Well. I used to think the same but I found myself got used to the 60hz display within a week again. It's true it's annoying for the first few days but you know, mankind is an adapting animal.
But can Bing the default for Edge after this suit? I believe even Edge needs to ask which search engine to be used in the beginning. If that happens, possibly even more non techie's may use Google.
I'm very skeptical about that. We don't even have the technology for such display can be implemented on transparent glass. Also we don't have that good battery tech which can drive such gear and smaller enough to be hidden in a glasses.
Even if we have all of those tech today, it will take long time to make it a mass production. IMH it will take at least decades to get that level.
But we still don't have such a display tech or do we? I've never heard something like that.
Probably someone can invent such tech within a decade. But seeing it in a consumer product takes time. So it's safe to assume that it won't happened within a decade if we don't even have such tech today. Especially in this context of investment.
That's not a VR glass. It's AR. They are completely different. For full VR, the display must be completely opaque. The side must be sealed to block environment.
It's impossible to make it with a normal glasses shape with current tech and I don't think we can make it in a near future.
I don't need full VR, I just need a screen for a computer.
I'd love to be able to get some work done with just my glasses and maybe a Bluetooth keyboard ( this would be optional since finger tracker would also work )
A good starting lower bound would be the number of purchases after the fraudulent review had been left. If Amazon gets control of the content they host, they really don't have much to worry about.