I could just as easily say that whenever one argues with a non-libertarian, he or she lays out an endless series of straw men.
See how that works?
"Your argument doesn't accurately represent my viewpoint" is what both No True Scotsman and straw men are about. So rather than opting out of an argument by calling "logical fallacy" on someone, why not clear up the definitions and be sure of what each other are talking about?
Advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive;
Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims; and
Advertisements cannot be unfair.
Additional laws apply to ads for specialized products like consumer leases, credit, 900 telephone numbers, and products sold through mail order or telephone sales. And every state has consumer protection laws that govern ads running in that state."
You think this consumer protection laws should be removed?
The design of the controller is obviously very similar to a playstation controller. I don't know much about IP/copyright/patent. What are the chances of this guy getting sued by Sony?
I haven't held the device but I think it's only superficially similar. It looks like any number of after market PS2/3 devices that already exist and tbh are usually of a VERY low quality.
I'm looking forward to giving it a go though. My iPad really needs one of these.
I program. I am able to be social at a basic, perhaps proficient level. Frankly, I sometimes... no, often... find relating to other people, especially other non-nerds or non-programmers to be a real hassle, something I have to put effort into rather than just letting it flow.
With other nerds / programmers, it's easy: we share common interests. Yet where are the social venues for nerds and programmers? All in places unseen by more uh... "normal" (don't kill me plz) people. Maybe this is where the antisocial perception comes from.
One aspect of design that's been on our mind has been naming our product. Any general guidelines about naming websites would also be appreciated. (I've read GoDaddy's suggestions, but useful as they are, they're so sparse.)
Please. All that Google paranoia belongs in the same thread as UFOs and bigfoot. Let Google and Facebook's linguistic algorithms scan my every email. So long as there's no human doing it, I could care less.
See how that works? "Your argument doesn't accurately represent my viewpoint" is what both No True Scotsman and straw men are about. So rather than opting out of an argument by calling "logical fallacy" on someone, why not clear up the definitions and be sure of what each other are talking about?