Maybe you missed the official acknowledgment that a priority of the US Government is to continue widespread extrajudicial "detention, transfer and interrogation" of "suspects", with the valued co-operation of foreign allies - without any kind of reciprocal agreements, of course.
Maybe I missed that because that's not what the document says. But of course, the fact that Wikileaks posted it and pasted that summary on it is why we're having this discussion, not because of the document itself.
I love working late, but my health suffers a massive decline with sleep deprivation. My immune system takes a beating and I invariably get sick after an all-nighter.
People have a bizarre sense of price vs value. This guy's self-serving article on human capital and economic growth is perverted because:
- America isn't the world, and it is becoming less important in the world as time goes on. A country with 100% debt:GDP is the last place I'd look for insight into the relationship between intelligence and economics. I'd be more inclined to look for valid relationships between intelligence and economics on a global scale. Better sample size. Less systemic errors.
- "Smart people of the highly educated sort" wouldn't have the resources to participate in the Information Society without cheap Microsoft Optical mice made on the backs of near-slave labour in other countries.
- Equating the density of human capital solely to educational attainment density is weak. Do all those MBAs on the walls belonging to High Frequency Traders on Wall Street really prove they're creating wealth? How about if they're just promoting and profiting from an economic system that reinforces the "value" they create until the next bubble bursts?
- Sustainable growth is more important than growth. You know what else I think of when I read "San Francisco, NYC, Boston"? Bubbles. Check out the unsustainable home price appreciation levels in those areas from 198*-2006. Yeah. Smart/educated.
Assuming this is accurate, you should watch your mouth, Zuck, or might bring the hammer down. Again.
Other users in other countries can resign themselves whenever they like, but Canadians aren't willing to just give up on privacy because it's a challenge for service providers. It's a duty if you want to do business here.