I'm sorry for your loss and I appreciate the kind words.
ChatGPT does a great job organizing and simplifying the results. It handles nuance really well and knows when to say "You'd have to ask your doctor for that"
We found out my mom's tumor was grade 4 from chatGPT. The doctors released the results on a Thursday, none of us could really understand what was being said it was full of medical jargon, and we weren't seeing the doctor until the next Tuesday
So we just dumped it into chatgpt and got the info.
Getting results before a doctor can interpret them is a tormenting experience, but I would hesitate using ChatGPT for anything specific, because sometimes the oncologist can ask for a re-do read by the radiologist. ChatGPT will not interpret these situations correctly.
While integrating with OpenAI is just an API call away I don't think it takes away from the user experience. Sure its less of a moat but plenty of products have won by having the best user experience and not many new features (Notion, Digital Ocean, etc.)
Not every experience is going to be best suited to fit in a chat box like ChatGPT which opens the door for startups like this one to build something new.
I'm excited when I see products like this, and I think we really need to retire the critique of "Its just an API call to OpenAI". While yes that is a core part of it, there is a lot of time and effort that goes into developing these experiences that has value
The VTuber point is pretty awesome. TBH I'd be way more comfortable behind an avatar, I might invest in a rig.
I have some experience in live videos (used to work on FB Live and Horizon Venues) so this might be something I can pull off
Based on everyones input, posting consistency seems to be paramount. Time is super limited so I struggle a bit with posting too much but I'm starting to find a flow with recording, slight editing, and posting.
Would love to see your channel if you are open to sharing it.
Dude in a Room, who usually produces One Piece content on the Grand Line Review channel, has a number of videos on the business side of Youtube you may be interested in[0].
ChatGPT does a great job organizing and simplifying the results. It handles nuance really well and knows when to say "You'd have to ask your doctor for that" We found out my mom's tumor was grade 4 from chatGPT. The doctors released the results on a Thursday, none of us could really understand what was being said it was full of medical jargon, and we weren't seeing the doctor until the next Tuesday
So we just dumped it into chatgpt and got the info.