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where can I search for a chat in chatgpt? I miss that feature. Can't find it

I think it might only be available in the mac app.

Which is still horrifically slow and unoptimized. I’m not sure why streaming tokens from an api into an electron app is difficult but OpenAI managed to bungle it somehow.

its a native swift app

Interesting, and even wilder that it’s buggy like that. I get that desktop apps are probably not OpenAI’s expertise but the app is unfortunately pretty unusable most of the time as of the writing of this comment. You would think for the amount of money they pay their engineers something better would have been released.

Unusable in what way? I don't personally find the macOS app to be "unusable" at all.

Also, you may be underestimating how buggy Swift and the rest of Apple's stack are. It's hard to get those bugs resolved unless you happen to work at Apple. Thus, a lot of time is spent working around bugs up the stack. So I don't find it surprising that a company moving fast like OpenAI ships _some_ bugs. The mac app just came out this month? Give it time.

If you use the shortcut currently and paste any decent size prompt the app eventually grinds to a halt. Seems like a memory-leak like issue

what are we doing with the nuclear waste? I mean in reality not in theory. Aren't renewables cheap enough also with energy storage?


We should be burning it instead of burying a viable energy source.

nice project but this is only the database part (firestore/firebase rtdb) of firebase.

I also haven't read something about authentication and validation. You can't compare a database without auth with firebase.

Is Physx and Flex also for engineering issues but only for game physics?

It depends. The difference vs traditional engineering software is in how much deviation from reality there is, and how much you can tolerate. Both of these depends on what exactly you're simulating and what sort of results you're looking for.

For example, Nvidia published a paper a while ago using Flex as a simulation environment for training AI to perform robotic tasks:


yes code aster is great. I work on a cloud based FEA SaaS based on code aster. Besides a GUI it will also have an english API.

Just want to say that all the Angular React comparisons are dumb. It is comparing apples to oranges. Angular is a bigger framework for developing more complex stuff. Therefore of course there is a steeper learning curve. Here are comments like "react is so much more easier because it is just functions". Why not just using vanilla js because you have nothing to learn then? Or just use binary code? It is just 0 and 1.

I wholeheartedly agree, this is a false equivalency.

Angular was built specifically around avoiding an entirely different problem that the heavily debated issue here of overengineering: Multiple teams that build out complicated and feature laden systems in parallel need to make concessions to allow interoperability.

If your organization is culturally flat, Angular prevents the core of your application from diverging in unmaintainable ways.

The comparisons are valid because for 99% of the web apps out there, the makers could have gone with either angular or react.

Regardless of the underlying philosophies, the choice between React, Vue and Angular is a very real one businesses have to make everyday, so it makes sense to compare them.

I think the problem then is people not respecting YAGNI. The vast majority of web apps should be built using React ant only the true monoliths should be built using Angular.

Also it's worth nothing that React and Vue scale. They work as well for small, scrappy projects as they do for large enterprise ones. I wouldn't say the same for Angular.

I also not experienced these problems.

How can I connect or edit my profile? Nothing happens on the page

I will look into it

I like cloud firestore and firebase platform very much. It would be nice to have more query features. A simple "!=" is not possible.

Also an automatic backup would be nice (and can't be that hard to offer?).

We're looking at more comprehensive backup solutions, but in the meantime we have a fully managed export system you can schedule (https://cloud.google.com/firestore/docs/manage-data/export-i...) with the added benefit of this exports being importable into BigQuery for ad-hoc analytics (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/loading-data-cloud-fi...)

Firestore is very limited here. I trigger a cloud function on every new entry and replicate my data in bigquery. This solves the problem for me.

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