Yes, I'm in the Midwest. How do you get started? Dunno. A friend knew someone who wanted some work done, introduced me to him and I guess that was how the first one got done.
I don't pursue it actively. If I see someone online who wants something built that fits my schedule, I offer to do it for them. To me, consulting is just a way to learn about new industries that I can build products for.
My focus is really on getting the product business generating a steady stream of cash instead of the small spurts it's doing right now.
Not sure if it's what happened here, but - companies will sometimes "test the waters" in Canada and iron out the kinks before coming to the US. If they screw up, it's on a much smaller stage, and it can be fixed more quietly.
I've really got to force myself to learn these data structures. The circular, doubly linked list is one of my favorite structures, I oddly find myself reaching for it all the time. Which is funny, because when I first had to implement it at school, I thought I would never ever have a use for such a thing. But now, years later, I don't know what I'd do without it!
I wonder what I missed out on by glossing over things like red-black trees.
He meant that GP is so dumb that he is forced to use Linux .h in his project (along with all arch dependencies) rather than to take 5 minutes and code it from scratch. And that he is ignorant of licensing matters of GPL'd code or, more likely, he just doesn't give a f_ck about them. That'd be the gist of what ExpiredLink meant.
GP is wondering whether the original poster is allowed to use code under the GPL license by his employer. This license requires derived code to be distributed under the same license, which companies may not want to do because trade secrets etc.
Google for "BSD linked list" and get 293000 results. Its an old data structure, much older than the GPL. Also its very popular. Google for "ruby linked list gem" and simply use a debugged library. Or any other language of your choice. Being a very popular data structure there likely exist implementations under most licenses for most languages. So it just struck me as weird that in 2013 someone would cut-n-paste reimplement one found in the kernel other than for obvious academic or educational interest or direct interface with the kernel (device driver author?)
I liked this talk, aptly titled as "What you learn by doing". It reinforced the idea that side projects are very important and, that is what would allow to build a strong technical foundation. The story of Ankit and Akshay is certainly inspiring.
but the citizens of any nation are responsible for corruption. Their leaders aren't alien beings who have descended from planet Z to rule upon their country
I have been thinking about it for few weeks now and was somehow not convinced that by having an anti corruption bill passed would suddenly make significant changes.