What makes you so sure you know best? What if everybody within the organisation did this? Why wait until you've pissed people off enough to get fired, rather than leave and find somewhere that can accommodate your great ideas? Shouldn't be too difficult if they are so good. Or even better, start your own business where everyone gets free rein to indulge themselves as they please.
Because I work on huge swaths of the business and know where the huge piles of technical debt and risk are. I also know that people that are not rank and file engineers are hired for their ability to look good not do good. They can make polishing a turd look good by selling it to executives and having everyone else polish turds.
>What if everybody within the organisation did this?
Then you get a high functioning organization that makes billions of dollars.
>Why wait until you've pissed people off enough to get fired
Leaving early is a pattern for top people. They accomplish a lot and job hop before the unpleasantness starts. It can take up to six months for an organization to react negatively to the fact that some engineer actually got credit for something they initiated.
>start your own business where everyone gets free rein
Yeah, this is ideal but you need three or four years cash runway and that is very hard to get. Incubators and angels only give enough that you become dependent on financiers who have their own set of goals.