I like the idea of putting founders into a cyclotron, accelerating them to near the speed of light, and seeing what kind of energy they release when they collide with other founders.
Looks very interesting. Similar but with additional widgets that aren't in TogetherJS. Interesting to use eventing model and tie it more directly to lead scoring and qualification.
I love all of the "arm chair CEOs" that assume by getting on a plane that they'll meet PMarcA in the SFO airport, they will raise $50MM on their idea and their good looks. Raising money is hard. Building a company is hard. It doesn't matter if it is in Toronto, Edmonton, NYC, Palo Alto, SF.
Which is different than pay to pitch. Pay to pitch is broken for investment. It works for PR and attention, I.e., Demo.com, but I hate it to get investor attention. The closest I've seen is incubator DemoDays, but the interests are in closer alignment.
Make sure you go your an annual check up. Figure out how to get some exercise. And pay attention to the warning signs.
Worst part for me was the 8 hours waiting for troponin levels. Well and the angiogram/pasty/stent.