Any Airwave Kubernetes / Infrastructure engineers looking for new work? Our Core Platform team is always looking here at Mulesoft, shoot me an email at
you're right it doesn't cost money however GitHub pages only just started handling SSL certificates for custom domains recently ( before that you had to use a provider like cloudflare to handle the termination.
I also had this question and it took me about 5 minutes to figure out that you needed to click to reveal. It's fancy, but not at all practical. Hopefully someone updates it to just a flat list.
AWS has an offering coming soon called EKS[0] however if you want to deploy a Kubernetes cluster to AWS sooner I would use kops[1]. however to under Kubernetes and to develop/deploy locally I would first try minikube[2] and get comfortable there before deploying into a cloud.
cannot upvote this enough! seriously great open source project. I have been able to use it in large scale cross-platform deployments with great success.