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The country is basically a huge cartel. The business owners have colluded to fix prices, wages, supply. In every industry or business sector. It's just effed up. Whoever has normal goals, like having a family that they can support and give them a quality of live and not just make meets end, is trying to find job in another country.

that's a global phenomenon, unfortunately.

There are no etcs and safety related systems working. Everything works manually and from notes

I use gcam on a xiaomi redmi note 7 and it recognised everything except for the animated ones.

I'll give it a try, though I don't really like manga for entertainment, so I guess it will be a bit difficult to keep me focused for studying :p Thanks a lot

Yeah, I know... :-) I have to credit the PostgreSQL core developers, you know: people experts in DBMS developments %-) They talked about it on the mailing lists almost ten years ago and I was intrigued. Since then, I probably have bought about 20 of them to distribute among colleagues or co-developers. For non-programmers who learned and created business applications with MS Excel, MS Access or Google Sheets, it was a gentle approach to relational databases and SQL, and helped a lot to migrate those solutions to (real) DBMS or ERP.

thanks, I'll start watching the videos :)

actually, this quote is from the beginning of the Myth of Sisyphus :)

"The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus. I've been meaning to read it since I read "The Stranger" by the same author, which is my all-time favourite book.

If I finish it early, I'll read "The Universe in a nutshell" by Stephen Hawking

I organize my projects inside my Documents folder. Specifically, my main folders are:

~Documents/MSc ~Documents/Projects ~Documents/Documents

the MSc folder goes like that:

~MSc/A/class ----> letter (A, B, or C) is the semester, and then the class (simplified of course)

inside each class the structure is:

~class1/class_material ----> where is the documents (pdfs, slides etc) provided by the instructor and scanned notes if any ~class1/Project(s) ----> where are the projects for the class.

Each project has 2-3 subfolders: ~Project1/src ----> source code (different approaches for the same project go in here in seperate folders) ~Project1/documents ----> reports, presentations etc, and a txt with refereneces to papers, books and websites used. ~Project1/Results ----> if i have to do tests comparing approaches, models etc I keep my results in here In the root folder of each project I keep the project requirments

My /Projects folder has the same approach

My Documents folder, for now is divided in two folders: ebooks and papers, and inside those folders are just bunch of files (with proper filenames, though, so searching is working) --- My Photos folder goes like that:


each "event" folder has the raw files and an "exported" folder where the processed photos are. If I do panoramas, there is also an extra folder, called "panoramas": ~event/exported ~event/panoramas --- my Downloads folder is just a temp folder, so there is no need to waste time there. --- My Desktop is always empty (and icons hidden)

how does that work? Can you explain?

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