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"Each returned URL is unique and valid for a single usage, under the specified conditions."

Where and how is the url actually invalidated after it is used? (or are you relying on expiration as invalidation?)

If the only thing that ever comes of this is containing GIF reactions to the original message's thread this is the best, most productivity-boosting slack update ever.

This morning was real confusing. Couldn't find any status pages showing disruption, users couldn't log into the system but could use it if they were already logged in.

Ran around like a headless chicken until I spotted this and a couple of vague tweets about Google+ being down.

How many years therapy does this come with for the person who has to push down the motherboard lever?

None, since it's a PCI-E card, not a processor.

(I'm assuming you were referring to the possibility of bending pins by trying to mount a processor incorrectly? Might be way off.)

He might have been referring to the non-pci-e version that's in the works, as hendzen pointed out: http://www.nextplatform.com/2015/03/25/more-knights-landing-...

It looks really beefy.

Modern (science-based) medicine is a miracle of biblical proportions.

Cataract surgery is not exactly modern medicine. There are records [1] of cataract surgery as far as 2500 BC, that is, more than 4000 years ago.

[1] http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/42710/InTech-The_history_of_c...

Removing the infected lens is something, replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens implant is something else.

Wow, this is a fantastic visualization of algorithms with scary doctoral-thesis-y names. I love visualizations that make scary things simple.

So now it's down to a game of slapsies, but with borders.

This is brilliant.

I'll bet most, if not all of the best sysadmins in the world would be in utter befuddlement if someone in their office was using a simple "idle" iphone as a keylogger. It's so out there that it'll make you think you're going crazy: the perfect crime.

Why would this be hard to spoof? What's required here?

Multiple Facebook accounts and a quick script?

Let's just say, it's a fairly trivial exercise if you have access to a botnet.

It seems like you have to had the account for a while. But yeah, far from perfect protection regardless.

People with networks of fake accounts routinely set them up in advance & run simulated activity.

This is normally used for e.g. selling fake likes. It's taken as a given that you will have regular churn as accounts are detected, occasionally high spikes of turnover as fraud detection and safeguards change, that kind of stuff. Often the action of converting network behavior into currency activity is what burns accounts.

Given an alternative way of rapidly converting part of that network into a compelling quantity of USD, and the fact that you're routinely rotating accounts anyway...offering to pay money or money-equivalents for Facebook connections in an automated fashion is pretty much screaming for fraudsters to call in the biggest airstrike they can before you come to your senses.

Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I was answering the 'what's required' part.

I wasn't aware you COULD be downvoted on HN? Is it just my Tampermonkey script hiding the downvote button or something?

I believe that these days you need some secret threshold of karma (HN internet points) to be able to downvote. Now that you mention it, I have indeed seen way fewer power displays of the infamous "downvote mafia" recently, so I guess it works.

You need 501 karma to downvote.

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