I was ready to grab my pitchfork after that first comment, but farther down:
>>Some time ago you federated with CyanogenMod. What has changed since then?
>What changed was going through that experience. It seriously degraded the UX for our users and held us back in the development process at many times. I'd estimate that all told, we lost about 6 months to a year of progress. It's something we'll probably never do again, and has fully convinced me that federated protocols are a thing of the past in this world of ours.
That's a pretty reasonable take: we tried it and it hurt velocity too much.
Ah yes, velocity. I want my secure and encrypted messaging app to have development velocity so they can add sketchy cryptocurrencies, stories and giphy integrations instead of making a stable and polished app that can send messages and pictures.
There's a time for high velocity, and a time for stability. Federation, at least officially-supported federation is difficult when it's time for high velocity. Having used Signal in 2016 when that thread was written, it makes sense to me that Moxie felt it was a time for high velocity.
I'm not convinced that's still the case in 2022. There are a couple issues I'd like to see polished in the Android client, but I have not noticed bugs or missing features that seem likely to require breaking changes.
> In general, I hope to contribute to a world where we value skills and relationships over careers and money, where we know better than to trust cops or politicians, and where we're passionate about building and creating things in a self-motivated and self-directed way.
I tried to use the linked Colab notebook to generate my own, and it appears to have been successful, but I don't see any way to view the generated images via the notebook interface. I'm not familiar with the notebook tool - have I missed something?
I ran it locally and it generated images as PNGs in the "generated_images" directory (named 0.png, 42.png etc. after the seeds provided to the script). If it works and does the same in the notebook, you should be able to click the folder icon in the menu on the left to open the file browser, expand the "generated_images" directory, then click the ellipses next to each file to select "Download".
I'm also rocking an XP3 Plus! I bought it around September because I was looking to curb my screen time. I ruled out the S22 for similar reasons.
I find that in rare cases I need to bring my old smart phone with me (traveling, mainly) for things like airline tickets, movies on planes, maps in new areas.
Otherwise day-to-day I am exclusively using the XP3. My screen time is now at an average of <10 min per day, and my battery life is between 5-6 days on average.
Super happy with the experience, and I bought back so much more time and sanity by not staring at my phone for hours per day.
What's your experience with group texting? I've been looking for a dumb-er phone, but I need good group texting support to stay in touch with my family. I've tried phones like the Nokia 3310 and Nokia 225 TA-1282, and have been disappointed in the way they handle group texting.
Group texting works fine for me. It auto converts to MMS and sending/replying works as expected. On my old Kyocera, a group text would seemingly send individual texts in a loop over the recipients, which always seemed broken.
The one maddening thing about texting on my Sonim is the KT9 predictive texting. Short, high-frequency function words such as "am", "of", "the", etc always have way decreased preference compared to larger, less common words that start with those substrings. e.g. If I type "amethyst" just one time, that word will always be preferred over the much more common "am".
This experience matches mine. Never had problems group texting. Also find the predictive text a little frustrating (it's also seemingly impossible to reliably type contractions like "I'm"), but not deal-breaking. I see in another comment here that there's an open source T9 Android keyboard [1] that I may try out...
I thought this a few years ago when I was more junior as well. In open source circles git has been used for quite awhile but my company just recently moved one of our repos from TFVC to git. A Fortune 500 company I worked for was still using TFVC for some legacy products. Another product from a acquisition used Subversion and the migration to git (even with the company using GitHub Enterprise) still took almost three years.
Getting the inertia amongst developers to migrate to a different SCM can be quite the challenge.
Edit: initially said migrating to git was a challenge. But really it’s migrating from any SCM to another that’s challenging.
There are a lot of advantages to using git, in part because it was developed for a massive project (the Linux kernel) so it's very thoroughly tested, in part because it's exploded in popularity so a lot of a tools, integrations, and documentation are available for it. However, it's not the alpha and omega of version control. Some people prefer the interface of Mercurial, some people use Fossil because it integrates issues and wikis, others have stuck to older tools like Subversion, and still others are experimenting with new approaches like Pijul.
Source Depot is what it was called. IIRC, Windows was moving to Git (through some virtual file system [0]) and had some major teams actively using it, but that was a while ago too.