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I'm guessing you are not familiar with how Chinese characters work nor how Japanese Hiragana or Kanji work.

This is not a helpful comment.

Well obviously not. Posting a dumb question tends to return some very helpful responses

Hoping for 10 years of support, I adopted Centos 8 a week before the EOL announcement. I never understood why they decided to support 7 longer than 8.

That was the real rug-pull. Had they supported CentOS 8 for the full 10 years, and announced that starting with 9 it would be this useless rolling release, people would have been much more calm about the whole thing.


It would've been disappointing, but it wouldn't have knocked the bee hive off the tree, so to speak. The announcement came right after I had switched over all my stuff to target CentOS 8. If they had given me the runway to make it feel like all that work wasn't for nothing, I would've been okay taking a few years to slowly roll to something else.

Same. I mostly support what Red Hat has done (after many hours of listening to arguments and thinking about them. Not the prima facie arguments that they made which were PR BS and spin, but the real reasons that were only gotten to by podcast hosts that pushed back a bit. But the CentOS 8 rug pull was a bad move and IMHO is really hard to defend because it came down to a short-term profit grab to try to force people to buy RHEL. I think long-term profit motive is a good thing (within reason and without compromising the open source principles) as it keeps RHEL sustainable, but the rug pull of CentOS 8 was wrong.

I can't say I wouldn't have done a similar pull on the rug, but having a plan before-hand for open source users, home users, and even "small business" users would have gone a long way to making the pill easier to swallow.

I know for myself, where I could fit into all three of those, I just won't use RedHat anything anymore. Whereas if there had been a "pay one-time fee of $500" or whatever to get "ten years of self-support/no-support" our server would be RedHat today.

As it is ....

5.4.0-169-generic #187-Ubuntu SMP

> The only innovation here is to combine the various pieces into one package.

Isn't this how any and all innovations work? (At least in the consumer product area)

It is, but honestly this feels pretty weak.

There are already a bunch of Zigbee energy harvesting switches on the market that work well. There's the Hue Tap that I mentioned, plus other commenters have pointed out other ones.

If you replace the "one or two RF power transmitters to power up all switches inside the house" with a Zigbee gateway you've got a packaged solution that you can buy right now.

The rest of the article talks about sensors, "seamless automation", etc and feels like future thinking (i.e., they don't have a solution here but they're working on it), but also feels like more already-solved problems.

For example, lighting driven by occupancy is something you can easily do by adding a Zigbee motion sensor to the system.

HVAC zoning is also a thing, but a lot more complicated as it requires dampers and needs to be designed as a complete system. You can't simply open the dampers for just the occupied rooms, you have to keep in mind that the furnace needs to maintain a minimum amount of airflow so that it doesn't overheat. You could also go with a mini-split heat-pump system where each major room (e.g., bedrooms and living rooms) will basically have its own HVAC system. I doubt that the costs of a zoned HVAC system would ever pay for itself in energy savings vs, e.g., an Ecobee thermostat plus sensors (another off-the-shelf solution that you can buy right now).

Integration is not innovation.

> All the latest developer tools in beta, plus experimental features like the Multi-line Console Editor and WebSocket Inspector. (from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/developer/)

This is the biggest difference: Beta dev tool and experimental features.

That must be pretty outdated, because I'm on Firefox ESR and I have used the multi-line console editor and WebSocket inspector.

The multi-line console editor is already on stable for me, at least. It's quite good; definitely recommend trying it out.

oppressive leaders -> disarm their populations

doesn't imply

disarm their populations -> oppressive leaders

I can think of 2 oppressive leaders who tried to disarm but I know of dozens of democratic countries that disarmed their population without any abuse.

> Why would anyone worry about anonymized data?

I guess company wouldn't care, but I'd like to know if statistics that I'm part of is now also owned by someone else. I don't know why but it'll be nice to know.

It's a privilege to have any service done for you, not just waiting tables.

