Interesting, was expecting a higher number. Did it translate in a higher time on site as well?
On the 20k, it's actually low for Reddit, but it's so volatile and random, i've had posts generating 185k+ views for around the same amount of points in active sub reddits.
You'll see quite a bit more traffic if you get over 3,000 votes. Seeing the 3k or the 4k threshold is a quality signal for reddit's more casual browsers.
Because people are using your product an relying on it. They can contribute $100 for the year if you really wanted. $10 to pay and $90 for your time lol
Oh man, I love how now that I've decided to kill it I'm urged to bring it back. I proves how much I suck at marketing that the most press I get about it is about it retiring. Shoot me a PM on how to contact you and I'll let you know if I open source it.
Maybe I am missing something, but I'm not sure if I can PM or not -- hoping you see this, if so you can contact me via email at my username at gmail dot com. Would be really cool to run a copy of this in-house.