.
So while the product you described seems to have some potential, i can't imagine it being run by Mozilla and attracting developers.
You do know, that there are 24 fulfillment centers in Germany alone and each one of them needs the same type of work, that is being done in each of 7 centers in Poland? Because your comment suggests that the hard work is being done only in Poland.
Working standards and labor laws are different in those countries,e.g. in Germany unions are pretty strong and warehouse workers are better protected (only 2 shifts are allowed), whereas in Poland those sweatshops run 24/7. Hourly pay for this job in PL is equal to €5.3/$6.2/£4.5.
Cheap workforce is the sole reason of Amazon's presence in PL (until very recent, they didn't even have a local domain) and the backbone of their logistics for Western Europe.
Because human beings have limits beyond which they break, even when they are desperate for money.
Low-regulation countries (or corrupt countries, which is equivalent for the corrupters) ignore those limits and achieve efficiency for the rich at the expense of the bodies of the poor.
Money can't fix this. Many young people think themselves indestructible and roll the dice (without even realizing) by ruining their health for money. This practice must simply be made illegal, except for the most dire of needs (e.g. a surgeon in the middle of an operation can't just clock out).
Just like you can't legally sell yourself into slavery or sell your organs, you shouldn't be allowed to sell your health away for a bigger buck like this; and businesses that rely on such practices for their business model should simply be closed down.
Wow, did they send her wav files? Havn't seen these in a while, thought that if you were to collect millions of audio clips from your customers you would use some compression algorithm, but apparently Amazon does not have to care about such details.