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Any Airwave Kubernetes / Infrastructure engineers looking for new work? Our Core Platform team is always looking here at Mulesoft, shoot me an email at matt.burdan@mulesoft.com.

you're right it doesn't cost money however GitHub pages only just started handling SSL certificates for custom domains recently (https://blog.github.com/2018-05-01-github-pages-custom-domai...). before that you had to use a provider like cloudflare to handle the termination.

I am so proud of letsencrypt. This is a huge step forward for https everywhere!

I wrote one using the same difference library a few months ago: https://github.com/burdzwastaken/git-rid-of-keys.

we have been recently exploring concourse and I would say their approach to CI has been very refreshing.

click your distribution (I assume Ubuntu?) here to reveal the way to install it http://cockpit-project.org/running.html.

if you are running Ubuntu seems to require backports for anything below 17.04 though.

I also had this question and it took me about 5 minutes to figure out that you needed to click to reveal. It's fancy, but not at all practical. Hopefully someone updates it to just a flat list.

AWS has an offering coming soon called EKS[0] however if you want to deploy a Kubernetes cluster to AWS sooner I would use kops[1]. however to under Kubernetes and to develop/deploy locally I would first try minikube[2] and get comfortable there before deploying into a cloud.

[0]: https://aws.amazon.com/eks/ [1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kops [2]: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube

cannot upvote this enough! seriously great open source project. I have been able to use it in large scale cross-platform deployments with great success.

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