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Is the sample from wikipedia indicative of the typical kerning for Tratex? If so, that'd be unfortunate...

The kerning is quite wide, yes.

Real life example: http://www.trelleborg.se/files/Centralt/Bilder/Historiskt/By...

Not just wide, but off balance.

Interesting to hear of objections from an economic angle. Around where I live, the argument tends to be framed as a "spreading crime" issue, which translates to allowing predominantly poor, black neighborhoods access to rich, white parts of town. It bums me out.

> Of course what's absolutely a joke is people acting all aghast about another country's culture from behind their white picket fences. You do realize that if you were born in their country, you would have the exact same perspective?

From the article:

> With so many hit-to-kill drivers escaping serious punishment, the Chinese public has sometimes taken matters into its own hands. In 2013 a crowd in Zhengzhou in Henan province beat a wealthy driver who killed a 6-year-old after allegedly running him over twice.

Clearly people born and raised in China do not "have the exact same perspective".

My wife and I have been working on our own startup: https://www.land-of-nosh.com/.

You can plan a week of meals and generate the grocery list (among other things). I (and especially my wife) look forward to the day I can integrate with grocery order and/or delivery services to have groceries ready for pickup or delivered.

> The relentless specialist themed sets sucks. The move towards many small fiddly pieces and some specialist pieces to create a Lego-thing sort of sucks.

Very much this.

I have a couple of kids, and I try to steer clear of the specialized sets. I've heard stories of friends' kids pointing out set after set in the store and saying "Done that one. Done that one. Done that one. ..."

They have no sense of dumping out that giant bucket, delighting in the rushing chatter of a plastic avalanche, then asking themselves, "What do I want to build today?"

Sort of makes me sad...

This is fudging the question, but after many months of nights-and-weekends toiling, I launched https://www.land-of-nosh.com out of beta testing today and hope to be making $1,000+/month at some point!

My wife has always hated the meal planning/recipe organization and sharing process and available tools (she'd used a few different products). After asking lots of friends for recommendations and hearing enough times, "I use X, but I don't like it, so if you find something better, let me know." it seemed like a promising lead for a side project!

Worst case: I make no money, and my wife finally has the meal planning tool she's always wanted.

My wife and I are terrible about planning meals and often end up going out to dinner which wrecks havoc on our checkbook. The problem with meal planning is I'm a terribly picky eater and there are few things she doesn't like. I've looked at meal planners/recipe catalogs in the past and I don't know that I've seen any that offer any sort of learning tool to find recipes you'll like based on your ingredient preferences. Of course, I suppose part of the fun in something like this is choosing new things to try instead of always relying on your old favorites. I'm not sure if your software does this or if there would be any interest from customers outside of myself, but I thought I'd mention it. Anyway, just the musings of a potential customer. I may check this out regardless, it looks really good. Kudos for launching.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm really curious: how do you envision your ideal system for discovering your preferences and recommending new recipes based on them? (Obviously, there's lots of ways to approach that, but I'm interested to know your take!)

It'd be really fun to have enough data on user's recipe preferences to see if sensible groupings ever emerged as a basis for useful recommendations. (I guess not unlike Netflix's projected ratings.)

It looks REALLY nice, congratulations.

It's something I could see myself using, but it seems too US-centric at the moment :) . Still, I'll give it a try :)

Do you have an e-mail or something for feedback?

Thanks! :) Fair critique for being too US-centric. I see you're from Uruguay! My wife grew up in Ecuador, is fluent in Spanish and still has family there, so there could be some I18N on the horizon!

Feel free to e-mail me directly (in my profile) or there's a feedback form on the site (in the profile navigation dropdown). I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Don't optimize prematurely, there's probably a lot of people in the U.S. that can use your site first ! :)

Best of luck :)

Edit: also, U$ 8 / month is a huge barrier for international adoption.

Good point on the pricing. I know not many people are going to see this comment at this point, but I'd be curious to know if anyone has experience or recommendations on how to do price discovery for one's non-native country!

Check the element's class/id. Create a user stylesheet for your browser. Set the element to display:none. Profit.

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