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I don't much follow AI news beyond what I randomly happen to see on HN, but this might still be the largest open source model: https://github.com/yandex/YaLM-100B . There's discussion of it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/vpn0r1/d_h... - at the bottom of that page is a comment from someone who actually ran it in the cloud.

The only time I tried to use Discord it demanded I send them my government ID.

The model of the game seems to be to have steep prices, but then give something like $100 of premium currency monthly in exchange for playing the game. This will generate engagement even if the content is mediocre. How many players would do dailies for fun if they did not come with what's effectively a $1 coupon?

I'm almost in the same boat, though I use emacs' language-specific input methods for longer texts. The postfix input methods especially work great with Dvorak.

They had a bit under $80k in crypto in their list of BTC and ETH addresses "leaked" along with the source code when the site was hacked earlier this year.

Probably one of the reasons Western Europe diverges from the US, despite the academic scene being similar and even more entrenched, is that the conservative bogeyman in Europe was smaller.

The reason Western Europe diverged academically is the woke academics fled Europe in the 40's.

I don't recall ever having heard about Blokada before, but looking it up now it doesn't seem recommended: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/merge_requests/8536

(I created that merge request)

Blokada's UI is without peer and so it makes for a very good "just works" for the majority (in fact, from what I know, it is the most downloaded DNS-based content blocker on Android by far).

However, it is disappointing that some of their decision-making is found wanting: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/papgeq/any_...

Forgive the questions, but you seem to be a good person to ask.. How does Blokada actually work? Its FAQ claims it:

> prevents apps and browsers installed on your device from sending your private data (known as tracking fingerprints) to the Internet.

Is it doing some kind of packet inspection?

As a secondary layer of blocking I use DNS66 which intercepts DNS requests and fails them for blacklisted domains, by installing itself as a virtual VPN - essentially a cooked /etc/hosts for Android.

Would Blokada work alongside that?

> prevents apps and browsers installed on your device from sending your private data (known as tracking fingerprints) to the Internet.

For now, Blokada's utility is limited to DNS-based content blocking. It cannot and does not prevent most forms of fingerprinting.

> Is it doing some kind of packet inspection?

Yes, only DNS packet inspection, but even for the only thing it does, it is clumsy: It leaks DNS requests; that is, Blokada does not trap all DNS traffic on port 53, and it does not handle DNS queries sent over TCP. DNS66 has these same issues, too.

> As a secondary layer of blocking I use DNS66 which intercepts DNS requests and fails them for blacklisted domains, by installing itself as a virtual VPN - essentially a cooked /etc/hosts for Android.

Blokada uses the same trick (I mean, core parts of Blokada 4 code-base does bear similarities with DNS66 which preceded it... Blokada 5 however was re-written in Rust).

> Would Blokada work alongside that?

No, it cannot. But: Apps that support "DNS proxying" (like Nebulo [0]) can. It is quite an involved setup. I'd simply use Nebulo over DNS66, as it is not only more capable but also encrypts DNS traffic unlike Blokada 4 or DNS66.

> ...but you seem to be a good person to ask..

A disclosure, rather something to keep in mind: I have been accused of spreading fud by the Blokada lead developer and using it to "market" a "competitor" app I co-develop. In my defense, it wasn't / isn't fud what I spread, unless fud === uncomfortable truth.

[0] https://github.com/ch4t4r/Nebulo (fixed link, thanks u/NoGravitas)

Github link for Nebulo appears wrong: is this the correct one?


Would you mind to suggest any alternative to Blokada? Thanks!

Thanks for the info!

I'd guess anywhere snow can build up on roofs will have the lines buried.

Nova Scotia has overhead lines. Power does go out a bunch, mostly due to tree branches though.

Same in parts of New England. It's not too unusual to lose power during storms (especially ice storms), but it's typically restored within a few hours.

This will be a nice case study in if collecting telemetry actually works - will audacity actually have improved in a year from now?

I think there's plenty of data for that, given that it's how UX designers generally do things nowadays. What I'd like more to see is a telemetry library or service that respects your data, so we can say "oh, they're using OpenTelemetry, so that's fine", where OpenTelemetry guarantees that it will respect user data.

That sort of thing can't really exist. Consider this scenario:

A developer of an email client wishes to use telemetry to figure out which IMAP features are most worth supporting. They could, say, log every IMAP server you connect to. Or instead run an IMAP ID command and log the response. Or they could ship the CAPABILITIES response verbatim. Or maybe they could carefully parse the CAPABILITIES response and only report the existence of specific tokens (which may include capabilities not yet supported by the client) back as telemetry.

There's a gradient of scuminess going on there, all to (purportedly) track the same information. What matters for privacy concerns is the choice of data being tracked; how it's actually collected and transmitted is comparatively unimportant. So what you really want is someone to approve the choice of what to track, which isn't what a third-party library or service is likely to give you. And you don't need to necessarily route it through a third party; if we're talking about open-source software, the data that's being tracked is public knowledge--an organization that reviews telemetry and gives a stamp of approval would be sufficient to achieve the same ends.

But even then, I suspect many people are going to have different ideas as to what data is safe to track. Even the list I gave for tracking IMAP, I fully expect that there exists sharp disagreement about whether some of those entries would be okay for telemetry purposes.

Given the characteristics of data collection and deanonymisation, "safe" isn't a label which can be applied broadly to a product.

"Security is a process, not a product" applies equally to privacy, itself a domain of security.

Why would anyone acquire it except to turn it into malware? I can't recall a project that wasn't built for commercial success from the start being bought for any other reason. I guess sourceforge stopping malware bundling could count.

I don’t doubt that’s what’s happening but I’m curious if/how it can be a good business decision

Business profit doesn't have to be a global value. If Audacity is purchased at value X and pillaged in such a way that you can get a third party to pay you value Y for what you did to/with it, and Y > X, that's profitable depending on how much effort/expense you had to go to during that process.

Doesn't have anything to do with even Audacity's users, much less the sustainability of the Audacity ecosystem. If there exists somebody somewhere who would pay more to see Audacity scuttled than it'd cost to buy, that becomes a potential profit motive to a facilitating third party if they know of that dynamic out there to be exploited.

This is of course subject to whether it's allowed to just wreck stuff for your benefit, and how. In cases of simple property, it's generally not: you can't just burn down a rival store to benefit yourself because that's against the rules.

I don't think such limitations currently apply to businesses past a certain level of abstraction, and what's happening to Audacity is not in the least meant as 'just burn it down', even if that's what happens: it's meant as 'get more control over this property', for whatever reason. That may or may not be a wise business decision, but in terms of being able to extract profit, it's a good business decision if in any way, for any reason, it works to get them more money than they paid for the property.

I think it's a very bad decision in the larger sense of things in the world, ability to trust in the things we know about, ability to function within larger systems of known properties and build order out of chaos for the sake of real progress. But that wasn't the question.

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