Absolutely. At theconversation.edu.au we run a content site—we publish the news, which is the same for everyone. This means we can cache the front page and all the articles as static HTML, and then annotate the page with user info for signed-in commenters, editorial controls for signed-in editors, and so on.
(We have a separate cookie that is present for signed-in users, so the fronted knows whether it should fire the annotation request.)
The result is that we can serve a sudden influx of unauthenticated users (e.g. from Google News or StumbleUpon) from nginx alone, which gives us massive scale from very little hardware. It's likely that the network is actually the bottleneck in this case, and not nginx.
The cached page contains content suitable for everyone, so it looks the the user is logged out.
An extra AJAX request grabs the users logged in status, CSRF token and similar data as JSON and then modifies the page so the user sees what they expect (a logout button, a comment form, etc).
Great post. I didn't understand the role of controllers and directives but this explained them well with a thoughtful walk through.
The idea of wrapping distinct chunks of logic in separate directives that can then be sprinkled around the DOM declaratively is great.
In my view this is a welcome alternative; in my (maybe limited) experience, many other JS frameworks have you writing substantial amounts of glue code (i.e. bug-magnet code) to achieve comparable things.
Hope was definitely a bad choice of word. By that I meant, the sort of tight query you'd hope an ORM would deliver.
Anyhow, it's a matter of taste, but what may appear at first as hieroglyphics actually is straightforward. It's just that concision here means some packed meaning and some assumed knowledge, so you have to know how to read it. In this case, that's an easy trade-off for me.
I'm not familiar with SQLAlchemy, so I find your example equally hard to read, compounded by there being much more code to spelunk through to understand.
Different strokes and all that, though. There's room for plenty of frameworks :)
> I'm not familiar with SQLAlchemy, so I find your example equally hard to read, compounded by there being much more code to spelunk through to understand.
If you remove few column definition and setup code, it actually boils down to just:
class Article(ArticleColumns):
def users(self)
return self.collaborations.join("user").with_entities(User)
class User(UserColumns):
class Collaboration(CollaborationColumns):
user = relationship("User", backref="collaborations")
article = relationship("Article", backref=backref("collaborations", lazy="dynamic"))
def editorial(self):
return self.role == 'editor'
Good point, #merge isn't itself an arel method. I say arel because it's the core sitting behind the #merge / #where / #joins frontend -- but AR::Relation deserves credit too :)
The part I don't understand is the POST hitting the victim app. I don't know django but rails apps require an authenticity token to be included in all non-GET requests. How does the attacking app satisfy this token check?
The bug was that Rails didn't check for the authenticity token in case of requests that were labeled as XmlHttpRequest (i.e., Ajax), and the redirect-from-flash game allows the attacker to forge the label. The fix makes it check in all cases; this is why it comes with stuff that you're supposed to patch into your layouts and application.js to put authenticity tokens into all your Ajax calls.
Rails WAS configured to accept the token OR a custom header, relying on the fact that custom headers can't be created cross domain. The patch fixes this, by requiring BOTH. Hmmm... So how do they know what the custom header is? Are they typically static?
The CSRF token is generated and stored in the user session, so rather than just X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest, you now also get an X-CSRF-Token: <some token stored in the user session>.
Rails doesn't check for XRW anymore; it just cares that you passed a valid CSRF token through, either as a POST variable (normal POST/PUT/DELETE) or in the X-CSRF-Token header (AJAX).
In case you're wondering, yes, this does make caching with Varnish a bitch and a half.
I want know how the exploit works. The Flash app has to write a custom header. How does it know the value to put in the header, unless it's always the same for all sessions across all users.
That's the point of the fix. The header is custom per user now. Before, the presence of the "X-Requested-With: XmlHttpRequest" header was enough to let Rails assume the request was legit. Since Flash doesn't respect the victim's crossdomain.xml, this is no longer a valid assumption, and you have to use a unique header per session.
This means writing this unique value out into the page somewhere, to be included with any AJAX requests, which means that you cannot cache these pages as you might before, since AJAX calls would fail for everyone except the person who populated the cache.
That's the point of the fix: X-CSRF-Token requires the CSRF token, which is per-user, as its value. X-Requested-With, the old way of doing things, just had to be present in the request.
For those that are interested in trying out babushka, here's a 30 second crash course. To install:
bash -c "`curl -L babushka.me/up`" # If you're on a Mac
bash -c "`wget -O - babushka.me/up`" # If you're on Ubuntu
Some good examples to start with:
babushka rubygems # Installs, updates, or adds gem sources as required for your system
babushka homebrew # Sets you up for sudoless `brew install`s
babushka Cucumber.tmbundle # Clones the latest, installing / restarting TextMate as required
babushka Chromium.app # Pulls the latest Chromium nightly to /Applications
If you want to see what will happen without making any changes, use `--dry-run`:
babushka Transmit.app --dry-run
If you're on a Mac, you can follow along in TextMate too using `--track-blocks` — babushka points out each piece of each dep as it runs them. (This also works with `--dry-run`, so you can inspect the code a tree of deps would run.)
mate /usr/local/babushka
babushka 'Ruby on Rails.tmbundle' --track-blocks
Any questions, get in touch with @babushka_app on Twitter, #babushka on Freenode, or email hello@babushka.me.
(We have a separate cookie that is present for signed-in users, so the fronted knows whether it should fire the annotation request.)
The result is that we can serve a sudden influx of unauthenticated users (e.g. from Google News or StumbleUpon) from nginx alone, which gives us massive scale from very little hardware. It's likely that the network is actually the bottleneck in this case, and not nginx.