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Correct! I don't get why people are scared of writing native applications. It's not that hard.

I get "Internal Server Error" when I try to access it.

same here

This is becoming a common thing for bitbucket? Think I will be switching to GitHub.

Nope, I'm in Europe and got it. Try using this link:


I don't see it in Canada.

Me neither.

Mine defaulted to on... hmmmm

"You control face recognition. This setting is on, but you can turn it off any time, which applies to features we may add later."

Facebook is notorious for doing A/B testing and feature flipping. It's very possible they are testing defaulting to on vs defaulting to off and measuring how many people turn it off and how many turn it on after the notification.

I play them at 1.5x or 2.0x of normal speed and pause them to take notes when needed. Then, when I get to use that code in real life I just re-watch parts that are related to my task.

There are over 700 comments on this issue on GitHub. It is turning into live chat room.


Be part of the history :)

EDIT: there are now over 1100 comments/memes.

The final count was 1263 comments, and no more will be added now that it's closed and locked.

the comments are literally making my Saturday

aww i missed out

That is why I'm reverting back to WinForms until something better comes along. No proper data binding support but I can live with that.

I'm just hoping that Microsoft, or somebody else, will create a cross-platform GUI toolkit.

> I'm just hoping that Microsoft, or somebody else, will create a cross-platform GUI toolkit.

The good news is that it exists. The bad news is that it's HTML/Javascript.

> I'm just hoping that Microsoft, or somebody else, will create a cross-platform GUI toolkit

There is FireMonkey. Windows, iOS, Android and macOS. Native controls on Windows and iOS, and on the roadmap for the others. Themeable, vectorized, GPU-powered, data bindings, and can be used from C++ via C++Builder, or Delphi if you want a more C#-like language.

Here's a random video about the live preview (where you plug in a device and see live as you edit the UI in the IDE what it will look like on that device): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU_J3WxeClI Plenty of other videos online too!

(Note: I am not neutral, I am employed by the company that makes it.)

Eto.Forms is nice for this. It targets WPF, Xamarin.Mac, and GTK, so you get Windows, macOS, and Linux support with a single codebase.

This is just intermittent fasting. You can read more about it at http://www.leangains.com/ or watch Fasting Twins videos on YouTube.

RANT: No disrespect, but why is everyone using words like hacker, hackable, etc?! Are they supposed to sound cool? Or, maybe I am too old to understand it? :)

I think hackable is referring to the client side API here.

It's extendable and "modifiable". Being written in javascript, you can do all sorts of hacks around the code while not even modifying the source code itself, but using the APIs/other means around it for customization. JS injection, monkey patching, es6 Proxy, etc. Probably doesn't apply with that specific one, but putting a custom CSS onto something also qualifies to be "hackable". Basically all the web/webview based apps can be marketed like that if they don't specifically restrict such thing.

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