Share your project(s) as 'idea' with a link to prototype - about 12,000 people interested in early stage start-ups / projects and co-founders use the site. it's a bit like forrst for developers, designers, marketers, sales, etc. good luck!
Note: I co-founded this up after not finding a co-founder for an earlier idea myself. Somehow this idea of building a for co-founder seems to have filled a need and now there are 10,000 or so incl. current and ex- Googlers, Apple, etc.
I love the topic of co-founder finding. Also because some people have surprisingly strong opinions about whether a service like this can be possible at all or if you need to go way back with your co-founder.
As was said earlier, the Dropbox co-founders did not know each other long before... I think anything is possible. It depends on the co-founders ;)
I couldn't agree more with the dating analogy. I met my gf on and years later was looking for a co-founder. I couldn't find one at first, and my focus became the 'co-founder finding problem'. Applying that analogy, out came which has taken on a life of its own :) Best of success to you!
Share your project(s) as 'idea' with a link to prototype - about 12,000 people interested in early stage start-ups / projects and co-founders use the site. it's a bit like forrst for developers, designers, marketers, sales, etc. good luck!