In my experience, you can do what you like and then share, all the time. It really takes a great deal of effort to enable your peers to know what are your interests and what you are good at. In the end I had to force myself into writing articles, bringing the code to "ready for other people" state and etc. Once done — people will find you, then you just chat, try building something together and see how that comes out.
Very interesting -- it seems redis is used more and more for of its data mangling capacity.
I have 2 questions, although I don't use redis in prod I'm interested in it:
- Why use key -> json ? There are a decode and an encode to be done on each operation. The naive way to do it would be hashes ( with the likes of HSET and HMSET, and a structure like 'a' -> 'spend' -> 3. which not only make operations faster but should also take less space thanks to memory optimization of similar keys in a hash.
- What do you do for persistance ? Which one did you choose ? Are you okay with the slight delay ? Or do you just make it all in-memory ?