It might even be specific to Microsoft: once the make back the money they invested plus 100B, they are cut off. Maybe the original Intercept article has a better explanation, but it’s behind paywall.
In any case, I wouldn’t count on the deal remaining unaltered by the time they reach that, if they do.
I think what GP might be saying is that there is some risk associated with therapy (e.g. —- not sure if it’s a good source but you can find plenty more with a search) and, if today we push therapy widely even for relatively minor issues, in those cases that would have fixed themselves with time it’s possible to get a negative outcome.
The deficit since October is roughly the same as all defense expenditures:
So even if they went to zero and didn’t have any effect on revenue, we’d still end up the year with debt ballooning. The lion share of expenditures are non-discretionary, and public debt increase is largely determined by demographics and interest rates.
Same. This is more someone made it big enough to build his childhood dream house than not what I would associate with the word McMansion.
Now, if this is mostly architectural crap over standard American construction, that’s just terrifying, but even if so, the look, location, and price do put it in a different category imo.
I was referring to multivitamin levels which are typically ~100% RDA, so to get the levels the study considered harmful, you have to be intentionally taking large doses of B Vitamins which is easy not to do.
In any case, I wouldn’t count on the deal remaining unaltered by the time they reach that, if they do.