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It’s not that execs have investments but if a company spends hundreds of millions of dollars on half-empty buildings, they look bad and are losing money on the investment.

You run the bitcoin through mixers/online exchanges into monero/zerocoin and then to wherever to get out with fiat.

you still have to do the actual laundering at some point. just because you have $200 million now in monero (which you also need to get to first) doesn't mean you can just transfer them to your bank account. exchanges will KYC you for that, and you will definitely get flagged for a source of wealth / source of funds check to prove where you got it from

It's really easy. Use casinos in 3rd world countries to certify your money as gambling winnings. There must be underground network for this. So it looks like you're gambling and you got lucky. Very dangerous though. I heard that they charge 13% total fee. You come in at 5M$. You play for 1 week.. Leave with 160M or something. Bring that cash into the bank and deposit it.

Aren’t you supposed to show proofs of winning 160m when depositing into a bank? Even for just a few millions?

And a shady third world casino will happily provide that proof document in return for a 13% cut of your winnings.

I still think you’d get under an investigation (at least from the tax authorities, but I can imagine police too) after years of years consistently depositing millions of wins in your bank account.

I do not think shady people put their loot in bank. Most illicit activities and tax avoiding folks rely heavily on cash or other expensive exchangeable goods(rolex/jewellery/gems/gold bars/gold watches etc).

How to turn monero or Bitcoin into cash, I think is the hardest part.

Laundering it after that is, in fact, easier.

But the first problem still isn't solved with your statement I think.

For $200m yes, but you’d be really stupid trying to do it all at once. Small amounts, multiple accounts, gradually over time.

On device and not shared with advertisers is the Only Apple can do part.

S1 isn’t great, it’s more adventure of the week to get used to the characters, life on the ship etc. is not bad but it’s pretty dated. But it sets the backdrop for 3 seasons that changed TV reaching out even today - planned multi season story arcs.

Can this roll into home assistant and provide alexa at home in any capacity?

i need this too. doesn't need to be alexa - i just want my sonos systems at home to be more smart than just adding stuff to shopping lists with hit and miss transcriptions (why is "oat milk" always added as "oatmeal"?

I wouldn’t recommend it for anything large but for fast internal tools, CFML is faster than anything I’ve seen to get something up and usable. When Covid started we needed to track testing and positives and notifications - all the fun stuff. And it needed to be up in running in three days. The next day I had a release candidate and we deployed and announced it on the Monday. Similar places took weeks or had to wait for off the shelf products.

Would I sell it what I made? No, but if your primary concern is getting stuff done, it surely will.

So they say in the interview. Irregardless, if I own a car and it is legal for the police to take it so they can hold onto it until they have a warrant of I give in? No thanks.

>Irregardless, if I own a car and it is legal for the police to take it so they can hold onto it until they have a warrant of I give in?

The article says they got the warrant before towing it.

And “almost” as guide systems for bombs! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pigeon

I had the opposite vibe. Had the same process went through the call and they asked what I needed and wanted from an email client and after telling them they said that it probably wasn’t for me yet. And I didn’t sign up.

They emailed me when features I mentioned were added and then a couple of years ago tried again. Been using it everyday since then as my primary email driver at work.

They know they have a niche product - a paid email client; an expensive one at that! So they filter so word of mouth and reviews and all match expectations and make sure their product is a good fit. It has been the opposite of scammy.

TFA says finding product market fit is when 40%+ of users would be “very disappointed” if your product disappeared.

Wait! That means, if the only person using your product is your mom, you have PMF.

Based on what you said and the TFA, this is Superhuman’s PMF approach (i.e., perversely satisfy this metric by filtering users).

I don’t understand where this “engine” is, but perhaps that’s it.

The engine part is looking for users that are somewhat, but not totally satisfied and building for them.

That is - you don’t want to build for people that already love your product (it’s already great for them!) and you don’t want to build for people that absolutely don’t like your product (would need a very different product), but instead build for people that you can convert from “somewhat like” to “love”.

> TFA says finding product market fit is when 40%+ of users would be “very disappointed” if your product disappeared.

> Wait! That means, if the only person using your product is your mom, you have PMF.

This just seems straightforwardly correct. If you want to find the size of your total addressable market, use a different tool; this one is for product market fit.

They literally said you can do this at around 40 users.

By any chance do you know where the quality folks have gone?

Most likely Ebay. Amazon is built around a bait and switch tactic. If you buy anything directly from Amazon, the risk of a scam is minimal, this is the bait. However, the switch tactic is that they made it increasingly hard to order directly from Amazon by co-mingling and progressively decreasing the UI distinctions between items sold by third party sellers and Amazon. When it turns out that the article is popular and profitable, Amazon will introduce a "Amazon Basics" version of the product, where the product is branded in such a way, that it is obvious that only Amazon can sell it.

The core distinction between Ebay and Amazon is that on Ebay each shop+product combination is its own listing and the seller reputation is put up front, with the buy button below the seller information. Meanwhile on Amazon there are product listings, with multiple sellers providing the same product and the seller name being put below the buy button. There is no obvious indication that you are buying from a third party seller on Amazon, whereas on Ebay you can only buy from third parties, so expectations adjust accordingly.

I suspect many small players have simply stopped playing entirely. Most alternative selling platforms are a shit-show too so implies you are big enough to run a chunky platform yourself it is difficult to compete with the low quality low margin players.

Out of business.

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