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Exactly this! I keep seeing this nonsense that a $70/99 store replacement battery is a great cheap deal.

Yeap, only compared to a brand new phone. When you have a cheap iPhone from 5 years ago and you compare the price of a battery replacement to the actual price of your phone it quickly become obnoxiously expensive.

Yeap, everything can do nefarious things.

But, somehow I trust a random dev that refuses to accept donations, even though my cheap ass would definitely donate to him, more than Microsoft, apple and (insert BigTech here)

How do you attest this without simply trusting the dev or monitoring package data transferred by the app?[1] iOS, differently from Android, doesn’t have a explicit network permission that the user can verify.

All apps have network access by default and there’s nothing you can do about it without jailbreaking.

[1] as many pointed out: open source in iOS is a moot point as there’s no way to verify the binaries.

You are incorrect you can verify network access on iOS. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212958

You’re misunderstanding me. On android you can see if the app have network permission. On iOS privacy report you can see if the app accessed the network.

There’s an important distinction. On the first instance the app can’t access the outside world. On the second you will just know that it did.


See the author of keepassium commenting on the same issue about a month ago:


> All apps have network access by default and there’s nothing you can do about it without jailbreaking.

There is another option - buy an iPhone in China:

iOS: Disable WiFi (not just cellular) for specific apps without jailbreaking https://tinyapps.org/blog/202209100700_ios-disable-wifi-per-...

I don't understand how this isn't available everywhere. I would love to block certain apps from ever accessing the internet!

Galaxy S4 release date: 2013

iPhone 5s release date: 2013

Last official update from galaxy s4: Android 5.0.1 in 2015 [1]

Last official update to iPhone 5s: iOS 12.5.7 in 2023 [2]

I’m well aware that you’re speaking of custom roms, but insinuating that this is solving ewaste issues is disingenuous at best. No ewaste is fixed by us nerds flashing custom roms through adb incantations in out of support hardware.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_S4#Updates

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_version_history

And despite all of that, I can still use the Galaxy S4 (or even the Galaxy S3 if you really cared, specs are a bit low but it still works) as a daily driver with a modern Android version whereas the iPhone 5 or the iPhone 4 can only end up in the bin, there's nothing to be done about it.

Maybe that's a lesson to learn that we should require open bootloaders and more open systems to reduce ewaste. If Android devices were more opened, this amazing effort to save devices could be even better. As we go forward, more and more older devices will simply be good enough if you could just install software updates onto it.

And as of "nerds", I may point out that the general public doesn't reinstall their windows either and just go to a repair shop.


As anecdotal experience, the same age (or even older) iphones are also being used by many.

You technical can yes but Iphones of that age are as good as bricks in my opinion though, the browser isn't updated and is terrible and you can't install any normal app anymore.

God and I thought I was going crazy. I have an iPhone XR bought on release day and my girlfriend just bought an iPhone 14.

I can’t, for the life of me, see a difference on performance. It takes better pictures at night and that’s about everything I can notice.

At this point the only “feature” that I want is USB-C. As ridiculous as this is, the only way apple can convince me to upgrade my old iPhone is to change their connectors.

Even the apple comparison tool can’t find a difference

Have you tried to multimonitor different combinations of HiDPI + regular DPI on x11? Last time I tried to make different scaling displays work together on x11 the experience was so nightmarish that I went back to windows.

Doing so literally as I type this. I can confirm it works and has for at minimum 5+ years for me.

Please teach me how I can watch Linus Tech Tips on YouTube without ads with YouTube premium and without installing an extension.

There are several levels of ads on YouTube and paying for YouTube premium only gets rid of one.

Can't speak to this channel specifically, but SponsorBlock works incredibly well, even for medium to smaller-sized channels.

That's an extension.

Isn't Linus Tech Tips an ad, though? The only times I've looked at it all I've seen is sponsored content with breaks to talk about sponsors and maybe buy some merch. Oh, and exhortations to use their affiliate links. And that's using Premium, I expect that without it the sponsored content would be broken up by youtube's ads.

Maybe my expectations are biased by subscribing to Nebula? And for those who do, Medlife Crisis just posted a fun video on the placebo effect featuring great (fake) sponsor callouts.

Do you consider the whole video to be "an ad" when the sponsor is a shoe company and the video is about a graphics card? I don't.

They do make videos where the entire thing is sponsored by the company whose product is the subject of the video. But it's like one or two a month.

And 5-10 seconds to mention merch is annoying sometimes but doesn't really change the nature of the video.

