FYI something is wrong with your client side routing. From the blog post, clicking on your logo, the URL updates to the homepage but the content doesn't change til I do a full page reload.
It's like designers are the very first corner to cut. Or the dev is expected to also be a designer. It's a very different skill set. I'll build your mock-ups, or copy the look and feel of something else, but I can't design my way out of a paper bag. My brain just doesn't seem to work that way.
It seems they identify so closely with dotnet that any perceived criticism is taken as a personal slight. It's the only thing that explains such a rabid response to a reasonable observation.
I don't identify with something that is just a tool (although one of the best ones). What does piss me off however is when people perpetuate false facts, straight up lie about arbitrary matters, are incapable of changing their mind when facts change and when disagreed with, resort to personal attacks.
This can be seen through other issues in the industry but is particularly felt in bad teams - social cohesion resides on a set of commonly agreed upon beliefs within a group and the worse the team is the more such beliefs are at odds with reality, and all I've been seeing in the past year is HN slipping more and more into this when it comes to programming.
Better still, use the free geolite ASN MMDB with geoip2-golang[0]. Or the lower-level maxminddb-golang[1] if you only need certain fields.
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