I don't think that's why people buy consumer reports. At least for me it's about getting a professional review in the context of the product as well as against others in the same category from a source whose only interest is keeping the customer (me) informed. I'll admit that limits the selection of the products reviewed, but I'm OK with that trade off.
I think what you're describing could work well for Angie's List though (also a customer of theirs).
The commenter just described the probability of tossing a coin 21 times and all cointosses being heads, so (1/2)^21, or 1 in 2^21.
It's a specific case of the cumulative binomial distribution which is what you might look up if you want to know about the case where the probability of people liking X in general isn't 50% but something else, or the number of samples isn't 21, or the number of sampled people liking X isn't 0.
One thing you may consider is having private or invite only communities. Almost all the offerings out there are for public communities, which leaves in house self help an untapped market.
Yes that's a good way to go to. Although you might hack Haash right now to not show questions and answers to the public, we might consider a sophisticated version of that.
You can set yourself to Do Not Disturb mode, which is kind of the same thing. Notifications are muted and the sender sees a 'Zzz' symbol next to your name.
If someone sends you a direct message they have the option to interrupt you if it's really important.
Agreed, and would probably go a bit beyond "minor".
Other chat systems offer the ability to attach a message to your AFK status, which can be pretty helpful for setting expectations about when you might be back. Last time I looked, Slack seemed kind-of resistant to doing anything like that.
Ideally, only results should matter. But 'Zzz' somehow reinforces the default assumption that a remote worker will try to be paid for slacking off. Now, I am going back to bed.
It totally does and I use it heavily, although if urgent a co-worker can have the option to force the notification through. Usually doesn't happen as people realise you'll get back to it soon.
Yeah, but "away" and "busy" are two different statuses. "Away" seems to me to indicate "not working". "Busy" seems to indicate "working too hard to be interrupted."
So they don't waste cycles on something not part of their core business or competency? Pretty standard reasons to pay someone to solve a problem. I think what this really showed is Dyn was not as competent in mitigating as what people thought.
The implication of incompetence isn't really fair here. This attack was fairly unique, in that it had a sufficient quantity to be a quality of its own. It's unclear whether any DNS provider could have survived it, except by luck of not being chosen as the target.
Yeah, that's exactly why I asked. Seems like one of those things where it makes sense to me to outsource, but I don't really know if I'm right on that.
[I'll try to make it simple, ignoring edge cases and real world complexity]
You can't outsource DNS. It's one of the critical piece of networking that must be in every infrastructure.
The common DNS server is BIND. It's been there for 30 years, it's well known, well manageable and well understood. Sysadmins have to know it and manage it. It's especially critical for worldwide multi-site tech organizations.
There is no need for anything else. BIND can do everything and is the most flexible. Some of the alternatives lack some or most of the features (e.g. some type of DNS records).
You should assume that any organization is running it's own DNS servers. (ignore the edge cases).
In practise for large scale operations, the DNS tree will get very complex.
What the websites changed was only the public DNS server for reddit.com or airbnb.com. It's only the top of the iceberg. There is likely a very complex DNS setup underneath including public domains, private domains, special internal domains, CDN, per datacenter, per continent, etc... which could imply 10 different DNS services.
Who serves the top level public domain is a details. We should assume that the companies put whatever they could in little time to fix the ongoing issue.
> You can't outsource DNS. It's one of the critical piece of networking that must be in every infrastructure.
This is simply not true. For resolvers, you can use your ISPs DNS servers or use a public resolver like Google DNS, OpenDNS, etc. For authoritative DNS there are plenty of hosted (outsourced) offerings like Route53, Dyn, Google Cloud DNS, etc.
This may not work for sufficiently complex organizations, but in my ~20 person SaaS company we have zero DNS servers and it works just fine. We use our ISP's resolvers for client lookups, and Google Cloud DNS for authoritative DNS.
As I said. It's a simplification. I really don't (and can't) get into a long explanation here about how to run a complex DNS infrastructure spanning multiple continents and datacenters ^^
Thing is. You gotta to run your own DNS since the moment you want your own DNS names. Good for you if a simple external DNS service is enough for you, a single 20 people office is not comparable to what the websites mentioned are operating.
Have you looked into electrode.io? It's the total package with testing, server side rendering, optional above-the-fold rendering, profiling, etc.
It took about half a day to get used to it, but I enjoyed not having to make the decisions over and over again and handles the basics as well as advanced use cases.
It's been really great, and reporting issues and small pull requests has been super easy so far. Not really what I expected from a company like walmart so I was pleasantly surprised.
The only fundamental disagreement I have with it is how the "client" folder is organized by default. I think it's a mistake to organize by the type of file (component, reducers, etc). Instead, the organization should be centered around the real use (pages, resources, etc.) Explained in more detail here, https://medium.com/@alexmngn/how-to-better-organize-your-rea...
I understand that's personal preference, and my preference is born out of seeing more than one react app become a tangled mess because isolation was hard to understand based upon file structure.
I use it as a news site as well, and to resolve customer support issues. On that topic, it's simply amazing how much more responsive a company is if you contact them about a an issue on twitter than in any other form of communication.
I believe twitter should segment and provide platforms for specific types of users.