Do you mind posting the sha256sum for the zip file you downloaded? Then when someone from lastpass comes along they could at least compare it with their upstream.
Your business can be in something technical, difficult and not currently in vogue. If you hire people who can already do the work, you're looking at a narrow band of very skilled, very expensive senior engineers. You'll hire every one of those you can get your hands on, but that'll still leave a gap that gets wider every year as that older generation ages out. Hiring in the 3-7 year range can be a bit dicey too, because the mindset you pick up building mobile apps isn't quite what you need to write a database, operating system or compiler. But nobody needs those anymore, right?
So you hire out of school, build up a huge intern program and you pay the cost to train and teach. I'm not saying it's the norm, but it's why you do it when you're not just trying to save some money or compress wages further up the food chain.
Their work is pro-bono and the engagement technically starts a bit earlier than leaving jail. The lawyers guild is also the group that fields observers to record what demonstrators/police have actually done in protests.
Also the coffee/donuts are usually a separate set of people, lay volunteers up in the middle of the night trying to keep track of people to make sure they're processed quickly enough, or to give them said coffee/donut or a couple of bucks to catch the subway home. The keyword you're looking for is "jail support"
For newer developers, I feel like even the linenoise/write once jokes are pretty much unknown. For an older set you still see one-liners and text heavy scripts, but no large players are really doing greenfield development in perl anymore.
Which is a bit of a shame, because perl 5.20 is a pretty far cry from the 5.8 I was using those 10 years ago...
The gpu spot instance price is 0.1201 for windows hosts. Linux hosts however are currently running $0.0641 an hour. Which makes $0.65 utterly believable.
In all fairness, Microsoft breaks abi in the standard library with every single release. They do so deliberately to reserve the right to improve implementations over time.
True, but that's a different level of ABI. Stefan is talking about the base language ABI, e.g. calling conventions, vtable layout, etc., which is what matters if you're trying to call C++ from another language. You're talking about the ABI of the standard library -- or, more accurately, any library that uses STL types in its interface (which probably disqualifies it from being called from another language anyway).
Maybe their cdn got hijacked?