You are free to give them extra money if you feel that service received exceeds the price that you paid for but it shouldn't be mandatory.

Customer should pay for products and services that's agreed upon. Employer should pay their employees to ensure the quality of the said products and services. There's no reason why a quality of service should be variable based on how generous I feel.

In the places where I am immediately able to tip, I do. Coffee shops, bars, salons, tattoo artists, valets, servers, furniture movers, you name it, I've tipped them.

I think the difference is that I get a tinge of embarassment having anyone wait on me. There's a weird power imbalance I don't like. Tipping helps offset that imbalance and lets them know I appreciate their service.

I'm Korean and if I were to write an article titled "Program like the cowboys of old west" (I've no clue what that article will be about but), would Americans be offended?

Within Korean culture, Doh (도) is a same concept as Tao but I'm not offended.

I think you are being overly sensitive.

The big difference is that Tao has religious overtones to it, while cowboys of the Old West, doesn’t. I think OP was more concerned about the fact that this is grabbing something out of another culture and potentially misusing it or using it in a way that others might not approve. A perhaps more apropos analogy might be The Ten Commandments of Programming, which would be OK with most people, although the Torah of Programming, which employed Jewish stereotypes in its telling would be more problematic. And having typed that, this is where the potential issue with the article could lie: less in the title and more in the body and whether it employs stereotypes or culturally insensitive appropriations.

Throw in some references to the Islamic prophet and you'd be way in inappropriate territory then.

Isn’t that basically the first edition of Wall’s “Programming Perl”?

Something like side effects being haram?

Fundamentalist functional programmers..

Ten Akhams of Programming maybe?

The 10 commandments used to be used a lot e.g. http://textfiles.com/100/tencoms.pro

I guess a closer analogy would be an article about file systems called "The sermon of the mount", or something.

"The ten commandments of ..." is a popular trope (https://medium.com/byte-sized-code/the-ten-commandments-of-p..., https://itnext.io/the-10-commandments-to-survive-software-de..., https://www.lysator.liu.se/c/ten-commandments.html, and so on and so on), too...

Seems all harmless enough, but I suppose the risk is that when you use imagery of a different culture, you don't know what is held near and dear to people from within that culture, that you might twist out of context in a hurtful way.

>Program like the cowboys of old west

That's a very cool title for an article.

“Real gunslingers chase down rouge threads and kill them with their bare hands while the operating system and all its logs crumble around them.”

The Night Watch: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/1311_05-08_mickens.pdf

> Even as we speak, systems programmers are doing pointer arithmetic so that children and artists can pretend that their x86 chips do not expose an architecture designed by Sauron.

> You might ask, “Why would someone write code in a grotesque language that exposes raw memory addresses? Why not use a modern language with garbage collection and functional programming and free massages after lunch?” Here’s the answer: Pointers are real. They’re what the hardware understands. Somebody has to deal with them. You can’t just place a LISP book on top of an x86 chip and hope that the hardware learns about lambda calculus by osmosis.

Really, I recommend everything by James Mickens every chance I get: https://mickens.seas.harvard.edu/wisdom-james-mickens

> rouge threads

"The red threads are not the issue here, dude! ...Also, dude, that's not the preferred nomenclature. 'Native threads', please."

"Cracking Code on the Frontier: Lessons from the Cowboys of the Old West"


See you cyberspace cowboy...

> if I were to write an article titled "Program like the cowboys of old west" (I've no clue what that article will be about but)

It'd be about this! :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy_coding

> "Program like the cowboys of old west" (I've no clue what that article will be about but)

Probably about doing things without modern sensibilities of safety precautions, skipping normal testing procedures to fix an issue quickly, editing the live production server, stuff like that.


And as an American, I would not be offended. Cowboy coders might be if the article is approaching it from the derogatory perspective.

I would like to read such an article...

Colloquial comment doesn't need to meet mathematical rigor. He's just saying that these laptops do not last.

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