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Does this thing have a downvote arrow?

I wonder if this wasn't the real problem:

"Now I just needed to build the backend, which wouldn’t take much because the idea I had was built off of existing technology"

This was the problem. A naive approach to the scope of the work that goes into this all.

this is great, it saved my life!

The light in your fridge goes off when you shut the door anyway

@apphacker - are you sure? I thought bind assigned the value of 'this' in a function.

We have nested comments here. You don't have to use @; you can reply directly.

What is 'call' doing in that function? Check out dojo.hitch:


@seven - I think the reason for the article was to demonstrate that eval is sometimes necessary - the proof is that even Douglas Crockford himself uses it in his parse JSON method, as do JQuery and Prototype frameworks - and he shows us the examples. I was pretty impressed

Good point, but I still believe that most uses of eval are completely unnecessary and are a result of not knowing the 'power' of the used language.

To quote Crockford: “eval is Evil: The eval function is the most misused feature of JavaScript. Avoid it”

To avoid something does not mean to never use it at all.

The reason I commented this article was perhaps a bit.. hmm.. lets say I was in a bad mood. I felt the author just took a prominent name, a quote, and then he stated the obvious.

Crockford is talking about misusing. I probably do not know enough about javascript to know for sure, but I would guess that his use of eval is not a 'misuse'.

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