The good tasting coffee that I enjoyed encompassing a meal is what kept me on it as well. A good decaf can kick the habit. I even like my decaf more than a normal one.
I've been off coffee a few weeks ago like you are now and it had the same effects on me. For a long time I got back into normal sleeping habits without even doing anything for it. I just got sleepy in the evening.
Then I started drinking some normal coffee again to push the boundaries at night (learning, programming) and here I am. It's 6 in the morning and it'll be a few hours before I go to bed.
I've planned on decreasing my caffeine intake again - actually avoided coffee but kept drinking sugar-free caffeinated soda, but cold-turkey is definitely the better way and it's my end-goal to go caffeine-free anyway. So this article and the discussion here had at least some impact. ;-)
To clarify the last paragraph: From experience I actually have doubts that just lowering intake works for me. I'll need to find a good replacement for a cold coke zero, though. There is a decaf version of coke too, maybe I'll try that again, or I'll try to avoid soda completely.
> Flash not only has issues with "mobile devices", it severely hurts everyone who's trying to create new platforms - any kind of platforms. If you want to tinker with a CPU and a pair of micro-controllers, after some soldiering and bootstrapping linux on it you'll be able to run any web app you want on your very own platform, which is cool. Flash prevents this from happening in the first place.
What exactly does this have to do with flash though?
How does flash really prevent you from doing this? I suppose you mean without a flash-player on a platform you can't run swf's? Well okay, I think "prevents" is the wrong word here, even though I don't just mean to nitpick.
The biggest selling points for flash are it's ubiquity and the fact that you get around the download-hurdle when using it. It will be a while until there is a solution that 1) addresses those two problems and 2) does everything that flash does and does it just as well.
Of course flash isn't perfect, but there are good reasons for why it exists and will remain doing so for at least the near future.
I've been off coffee a few weeks ago like you are now and it had the same effects on me. For a long time I got back into normal sleeping habits without even doing anything for it. I just got sleepy in the evening.
Then I started drinking some normal coffee again to push the boundaries at night (learning, programming) and here I am. It's 6 in the morning and it'll be a few hours before I go to bed.
I've planned on decreasing my caffeine intake again - actually avoided coffee but kept drinking sugar-free caffeinated soda, but cold-turkey is definitely the better way and it's my end-goal to go caffeine-free anyway. So this article and the discussion here had at least some impact. ;-)
To clarify the last paragraph: From experience I actually have doubts that just lowering intake works for me. I'll need to find a good replacement for a cold coke zero, though. There is a decaf version of coke too, maybe I'll try that again, or I'll try to avoid soda completely.