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Healthcare is one of the last places I think about for GenAI but maybe I have that totally wrong. Seemingly factual accuracy is a premium in that industry. I guess protein generation is a little different.

I still don't know if you guys just don't use the new chatbots, or you don't have a speciality where you can see what I'm describing. But if you have a peculiar question and you ask it, as someone experienced in the field, you will know if the answer passes the sniff test or not. You either save yourself 15 minutes dredging up the correct answer or you do it the hard way anyway.

I had the exact same reaction.

Some cursory searching shows that it's being pitched for things like patient engagement to improve patient satisfaction, as well as reducing staff burnout.

On the other side of this, understanding usage based consumption billing as a customer is very tough. First got exposure to this working on https://ec2instances.info.

I postulate this has been the true cause of the cloud revolution: accurate usage billing.

Everyone can rent out a server. Not everyone can rent out 16.83% of a server and bill it by the second and by the byte.

These looks fantastic. Very slight weirdness in some movement, hands, etc. But the main thing that strikes me is the cinematic tracking shots. I guess that's why they use "scenes". It doesn't seem like a movie could be generated with this involving actors talking.

This only applies if these developers move to the new terms it looks like. So these large apps can stay with their existing setups and not pay the fee.

This post, along with this Simon Wardley thread, https://twitter.com/swardley/status/1088780650860158978?s=20, attracted me to finops as an engineering problem. Consumption based pricing is really tough for a lot of orgs to handle at the $1M+ range, so much so that it requires dedicated software to line things up.

I started helping maintain https://ec2instances.info in my spare time and the code base is literally full of IF statements to paper over AWS billing quirks. Later, I joined Vantage, one of the companies linked in the article.

It's a little bit undecided whether finops will have the growth that devops did but the problem is seemingly felt very acutely.

I love using https://ec2instances.info as a reference - thank you for maintaining it !

> attracted me to finops as an engineering problem. Consumption based pricing is really tough for a lot of orgs to handle at the $1M+ range, so much so that it requires dedicated software to line things up.

absolutely. massive struggle at the orgs I've been / am at.

processes for provisioning new resources haven't changed, and a lot of teams kind of push their own builds, or get reservations for X amount of space and dollars and then they can play with their space.

the result is OpEx shifts wildly from one quarter to the next, and control has been hit or miss. it continues mostly because projects need to deliver -- and do -- but that "do what you gotta do to make it work" approach has turned basically into the wild west and no one plays by the rules.

Yeah. In an infrastructure as code setup there's some more rigor that can be applied, at least in terms of tagging what's going out. But I've generally seen the finops team come in and optimize ex post facto.

Thank you for ec2instances! I use it a lot and it's really great :)

If I'm reading this right Apple chose Google 3 times over Bing.

And Apple also happened to choose Google for iCloud storage over Azure or even "build their own"


Bard is not bad but it's really Google's search generative experience that you want to have it enabled. I think it is really fantastic.

I concur: The quality of results from Google's experimental AI preview is much higher than Bard. Notable features include consistently relevant and concise results (in my personal experience), effective citation of sources, and inclusion of multimedia sources such as video embeds.

Also, I'll note that Bard has been receiving continued attention and support from Google, last being updated today. [1]

[1] https://bard.google.com/updates

USB-C actually unlocks this I believe.

If you hook up https://vantage.sh you can filter by RDS costs > Cost by Category on a Cost Report to see this.

Disclaimer: I work for Vantage.

PS. I maintain https://ec2instances.info/rds and recently added support for Aurora I/O Optimized pricing.

The salesforce object model/API is actually pretty reasonable and easy to work with. Their UI is horrible but the Lightning version is fast at least.

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