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Calif discovered stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vunerability in Substack

> S3 is a horrible interface with a terrible lack of features.

Because turn out that most applications do not require that many features when it comes to persistent storage.

> When you search "golang" on google for a long time, the question "Why people hate Go?" comes up at the top.

I don't see this article in the first page when searching for golang. Maybe the results is personalized based on your search history?

> Why people in Google hate Go?

I really doubt that. Most developers I know, that worked with Go for a while, love it for its simplicity and tooling.

Single letter variables like `i`, `j`? How `index1`, `index2` is any better?

Sending heartfelt condolences to Bram's family. His last commit is just one month ago: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/4c0089d696b8d1d5dc40568f25.... I wonder who else has access to vim.org and the official git repository and if there will be anyone step up to become vim's BDFL.

Judging by that the announcement email came from his own email, I'm guessing there has been some sort of redundancy setup done when the medical condition was initially detected.

more likely a close relative simply got access to his accounts.

I'm worried about this and feel like "vim" as actively maintained software probably also died today.

Neovim seems to be going strong. https://github.com/neovim/neovim

Neovim has a bit of a different mentality compared to Vim; it's not the same project.

I don't really want to discus this in detail here as it's not the right location, but I think lots of people would be interested in continuing Vim, rather than having Vim being subsumed by Neovim. We'll have to see how things and the relationship between Vim and Neovim change and evolve in the coming weeks and months.

I assume there are multiple people willing and able to continue vim development and I think it might be important for that to happen. I just thought it was relevant in the context of that comment to mention the other project.

Whether VIM proper withers and fades away or not, Bram's legacy will live on through Neovim too.

That's a strong assumption. There isn't an infinite amount of developers willing to sacrifice their free time for common good.

I have a weaker assumption - somebody will keep maintaining it, but active feature development is in question.

I'm still waiting for a GTK and Windows GUI as good as the one provided by vim.

Even the fanless configuration is still fast enough for most use cases.

Something is very off with ThinkPad development recently. A few years ago, I could pick any T-Series ThinkPad and expect them to have excellent Linux support.

My last two ThinkPads have various annoying issues: battery drain when sleeping, trackpoint freezing after a while, fan kicking in for no reasons.

I have used a System76 laptop in the past, everything is working as it should, but the hardware quality is not comparable to Thinkpads.

> battery drain when sleeping, trackpoint freezing after a while, fan kicking in for no reasons.

With the exception of the trackpoint freezing I've had exactly those issues. I even had to send the laptop to the repair service because the battery thing was unbearable.

I was tempted to get a System76 but went for a ThinkPad mostly due to fear of the unknown. Lesson learned, I guess.

> Abstractions lead to coupling and complexity.

Without abstractions, we would still programming using punched cards.

rr is pure magic! I wish that it is available on macOS.

Isn’t Apple known for integrating DTrace in Leopard back in 2007?

I tried nvim-dap but it is somewhat clunky, unintuitive to use. Turn out that that using delve, gdb, pydb directly on the command line is fine, I don't really need editor integration.

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