Around the same time as they stop uBlock from as extensively modifying sites in Chrome, they begin heavily modifying sites in their browser view for the Google app.
It never accidentally deletes anything? Or I guess you give it read only access? It is querying it through this API and some adapter built for it, or the file gets sent through the API, they recognize it is sqllite and load it on their end?
Memory like HBM uses stacking of silicon layers, but NAND flash isn't layers of silicon, it's other materials for capturing and holding charge with still just one silicon plane it's all built on top of I believe.
Grandmasters usually play grandmasters of similar ELO, so it might think it doesn't always win. Even if it should recognize the player isn't a grandmaster, it still may be better to include that, though who knows without testing.
> But I can tell the quality drops even when you do that
Dario said in a recent interview that they never switch to a lower quality model in terms of something with different parameters during times of load. But he left room for interpretation on whether that means they could still use quantization or sparsity. And then additionally, his answer wasn't clear enough to know whether or not they use a lower depth of beam search or other cheaper sampling techniques.
He said the only time you might get a different model itself is when they are A-B testing just before a new announced release.
And I think he clarified this all applied to the webui and not just the API.