But it's look like your auto generated API support only CRUD operations, this can be very limited even for common use cases like: "Create a new order" make some business validations, store in the db, generate a pdf, send an email ...
I left OVH years ago after several outages (network, electricity and sometimes hardware failures)
Also the OVH support was between horrible to nonexistent.
All our servers went to AWS, cost more money for the hosting but a lot less in staff and no more downtimes since years!
If you have serious workload and critical systems to run OVH is a joke
So you can download and cache locally some resources then reuse them on next call while the function is still active (20 to 40 minutes based on my tests.
It's seems very interesting, but to be honest after watching the demo video, most of the thing "automated" (I don't see any AI here) are related to poor practices...
Some other features seems interesting, let's see how the product evolve.
Hey, founder here, thanks for checking us out. The demo video is a couple months old and since then we've gotten much closer to figuring out the best use cases after talking to users. Do you have any suggestions on the use cases you'd like to see the 'interesting features' put towards?
This is definitely the kind of product that takes several iterations to get right so thank you for following our journey.
Thanks for this fun article :)
I noticed your serverless function response time is between 2000 to 3000ms, I wonder why and it would be super interesting to have more details about time taken by each step of the process (python proxy / dosbox / qbasic / openwhisk)
On a "warm" invocation, almost all the time goes into DOSBox + QBasic.
Not precise measurements but: on my MacBook Pro, running the QBasic interpreter from within DOSBox consistently takes about 1.5 seconds & running DOSBox + QBasic from the shell in "headless" mode takes about 2.4 seconds.
OpenWhisk also gives me the logs of the invocations, which include debug lines produced by DOSBox, and from the timestamps in those I can tell that invocations do typically spend >2s running DOSBox.
Congratulation for launching your beta!
This seems quite similar to what we do here: https://cloudbackend.appdrag.com/
But it's look like your auto generated API support only CRUD operations, this can be very limited even for common use cases like: "Create a new order" make some business validations, store in the db, generate a pdf, send an email ...
Disclaimer: I'm the CTO of AppDrag