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This is the first I'm hearing of JSR

Toronto's Tech Pizza Mondays https://social.linux.pizza/@Techpizzamondays

If you're here, you belong and you are invited and welcome

Requesting permission from your source control tool vendor to be able to continue your work is nonsense.

It's alive today! Sr.ht has categories of work you can't host too. Still marinating.

Fantastic! We must ask the proper authorities to weigh in, and invent something if necessary.

The language stack exchange, maybe? Social networks #linguistics tags?

Mixaprop can stand in as a name until we find one more true

I’m partial to “colloquialisions.”


Scrambled eggcorns

Poor man toes

I still like yours better

double double-'L' opportunity: colloquiallisions.

phrasal portmanteau. phrasmanteau?


Looking forward to enjoying simulations of existing train networks

What is it?

Maybe the market doesn't care about quality. Maybe the value isn't real.

Where is the code repo?

If this is another closed source platform, what reason would we have to trust it?

Do you really not use any closed source platforms? Al la Stallman?

Freedom matters. Principles matter.

But in this case, it's a continuity thing.

Pouring my efforts into something that can, and likely will, evaporate without a trace, leaving me and my community high and dry - I'm not thirsty for that kind of opportunity.

Software freedom satisfies.

As few as possible.

Because 'this dev is 3/5 on our Javascript assessment' is useless information, and it subtracted value from everyone that interacted with it

They named it after an abortion drug? Strange hill to die on

I have said and read “Plan B” many times in my life, almost never in connection with an abortion drug. Searching on Google, “Plan B” is more connected with the musician and politicans’ speeches.

"Plan B morning after-pill" is the first page of hits on Google for me, and definitely is the first thing that popped into my head. Perhaps its a region-specific thing, though.

Yeah, US-centric, I wouldn’t have thought of that. My search results page for Plan B has a musician, a film, climate change advocacy... but the ads are all for pills.

The morning after pill, taken by people to prevent pregnancy after having sex without birth control, is very often referred to as 'Plan B' in the USA.

Plan B founder here, I am not from US and had no idea this name was linked to an abortion drug. As they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity!

People in America: 336m

People not in America: 7714m

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