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The only way to play Fortnite on Android is by installing the Epic Games app directly from their website. That’s many millions of users who’ve already had to install a third party store to play a popular game.

React is not traditionally used for making games, but that's part of the fun and the challenge. React Jam is particularly relevant for React devs who wanna make a game, but don't wanna learn Unity, Unreal, or some other game engine.

This is the 3rd React Jam. We got a lot of requests to do a React Jam over the winter holidays so we've organized one. We chose to make it a bit longer (13 days instead of 10 days) to help account for being busy with family events etc.

>> React is not traditionally used for making games, but that's part of the fun and the challenge.

From https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38437821 :

> MS Flight Simulator cockpits are built with MSFS Avionics Framework which is React-like and MIT licensed:


preactjs may or may not be faster: https://preactjs.com/

Million.js is faster than preact, and lists a number of references under Acknowledgements: https://github.com/aidenybai/million#acknowledgments

https://million.dev/docs :

> We use a novel approach to the virtual DOM called the block virtual DOM. You can read more on what the block virtual DOM is with Virtual DOM: Back in Block and how we make it happen in React with Behind the block().

React API reference > Components > Profiler: https://react.dev/reference/react/Profiler

From the React Developer Tools browser extension docs: https://react.dev/learn/react-developer-tools :

> Now, if you visit a website built with React, you will see the Components and Profiler panels.

The Redux DevTools extension also inspects apps written without React+Redux; Angular, Cycle, Ember, Fable, Freezer, Mobx, PureScript, Reductive, and Aurelia apps: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools/blob/main/extensio...

Cool, didn't know that MS Flight Simulator cockpits used a React-like framework. Thanks for sharing!


From https://news.ycombinator.com/context?id=35887168 re: ipyflow I learned about ReactiveX for Python (RxPY) https://rxpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .

https://github.com/ipyflow/ipyflow :

> IPyflow is a next-generation Python kernel for Jupyter and other notebook interfaces that tracks dataflow relationships between symbols and cells during a given interactive session, thereby making it easier to reason about notebook state.

FWIU e.g. panda3d does not have a react or rxpy-like API, but probably does have a component tree model?

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38527552 :

>> It actually looks like pygame-web (pygbag) supports panda3d and harfang in WASM

> Harfang and panda3d do 3D with WebGL, but FWIU not yet agents in SSBO/VBO/GPUBuffer

Linear is nice although it’s getting more and more like Jira (read: bloated)

I think https://competition-policy.ec.europa.eu/antitrust/procedures... would be better for contacting EU antitrust.

Here you can specifically create new antitrust complaints.

If you're interested in making games using React as well, I'm helping organize the React Jam. It's a game jam that only accepts games made using React. It runs from July 20th to 30th, and it's the perfect jam for React devs looking to make their first game.


Awesome that you made a game for Steam with React! Haha, there's some examples of other games on the website. People make beautiful 3D games using React, which was crazy to me initially.

Hope you'll join the game jam!

VentureBeat also just published an article on React Jam: https://venturebeat.com/games/react-announces-its-first-game...

I thoroughly enjoyed https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28105277-multiplayer-gam... and would highly recommend it!

You could use TimescaleDB which is a Postgres extension that adds support for columnar tables and time-based chunking. Works brilliantly IMO.

Awesome games! Simple and captivating.

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