Press the L button twice when Linus says "just like the segway to our sp.."

Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ad on Premium.

Every large youtube channel has sponsorship on it nowadays, it's like 1-2 minute ad segments in every video. Paying for premium doesn't stop that.

No, but it's easy to fast forward through them.

Or just don't watch videos that are littered with sponsors ads and maybe creators will do it less.

For all the people recommending keepassxc and are also iOS users, how do you deal with the lack of reproducibility of iOS apps?

Even “opensource” apps such as strongbox and keepassium have no way of asserting that whatever code they publish on GitHub is the same that I’m installing through the AppStore.

Am I just overly paranoid?

This is the main hindrance for me to using KeePassXC everywhere. If I’m going to blindly trust anyone I prefer to trust apple keychain.

Have you tried: settings > default apps > disable ask me each time?

Yes, it's disabled. Evidently the two options are "ask me each time" and "ask me intermittently"; there doesn't seem to be an option for "don't ask again".

> it's still light years ahead of the Bitwarden clients and extensions

I’m quite possible a simpleton but I can’t see how it’s light years ahead of Bitwarden. Can you provide an example of such difference?

Every time I used to check 1password (before the Great Purge of local vaults) I always arrived at the same conclusion. It’s a bit more beautiful but not 3x or 4x (whatever the price is) more beautiful then Bitwarden.

Functionality wise I couldn’t see much of a difference. Both save passwords, both share passwords, both generate passwords and both have Totp support.

I often regret any contact I have with the Bitwarden fanbase, because whooo they are rabid, but I guess I used to be a rabid fan of 1P so maybe fair's fair :-D Anyway ...

- https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/1620 was created 2021, after it was migrated from the issue that was open even longer in the other repo, and now they've locked the issue because they're tired of people complaining about the extension losing their credentials

- there are a ton more Item types in 1Password, which some people consider just cosmetic ("you can create your own fields") but https://bitwarden.com/help/managing-items/ compared to https://support.1password.com/item-categories/ is night and day, setting aside the native support for SSH agent that's built into 1P nowadays

and here starts the list of even more highly subjective items, which I acknowledge are highly subjective

- the folder based item management in Bitwarden is highly inferior to the tags based management in 1P. Creating folders itself is a major PITA, whereas creating tags in 1P is ... just type the new tag name. Maybe people enjoy putting the "tags" in there item's names or whatever, and doing away with folders in Bitwarden, but ... the fact they're trying to implement tagging on the cheap indicates they want tags but Bitwarden doesn't see the world that way

- I find the attachment management process cumbersome in Bitwarden, whereas in 1P there are actually two orthogonal ways of managing attachments: they can be first class Items (called "Document" items) meaning that is the whole secret that one would care about, and they can also be arbitrarily attached to other Items in kind of a supporting role. I have scans of my passport attached to the Passport item type because so many places ask me to upload a scan of my passport. Same for my driver's license on the formal Driver's License item type

- in the theme of "finding it cumbersome," I find that 1Password seems to care a lot more about UX than Bitwarden. Now, of late I am having to qualify any such statement because yikes that 1P 8 rewrite was catastrophic. But, rewrite-induced-self-inflicted-harm aside, I still think 1P cares a lot more about UX than Bitwarden

- also subjective, but I really enjoy the `op run` <https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/reference/commands/...> and its ability to resolve specially formatted env-vars <https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/secret-references> in the sub-process. That process seems to be the basis of their shell plugins system <https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/shell-plugins> but TBH I find just having env-vars lying around to be more convenient than their shell plugin system for my workflow. The fact that the `op` binary is smart enough to use DBus to auth to my desktop session means I can also use it as an implementation of pinentry

A perfectly reasonable question may be "well, it's open source, why not start fixing bugs?" The things about using folders and the lack of item types indicates to me that they're just rowing in a different direction than what I would like, and the fact that they're a commercial company means unless I directly would benefit from fixing a bug means I am not incentivized to contribute free labor

I try not to tie my personality to a piece of software, so I would definitely not consider myself a fan of BitWarden, just a satisfied user.

None of your issues I personally experienced or particularly bother me, this is probably a statement to how different people experience different pain points, but your list of complaints was exactly what I was trying to understand. Thank you for taking the time for such a thoroughly response.

As I said, my needs are extremely simple for my password manager. Just keep my data safe, searchable, available on all my devices, generate some strong password and that's it. But I completely understand if you need more. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

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