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I have 6 months with my FW16. Everything has been good so far, the laptop itself is overpriced but I'd say that the added value of repairability makes up for it. Will have to wait more time to see if they update the mainboard for the 16 inch model, but it has been a breeze so far.

Does it parse Julia files? I am having trouble with generating the wiki for a Julia repository, what surprised me was that it could parse and understand .tex files! Looks promising.

Hey ! Yes, it should work, is there a public repo in particular you'd like us to Auto Wiki? Please bear with us as we ramp up on capacity.

Quill Deltas are a very interesting concept, I used Quill myself along with Supabase for realtime sharing (not collaboration) of text and it was almost a breeze.

For MIP and LP I have used CPLEX, Gurobi and to a lesser extent Cbc. I used those three using JuMP (Julia package for mathematical programming) and Gurobi via pulp and pyomo. Of all three, I think Gurobi has a very accessible documentation, note that I am not saying better or more complete which in that case it would go to CPLEX, and the integration with Python straight out of the box is very useful. Cbc is a lifesaver when we couldn't access the academic licenses of the other two. Overall, I think CPLEX/Gurobi are my favorites with a slight edge to Gurobi. I have tried formulating problems using .lp and GAMS but JuMP is so much more ergonomic even if it's strictly tied to Julia (which I find to be a good thing).

I used Gurobi for logistics routing problems years ago and loved it. Especially loved that I could get a fully functional trial that was limited by total variables to develop my problem and use the license version for the production problems

For open-source, the HiGHS MIP solver vastly out-performs Cbc now, and is easily called from JuMP

Others haven't said so but maybe you should try Warbreaker as it's the "most" standalone book of the Cosmere saga. It's the "most" in the sense that there are still subtle references to other works but they are very minor and you can totally enjoy it without reading the rest of them first. In fact, once you read Warbreaker you can see some connections with it later on the Stormlight Archive

What did you dislike about Alloy of Law?

Not OP, but it felt less polished to me than his others. Part of it was also that he was intentionally tweaking his style for the series (inspired by pulp Westerns). No dramatic difference, but enough to be slightly off.

This book is so useful and awesome I can't even thank Peter Seibel enough for getting me through my Lisp class.

The CNC Shield is a blessing, shame the Gerber files aren't being published for newer versions.

100%, it helps so much with the wiring.

Hi, I would love to hear more about your complaints regarding UX for general purpose programming

The editor autocompletion and standard library documentation could use a lot of work. The introductory tutorials are overly focused on type theory and details and do not give a good overview of which generic data structures to use in production code. Julia's JIT is very different from other conventional mainstream languages and the process of selecting standard library generic data structures for optimal performance is very poorly documented.

There is no Effective Julia style of guide. You either have to wade through infantile tutorials for those with minimal programming experience or several reference books worth of nitpicking on syntax. The actual methods themselves are not well documented and lack examples and usage guidelines.

The language and ecosystem do not feel like a project backed by commercial funding, it feels like one of those functional languages out of academia research where the structure and design of the language are more important than actual developer experience. There are many new projects but most are not actively maintained and updated. The language itself feels massive, with syntactic sugar and weird types everywhere. Trying to understand the implementations of other people's Julia code is frustrating, similar to reading a library written in pure C++ templates. Compared to Go/Rust/Dart, Julia feels overly convoluted. Julia literature is structured in a way that seems to heavily encourage you to take regular classes and lectures to learn and pick up the language. It is hard to feel productive from the get-go.

Someone else commented with more detail, but personally I can't get past the package management and the dependency on using the REPL. Rust gets tooling and packages right.

>the dependency on using the REPL

This is a feature for a lot of Julia's core audience (data scientists like me, who grew up with R).

exactly right. REPL is a key feature for computational scientists. in physics, for example, the value proposition of python was that it provided an open source alternative to matlab (also a REPL based environment) without sacrificing functionality. i believe that the really revolutionary thing with python was that it provided an extremely fertile ground for open source development of numerical methods that far exceeded what was offered on matlab in syntax that resembled pseudo code (much like matlab). julia's value proposition is all of that, plus a much more performant base language with arguably even better syntax

Is that REPL usage still relevant in a world of Jupyter notebooks?

Getting started with Julia always just feels clunky to me - perhaps the other commenter was closer to the mark in blaming the documentation rather than the REPL itself. Either way, despite being a former scientist who has moved into IT (sadly), I get the distinct impression that the language is just not aimed at me. As such, I'm always surprised to see people trying to push it in settings outside its current realm of adoption; feels very much like the language maintainers have no real interest in that.

REPL is pretty similar to jupyter. Julia works well with jupyter, but if you like notebooks, you should definitely look at Pluto. It's a reactive notebook so it automatically tracks cell dependencies and makes it so your notebook is never in an inconsistent state.

As it turns out I really don't like notebooks, but that is due to the state issues - so it sounds like I should check out Pluto. Thanks!

I actually kinda do like Julia's syntax, but the OP's comments about poor introductory documentation for experienced programmers definitely ring very true.

PRs to improve docs are always welcome (especially from people who are new to Julia).

In order to make that PR I would first need to learn Julia, which is what I want the docs for.

I don't dispute that, but for people not noodling around with data who just want to make something immediately useful (ie general purpose programming use-cases), the Julia approach to dependency packaging is sub-par.

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